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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. This is rather cool sounding, very interesting, and fun to track all the noises involved in it. Considering all the sounds used here, the song doesn't really feel cluttered or anything, it just works. (May induce some ear bleeding too, but it's worth atleast one or two attentive listens).
  2. Its very pretty, although you may want to turn up the master volume. Maybe its just my computer but I couldn't hear it *at all* untill I turned up volume about 12 notches.
  3. I have to say, this is pretty interesting and unique bit of music to listen to, I can't think of anyway else to describe it beyound "This is crazy?" That said, I rather enjoy it.
  4. Rain doesn't seem that loud to me, and I can't hear any static...or if I do, I'm mixing it up with the torrents of rain. Very fun listen though, I think it could make it. I think one thing that might be nice is haveing the song start sooner. That 10 seconds of silence at the beggining kindof bugs me.
  5. When you inflate you have to stop a moment then start blowing again (unless you already blew them all up). But yeah, just keep blowing a nice consistent stream of air over the mic and it should work. (The flute example someone else gave is a very good one actualy)
  6. Find gummies and give them to your pokemon it'll increase their IQ and sometimes they learn a new IQ ability, thers abilities that can check for status effects or ammount of PP (actualy I'm sure you already have PP checker or its one of the first abilities you'll get from a gummy). There's many other IQ abitlities too, I've recently gotten one that makes the pokemon dodge more often.
  7. I got it recently (the blue one for DS), and it's a pretty good game so far. Just imagine nethack with multiple dungeons instead of 1 and pokemon rules instead of the AD&D rules, and more of a story then "get to the end of this dungeon for a powerfull artifact". If you've never played nethack, you move a character around on a square grid, for every action you take any enemies on that floor also move or attack. In mystery dungeon you can also attack and move at diagnols. (Which can't be done in nethack if I remember correctly). Fighting involves either a generic attack, throwing stuff, or doing pokemon attacks. You can also link pokemon moves so you can do two in one turn, so you could link tail whip and tackle together and do them both in one turn, instead of doing tail whip one turn then tackle the next. A max of 3 partners can be brought into the dungeon, but it'll probably be a while before you have more than just two. You also have some control over their "AI" which can be increased by giveing them gummies. (Sometimes gummies will increase their base stats too, if its a gummy color they like). The graphics are pretty cute, most of the music is very short, less that a minute, but its catchy enough. Control wise if you get the ds version it's easier to play with the buttons rather than the stylus. And uh...the story is interesting, proceeds a bit slowly. I've gotten just over 8 hours into the game so far and only 2-ish major events for the story have happened. I'm rather enjoying the game, although I'm unsure if obssesive levels of play are as good as just playing in small spurts of 30min-two hours. It IS a dungeon crawl game by nature, and would probably get a bit monotonouse if you play too long. That said, I do get urges to play it when I'm doing other things, much like when I am reading a good book, but can't read it at the moment. I haven't genuinely felt that way about a game in quite a while. So it's a good game in my book. I was very scheptical about it at first, but it seems to have been worth it to buy. Edit: Oh yeah, and if you find you are stuck in a dungeon that is too tough to survive and you don't have an escape orb. You can chose to "give up" and send a help mail to a friend. They can then go into the dungeon and rescue you. The thing about the dungeons is that once you go into them you cant get out unless you finish a mission or get to the last floor. If you faint you lose half of your items and all of your money (always keep some money in the bank). So the "friend help" option can potentualy be very helpfull. This works for both versions, but I don't actualy know how it works. I think it uses passwords or something like that.
  8. Ooh this is nice and chopinesc, very pretty. I never heard the "awkward" chords in it though, my ear is fairly good so I dunno why I can't hear it, maybe just not expecting it to go a certain way. I heard *something* with the first listen that sounded a bit off but the next 5 listens I couldn't figure out where it was cause I wasn't hearing it anymore. It'd be cool if you took it further and put more dynamics and maybe even tempo changes throughout it (since it already has a chopin feel to it)Maybe explore the theme a bit and change up the background motive or atleast let it evolve some. For the tempo and length, this song feels very short, I hope you'll be adding more to it. (And if you do the version with lyrics I hope you post a lyrics version and a non lyrics one too ) Oh yeah, one thing not related to the song directly; you may want to make the recording louder (not dynamicly louder though).
