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Everything posted by SLyGeN

  1. Keys are just theory. You're probably forming a melody in a key without realizing it. You could probably write more efficiently with theory knowledge, though. Sometimes I'll write a three-minute piece in a single night. Or if you're a guitar player, all of the riffs and shit you learn are based on theory, too. Memorizing progressions... all theory. But wait a sec. If you don't think in keys, how do you know what a specific mode sounds like? I think you need to have the same revelation I did. I'll never forget when my dad played Mary Had a Little Lamb for me, and flatted the third. My life became complete.
  2. Battle theme is uplifting and bouncy? So far my generalization holds true. Go ahead and give me an instrumental written in Major that sounds morose. I agree that instrument timbre adds some effect, but even noisy instruments, and those generally used for creepiness or darkness, when used in a Major context, will sound bright and maybe even out of place. Haunted houses and tense moments are written in keys like Aeolian and Phrygian for a reason. Or they're non-functional. Again, for a reason.
  3. I would argue that VGM takes more acuteness to one's own feelings and how to evoke those feelings via the medium of music. I'm sorry if my incessant distaste for Major is getting old, but you see these punk bands trying to make a sorrowful song, and they're full of Major key progressions and chords, and it just doesn't do it for me. Same thing even happens in video games, reviewers will complain that the music just doesn't fit.. an example is Nanobreaker (although I disagree somewhat..) I also think Mario RPG's standard battle music is out of place. (Major.. har.) Final Fantasy does the music thing right. It's dark and Aeolian/Phrygian during most battles, and it's goofy and jap while you're in towns. Chrono Trigger did the music thing pretty well, too. That whole game was melancholy, and I barely heard any bright Major tunes.
  4. Death Mountain is heavily in minor. The beginning of the dark world theme, not so much. I haven't really studied the Dark World theme, this is all just by ear.. but consider moving your dark world backing to the parallel minor key. edit: Or, move death mountain to the relative Major.. it would certainly be different. I personally hate Major, though.
  5. I said standard so nobody would take it as a personal attack to their music taste. I'm not talking about Necrophagist, here. I'm talking about your run-of-the-mill death, black, or thrash. I'm a metalhead. I know what I'm talking about. The same noisy Phrygian/Locrian power chords can get old, as unique as they are at first glance.
  6. I think I was able to infer correctly on my own, but it might have been worth mentioning that the helping the old man "choice" being reduced to a mere problem also seems to have reduced the outcomes to a mere "get money" or "not get money", and therefore are not exponentially increasing the game's size. As always, a pleasure to watch and learn from.
  7. Video game music is generally more complex, and demonstrates more skill than punk music or standard thrash metal. I think this, along with the fact that VGM really does encompass all genres, explains your question. I skimmed the post above me, and in my humble opinion, think it is severely misguided, and in places, dead wrong. I'm convinced that, like you said in your post, you really did not listen to the music at all. If you say video game music is not intended to be listened to, and that it's like pop music, I apologize; your opinion is worthless to me. Deriving emotion is part of the process of "guiding" the player.. a point you touched upon. There are other places to tear your post apart, but I don't feel like it today. I think you need to quit playing the devil's advocate solely to do so, and instead, really give your stance some thought.
  8. You mean multiple licenses for use solely on campus, right? That would be great. Then it's even better. Case 1 and 2: Someone has paid them a sum for my use of this software. And yes, I agree with the notions brought up that one should delete the pirated software once they no longer have their other free alternative of using a lab. Thanks for the compliment, as well. Seldom do I feel that others have taken the time to really consider my argument, when I do my very best to consider theirs. I hope I come across as giving the rest of you that same respect. I don't think I can justify downloading music, though. But damn it, I'll let you know if I figure one out ;P
  9. Oh, this dude is being serious? I thought he was just another jackass making fake tutorial videos.
  10. I don't get it. He's counting too fast. What's the punchline?
  11. That reminds me. I had a credit card tied to my mother's account, and the shitty thing was, we found out that that was not building me any credit. I saw that Zircon mentioned doing something like this? Or did you mean the other way around, and tie a wealthier person to your account? And yeah, I was using a CitiBank Rewards card everywhere I went, and I paid everything off every month. There were no added fees. Thanks to the rewards, I got the first two seasons of Two and a Half Men for free. Also, a little bit of a hassle, but really pretty cool: They automatically sent me a new card with a new number saying something to the extent of they thought my credit card number had been compromised. I'm pretty safe with my card, but it's still pretty cool they they're helping me be better safe than sorry, and I didn't have to cancel a thing. They did it all. Is AMEX or Discover any better than Visa or MC? I notice that AMEX is accepted a little less often than MC and Visa, and Discover is accepted even less than AMEX. Is there a reason? Is it a good idea for me to try and get a Discover or AMEX card, and use MC only when I can't use the others?
  12. If I decide against commuting to a lab with software that I am entitled to use, and instead pirate the same software, I'm doing my part to preserve the environment. I'm being partially serious, and here's why: I think the arguments against piracy regarding supporting the company being followed up with "drive to the lab and use the software there" present a non-sequitor. I did mention before that a lot of these anti-piracy alternatives still don't support the company. At least the students are using their cars less How is that alternative unethical? Case 1: Adobe doesn't get your money or support. Case 2: Adobe doesn't get your money or support. I think a lot of you aren't thinking outside the box, and automatically hear the word pirate and the alarms go off in your head and you say "BAD BAD BAD", but you don't really think about whether any business is really getting hurt. I understand that if I'm not a student and I have no lab alternative, then yes, I should deal with the inconvenience of not having the software. That emphasizes the ethics and consequences of not having money and how being poor sucks. It was a good point. But I like this student example, because there's still an agreeable alternative of driving to the lab that still does not support the company. I reiterate. Cases 1 and 2, both: Adobe does not get your money or support.
