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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. There are a few really long series I can recommend Kodomo no Omocha Legend of Galactic Heroes Fist of the North Star Hayate the Combat Butler [but this one is only for the people who have already seen way too much anime, every minute of this one is a parody]
  2. I've been using a Tapco Mix.60 for a couple years. Works FANTASTICALLY and is similarly priced to the budget Behringers which are cheap pieces of shit. Actually, the Behringers might be more expensive by a tiny bit. http://www.tapcoworld.com/products/index.html check out which one you may need. Generally you should think of how many tracks you'll need for the next couple years and add a couple more channels to that, and there you have your mixer.
  3. I seem to remember this event, for some reason, if only because Aramaki says something like "what's with that outfit, are you trying to seduce me?" and I sat there like "what? because she got pants? what" then I fapped
  4. I'll keep my tracks secret until this whole album is finished. That being said, please PM me if there's something you'd like to see changed/fixed on my remixes. They are getting pretty old [Time To Learn being 2005, Milkyway Wishes being remade in 2007 or 2008!]
  5. Is the West getting the random Konata/Kirby remixes now? Great.
  6. I have two project songs, but I dunno WTF is going on so I'll hold off on posting them. I'll wait for what Arek and Larry have to say.
  7. I have it too. I enjoyed it, but yeah the AI is pretty dumb. The PSX game is better. You just run around in a Fuchikoma blowing shit up, and the animated cutscenes look almost exactly like the manga, where the movies and tv series do not at all
  8. I'm not giving you my old vgmix songs maybe a couple
  9. There's not really any group of people interested in turning their .xm files into a .spc. I've done it, but it's more of a stupid novelty thing The actual purpose of XMSNES was to make music for homebrew SNES shit. Also, I love VOPM. FruityLoops also comes with [or came with?] DX10, which you can get to sound Megadrivey if you keep effects out of it.
  10. deven gallo what a man the ocr panel waterboy man oh man when the speaker got overthirsty he would start slowing down extremely demanding on the thirst
  11. You missed an epic 18 minute medley at MAGFest 8 of Temp Sound Solutions performing UN Squadron. There should be video of it somewhere.
  12. just doing my job
  13. no one even listened to this at all did they? cover results: http://midr2.under.jp/compo/vol6/result_c.html original results: http://midr2.under.jp/compo/vol6/result_o.html once again, #mod_shrine people dominate the compo
  14. I made a little somethin-something today http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27211 A remix of "Below the Asteroids" everyone's most stuck-in-head EVE song.
  15. My point still stands Why would you have a "PVP race?" Also, what's your eve online character so I can gank you with smart bombs
  16. There's only room for one space MMO in my heart <3 All the stuff I've been hearing about ST:O so far hasn't been promising. Where are the klingons? If you want to carebear, go Federation, if you want to PVP, go Romulan? wat?
  17. Out of curiosity, what are your first and second favourites?
  18. IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME http://soundtempest.net/soc/remix/oc-eve-blowuptheasteroids.mp3 heavy FM synthesis in this one
  19. I would never in a million years thought of a VG burlesque show. Cool stuff.
  20. if you wish to make an apple pie from scratch... I have Glorious Dawn on my DS and listen to it all the time shit is so good
  21. So there are really people who just use the thing to play music? It still boggles my mind how microsoft didn't just change WMP a little bit for the zune instead of making this whole brand new faggot shit app.
  22. you can't get modplug to run in windows on a mac yet? that'd be the way to do it I guess. It's easier to turn a s3m file into a NSF than it is into a midi. ha ha! the problem being that mods don't exactly work like midi files, you don't have the kind of polyphony that midis do, so a lot of trackers [like me] go a little crazy with their channels, switching what sample goes to which channel, also setting custom pitches for the samples [this is especially bad with .mod files], there are also instrument envelopes and things like that. So a direct conversion is going to sound fucking bad. It's tough, but if you get someone to turn it into a midi for you, you're going to get back notes that most of the time will not work. Here's an example I JUST made for this post. A midi conversion of aryx.s3m. It actually worked better than I thought but... hahaha oh wow. http://soundtempest.net/soc/notmine/ARYX.mid and here's the original in case you haven't heard it before: http://uk.aminet.net/mods/s3m/aryx.lha And if you open it in any sequencer, the timing is completely fucked.
  23. Calamari Wrestler
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