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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I like my username but can I get a cool user title that says like... "Kill 2 families every 8 days"
  2. Hey, remember this song? I have resorted to remakes. Too much distortion? Maaaybe.
  3. This song clocks in at about 22 minutes, and it's nonstop breakcore/speedcore. I know y'all are into that, so you should check this out.
  4. I already told you this wasn't a self-plug thread :[
  5. I know! You need to use "channels>add>"
  6. Now you're feeling my pain. I've tried this before twice. The problem is there are no big sceners around here, unless they wanna come up from California. My last attempt may have been ruined because Lucreshia wanted a picnic, which seems kind of weird to some people but I'm sure she meant well. I did hang out with Xenophule for a few hours, and we went to a Rocky Horror showing but they were like, doing staff shit so I was just sitting there by myself. FAILED MEETUP?!?!?!
  7. The reason everything looks like a bunch of bars and switches is because that's what makes the most sense to have in a virtual music app's GUI. If you want notation, try Sibelius or Finale, which come with high quality samples now.
  8. uh oh HERE IT COMES: http://www.renoise.com/
  9. New kahvi guest release
  10. New Mono release by a newcomer
  11. Just rip them from other mod files Look on modarchive.org or come to #mod_shrine on irc.esper.net and we can hook you up.
  12. Are you telling me the guy who played Chapelle on 24 has to kneel down in the dirt and get shot AGAIN? He's getting typecast as a waste of human life
  13. Well, if you do a full rescan of your plugins instead of a quick refresh, it'll sort them for you. That way you know what is an effect and what is an instrument.
  14. What I do is set a VST-DX folder outside of the FL Studio directory - I recommend anyone else does this as well. e.g.: c:\vst-dx\ and c:\samples\ then all you have to do is set the directories in FL's options. Really easy! And way easier to locate!
  15. You know what else would be totally awesome? If we established a judges panel to rate the songs for us. I nominate Shael Riley
  16. hmm... I'm getting the feeling that OCR is "losing its innocence" as a community. Not sure why I haven't thought that before, but this whole rights of ownership mumbo jumbo makes it seem like you're no longer doing this for fun, but for... Well, it can't be for making profit, can it? Maybe OCR is getting too political, or maybe "ethical" is the right word. I'm fine with you distributing my song, but maybe out of fairness give other artists a chance to remove their song(s) before this policy gets formalized, if they don't agree with it [e.g. Luiza]. Zircon tells me over and over again that "these policies already existed" but I sure didn't know that! Go ahead with this plan, but my gut's telling me this site will lose something precious and important as it gains more business-like properties. Maybe it's just my own personal evolution, but it's like VG remixing is no longer just a fun hobby. I'd like to think this is just a small thing, but it's all part of a larger idea, right? I have an idea what goes on behind the scenes, and of your plans for the future, and I see this as a small stepping stone towards that future. Of course, some people are undoubtedly not going to follow you there. I think Luiza's frustration is well-founded, some people don't want their songs owned by anyone else at all, in any small or large part, and that's understandable. So I'm going to again recommend you give the artists who disagree a chance to uhh... have another exodus. Unless you have another more well-thought-out plan. edit: HERE I AM BLATHERING ON AND ON and I hardly ever remix VG music anymore
  17. Yes it is. It started being a DAW the moment you could record audio into it and manipulate it.
  18. It'll probably outlast me. I resized to 1024x768 btw
  19. I am so there I've always wanted the full version.
  20. See if you can find ChicagoOverCoat anywhere.
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