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Everything posted by SLyGeN

  1. A quick word to Gario, this was actually one of my first compositions. If you're curious to hear what some of my newer (and completely original) work is like, it's here. I like to think of the parallel fifths as a single powerful voice, but I see (and kinda already noticed) what you mean. Adding the counterpoint should be fun. I think my style has improved since the original composition of this piece. I may even make it longer. Thanks for the input; I agree with everything stated thus far, and will make an effort to work the problems out. The drums are just a soundfont from Darkesword's page.. it's called tgsf21x, whatever that means. The drums gave me some of the most problems.. I don't have any high-end samples. On top of that, I'm not real experienced with composing drum tracks either. and Damn, I wish I had remembered to post the source to begin with.. I was quite proud of some of my own added material.
  2. They could re-release the album with a new violinist playing, and stop selling the old one. Hum. Maybe that's why some companies make re-releases without really changing much. huh.
  3. So, I've been composing stuff for a few months now after taking a couple of theory courses, and have received generally positive reviews from musicians and non-musicians alike. Where I feel I'm lacking is the processing part of the production. Putting shit on paper is easy for me, but I'm a novice when it comes to DAW's. I'm using Reaper right now. After finding some cheap/free gems online, I think I've finally got something approaching OCR standards. So, here's my Sprout Procession. This place needs some more Pokémon remixes, and it'd be sweet to see my name up there. I think the composition is pretty solid, although I'm open to suggestions. The most useful comments for me will be suggestions on making it sound cleaner (explained to me in basic terms), and suggestions of different VSTi's to use. edit: oh yeah. Here's the source.
  4. From a scientific standpoint, darkness ought to sap the good things from the opponent. I usually see darkness and light being hurled at the enemy in the form of energy, but they're really polar opposites, and ought not function the same way. I figure darkness ought to sap HP, or induce mental dementia on opponents. Light can be overwhelming energy, like always. Or healing, I suppose. I like Pokémon's take on it. Dark-type moves are the evil moves. Poor weak Pokémon needs to return to safety? Fucking Pursuit, he's fucking dead. Fuck you. I love it. That game really is pretty mean. But. It really doesn't matter either. It's all fictional. But for the sake of conversation, there's my two bits.
  5. I don't know anything about Autism, but I wasn't insulting you. I think cryspace is a clever name. I sure didn't come up with it. I used your full name so Zircon didn't think I was talking to him. He snuck a post in before I was finished. I think you saying "if it's communication, rules of communication apply" is a very basic way of viewing the situation, compared to my paragraphs of analysis. You also shouldn't be so quick to think people are lying to you. You may see someone online, and think they're twiddling their thumbs. They may have left the window open, and are doing other things. There may be server lag, where when the user closes Firefox, cryspace displays their status as online for the next three hours. With any of your online meanderings, you need to go in with the same idea as you have with OCR. You don't have the expectation of a personal encounter. You even called it an illusion yourself. You're a smart person, and you see it the same way I do. Just control your emotions over it. Your head is already in the right place. This right here deserves a hefty amount of respect. I'm glad you asked, and on top of that, are aware that the misunderstanding might have been a result of Autism, rather than getting upset at me immediately. That's very honorable, and I say this in the most sincere way possible. Digression +1
  6. Meteo Xavier, I agree with you on this level: Friends on cryspace are misnomers. I wouldn't call even ten percent of my listed friends as authentic friends. I won't tweak over those little semantics though. I just understand that it's more like an address book than a list of my best friends. As far as your foresighted trend, I haven't really put much thought into it. I just kinda go along. Again, I'm hoping I won't have to end up making a Twitter account just to stay in contact... but my having to make a Facebook along with a CrySpace hasn't been too horrible. One gets used more often than the other. The topic of rudeness on the internet is something a lot of people are taking the wrong way, in my opinion. I've had similar conversations with my dad, where he tweaks over his Yahoo Chess opponents not saying "gg" and simply leaving the table. It's the fucking internet. It is impersonal. Callus up, mutter to yourself "what a douchebag", and move on. The lack of a body standing in front of you really does change things. You don't have the other person's undivided attention, and you shouldn't expect it. People often apologize to me over IM's because they've accidentally left an IM sitting for fifteen minutes without a response. I have to keep telling them it's really no problem. So many misguided people treat web-chat exactly like face-to-face communication that it creates more misguided people. It's always the computer novices that send messages like that too.. you know the kind I mean. You're doing work, someone IM's you, and you get to multitasking between the chat and whatever else you were doing. Leave the window minimized for over 5 minutes and you get the nagging "Hello...?" messages. These people are apparently doing nothing else but sitting in front of their monitors waiting for a response. It's ridiculous. I'm ranting. I'm gonna post it anyway. I guess it's kinda flattering that I have someone else's undivided attention.