  13. If you're doing that, then you have little to no credit. Since I'm in college now, the parents are pressing me to get a credit card and use it often to build credit. Although I'm interested to hear more about what you had to say, Zirc. How does signing up for a new card adversely affect your credit score?
  14. Oh, I took no offense or other personal issue with that post. And you're right, I assumed that Omnisphere was a game. Thanks for setting me straight. Mincing words, likewise, was not directed at you specifically. I see that others are now also getting fed up with the general habit of arguing over definitions.
  15. I agree with just about everything in that post. Cubase is no longer on my system. I think your example about Omnisphere is fallaciously confusing physical theft for pirating theft. (I don't mind calling it theft. Don't fucking mince words you guys, but understand that there is a difference between pirating virtually and plundering physical items, therefore calling both thievery gives the false impression that they are mutually exclusive in consequence) BGC, I think your agreeable post should apply to the Omnisphere example as well. Of course he shouldn't have shoplifted. If he wanted to try the game, he should have looked into demos. Or if demos aren't available, sure, give it a try via BitTorrent, and don't use it extensively without making the purchase. I've been trying a bunch of DAWs and staff editors recently. Fortunately, there was only Cubase that lacked a demo. After installing and uninstalling all of these demos, my registry probably looks like shit now. :\ edit: Please stop comparing DVD use and a theater ticket. A ticket's inability to get disc scratches is only one reason why they're completely different. That's the worst red herring I've seen in a while. Also, one can buy digitally distributed software and back it up to the storage medium of their choice to ensure that they have a second copy around. I bought a nice VST a couple days ago, and you better believe I backed it up first thing.
  16. I think the best argument in favor of intermittent piracy is the one regarding programs one would never buy in the first place, where the only difference is the use of my personal time. The only attempts at refuting this that I've seen are poor comparison arugments like the one above me, which I hope is only facetious. I recently got chewed out in ReMixing for using a pirated copy of an old, unsupported version of Steinberg Cubase. Steinberg doesn't do demos, and I wanted to try it. I wouldn't have simply went out and bought it, and now that I've used it (and other demos), I won't be buying or using it. Bottom line, piracy or not, they aren't getting any dough from me. No harm. (and in my opinion, no foul.) Yes there are alternative programs to use and I could have simply ignored Cubase altogether. But before telling me that, one must be able to explain how I've wronged anybody. (and to those familiar with that little ordeal, all staff editors that I've seen built into actual DAW's are all absolute fucking jokes. Sonar was the worst.)
  17. I would've contacted id about it to avoid having to pirate it. If that ended up being fruitless, then yeah I would have done what you did. Or returned the disc.
  18. Apply your morals to paying 30 bones for a copy of Chrono Trigger or FFVII. Both solutions are wrong from an economic standpoint. Also, a plus for being an audiophile: I buy CDs even after I've acquired mp3s because I want lossless audio. I also despise iTunes for this reason. Something else to consider is letting friends borrow DVDs versus making them rent their own copy. Nobody sees a problem with that of course, but there's still economic loss. Another thing to consider... what about downloading TV shows? I missed 24 last night, and you better believe I'm leeching it to my harddrive right now. But it's the same as if I had watched it on TV and stepped away during the commercials. (Even though those damn things play at clip-level volumes all the way through)
  19. My phone plays when I get a call.
  20. That list made me shit brix a little bit. Just start talking to people, the deed will happen eventually.
  21. Just as good, attach a note to him saying "remember to save" yet another note saying "remember to get milk" would also be nice.
  22. I still say you should really consider that you won't enjoy FireRed and LeafGreen as much as most of these guys who have played the original Red and Blue.. The main problem I see with beginning with the GBA ones is that, if you were to ever play a Gameboy edition, it would seem like a general downgrade. celebi fail edit: NNY actually brings up a good point. You won't have any multiplayer fun if you start with the Gameboy/Advance ones, because everyone's since moved on. But then you'd have to begin with the Platinum version, and this thread has generally agreed that Platinum isn't the best place to begin. I never really played multiplayer anyway.
  23. Crystal is my favorite in the series. If you want a good story and a good game, check out Crystal. It's made in such a way that if you want to keep it simple, you can keep it simple. And if you want to make things complex with breeding and stat gains and shit, you can. (And yes, do go with Crystal over Gold or Silver. There are a few actual graphical differences (burnt tower is really burnt), and it goes into the story of the Brass and Tin tower, and the Unown Ruins more than the original two.) And yes, do pay attention to the story. It's not really a children's game. FireLeafGreenRed still has a bit of a children's feel to it, and the main value that comes from it is nostalgic value which you won't be able to partake in. Plus, typhlosion is so cute <3 start with Cyndaquil. Almost as cute as Mechafone's kittens. Starting with Yellow and then moving to Crystal would really be the ideal way to go, but Crystal is much more polished (Multiple colors displayed at once... sorted item pockets... visual EXP bar). So I wouldn't want Yellow to turn you off by having a little of the inevitable "first gen" sloppiness. tl;dr version: Crystal. That said... Before I bust a nut in my pants, is this confirmed?
  24. This. You'll find that even one semester will be revolutionary. I'm on my second, and I'm sure there's useful stuff to be learned here too.
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