  7. You shouldn't be tweaking over people who don't respect you enough to respond to a message. I don't really see what your problem is. The issues you brought up exist with e-mail, too. Sites can be built with drag-and-drop sitebuilders. The only annoying thing is that there are six different social networking sites, just like there are three different big IM clients. Oh well. I have AIM and MSN both open. I'll check Cryspace and Facebook every so often. But it's not a big problem to open up a couple of extra tabs. It's just the new form of killing time and ease-of communication. You can find a lot of old faces on these websites. The older generation are in awe of how far communication has evolved. Lastly, don't blame these websites because you don't have the self-control to limit the time you spend on them. Sign in, respond to a few comments, and leave. But if you're on here, you probably play video games. You aren't really that concerned with wasting time. I also dislike all of the whining about how impersonal internet communication is. Send them a message to meet up at a Café. But if you cut all ties with social networking sites, you'll either feel cut-off, or you'll forget about a lot of the people you used to know. This board is the same shit. You sign in, check for new posts, respond to a few, and log off. Nobody complains about how impersonal this forum is.
  8. So instead of chiptunes, Fire Emblem is going to be playing midi samples? Why is he bitching? Midi samples sound nice.
  9. MIDI is the only computer-generated music I know about. What is FE?
  10. All children's mascots are smiling in some form or another. They all also just fucked your wife.
  11. Take a 1000mg Vitamin C supplement along with a 500mg L-Lysine supplement 4 times daily. Taper off to three, two, and one once you're healthy. Lysine boosts the immune system. It's an amino acid, so take it on an empty stomach. More importantly, sleep ~10+ hours per night. If you get congested, boil some water and breathe the steam through whichever air passage is getting the congestion, or both.. for at least 10 minutes, twice a day. This remedy would put OTC decongestants out of business if more people did it. I personally have a theory that exercising also helps you get better, because if your body temperature rises, it's difficult for bacteria to survive. But it really sounds like your throat is just swollen from allergies or something. It doesn't sound like an infection to me.. or perhaps a very minor infection. But hell, who knows. You may very well end up with a fever tomorrow.
  12. Regarding the pencil gun, I never played Goldeneye, and I still knew that it was a damn pencil. In fact, until just now, I was unaware that there was an actual barrel underneath the pencil. I figured it shot little bits of graphite. deadly, deadly graphite.
  13. I've been watching a lot of House lately. But I will admit, duckers has got me very well confused. When he appeared, I would've bet money that he'd be the new Bluefox. Now he's prematurely unbanned and acting like an UnMod vet. Proceed. Dr. House will figure this one out. It's not Lupus.
  14. You got unbanned? You're obviously the new unwitting troll. What happened?
  15. Phrygian, Phrygian Major, and Locrian modes. do it
  16. I've got a suggestion, Prophet. Why don't you see if a mod can help you with this.. This thread has loads of pages, and I'm sure the first few posts are irrelevant by now. They've had their content posted up front for sure. So have a mod delete every single post after the OP until they get to another one of yours. Then you can separate the two lists into two posts. First post: sale. Second post: want.
  17. Hey Prophet, go ahead and put a [slygen] next to Fatal Frame under the "want" section. It looks lonely. Cheers. I'm glad this thread is still alive. Unfortunately the two lists continue to grow while staying quite mis-matched.
  18. I noticed you specifically made my lips fat compared to the others that were just a line. Very observant but seriously that's not on purpose D: SF is nice for a day, but driving is hell ;o Bustatunez knew not to drive, and knew that us unsuspecting tourists would have vehicles to drive him back home in ;D
  19. lol @ me pointing at the tequila bottle.
  20. Yeah, this is true for me too.
  21. Oh, that was you?? Yeah I most certainly have been paying his cellphone bills ;D I recall saying a few things, but of course it's a blur. I certainly was happy to have gotten the sickness out of my system, though. I was more upset about missing the party than I was about the discomfort of vomiting. I wasn't going to chance making a mess in Bustatunez' place.
  22. I think the gratitude rightfully goes in the other direction. If I could start an applause online, I'd do it. G-T, I'm feeling left out. Where are the pictures I'm in? D:
  23. You remember that BUS?
  24. I was afraid I was saying things wrong or with a bad accent, because I do recall you said you only understood a little bit of what I was saying. and speaking of Gouken, WE FUCKING BROKE THE PLANE. Mission accomplished.
  25. Yeah I was down for the count right about then. Was I talking to you in Spanish?
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