  9. It apparently can use either the touch screen or the directional pad...but i'ts easier to just use the d pad for stuff. I can't decide if I want to get this game, or if it'll be a load though... I guess I'll look for some reveiws and wait for ocr peoples to talk about it once it comes out first. (Since normaly OCR is a bit more helpfull most the time then game reveiws).
  10. In my opinion this is probably one of his best complete peices to date, it has fun little background bits, he handled the brass much better than he has in the past, and it is arranged excelently. For a "minimalistic" peice there is a surpriseing amount going on between all the instruments, everything fits together really nicely. Even now I'm noticeing new bits in it whenever I listen. I think this is his first peice I have heard that I've liked the entirety of besides the black hole one.(I hope he submits that one some day just to see how the judges react to its disonant nature ). I'm sure there's plenty to be improved upon, but my ear isn't critical enough to really find anything wrong with the production or arrangement going on here. Hell I've played in a band and orchestra for a few years and he's improved enough that it's hard to tell some of the instruments are fake now unlike his older stuff, so he's doing a much better job at working with the samples he has when he puts his mind to it. Mr. Yoshiyami, you'd make a bad judge, you seem unable to judge things objectively or give good feedback for what you didn't like about it.
  11. You guys that don't understand dynamic contrast. Go join an orchestra or something. That or beat up all the band and orchestra directors and judges in the world (or atleast the state of texas) for emphasizeing how KEY haveing a wide dynamic range is to make good and dramatic music. Oh yeah, awsome remix, I love it.
  12. The idea of combineing "clone" characters annoys me. Who cares about "streamlineing" the fun thing about smash is the variety of characters you can use, and it kind of takes away from that to just make them into a costume. Also the fact that each of the clones DO have different movesets and playstyles. While we're saying combine all the clone characters would you then suggest to make luigi nothing more than a costume for mario? They are essentualy "clones" of one another, but I think alot of people would be very unhappy if mario and luigi were just the difference of costumes.
  13. Mostly right, but I'm not useing the cold forged hammer, I'm useing simone cultivation hammer, pretty nice for a blue actualy. +11 Int, and +36 healing if I remember correctly. That's amazeing how can you guess all of that. o_o See if you can guess my world pvp gear now! I think it'll be harder to be accurate because so many of the icons are pretty common to so much different gear. (I turn off the helm graphic outof habbit in non healing gear, cause my bear and cat gear uses shadowcraft hood...and rogues like to wig out at me when they see that).
  14. I'm actualy REALLY surprised that the patch was today, and unfourtunately it's been really hard getting ahold of the patch this time around. I finaly got it though, can't wait to get zg stuff for my gimpy hunter! Anyway, here's a picture of my healbotting self. Yeah I look like every other end game druid! Woohoo. I really wish there was more variety in healing gear and the like. Seems the only unique looking druids are the balance and feral ones though, since they don't get a set at all. I have the least stormrage of any of the druids, (only the head). Not that I want it all, I think I only really want 3 peices...so I can keep the 5 peice set bonus from cenarion.
  15. They might have changed the egg room in ubrs, my pet has never set off any of the eggs in there and he runs around pretty freely. Although I've been in groups where before the rend fight a hunter won't dismiss his pet before jumping off the balcony. I've run an ubrs with only 2 shaman healing o_o. We cleared everything but drak. (Drak was also kindof hard cause we didn't have a hunter to do the pull, or a rogue with preperation) Here's me haveing fun with the dressing room. I'll post a real picture later of healing and what I quest/pvp in (slightly less healing) I totaly wish I could mouse over your equipment and see what it is zircon
  16. This remix *sounds* good, but...it's kind of boreing in my opinion. There wasn't anything really notable or interesting about it to me beyound the sound quality.
  17. QFE. Even the different history and such aside, some "clone" characters have a totaly different playstyle because they handle completely differently, and their attacks act differently as well, or there's a different optimum point for max damage. I think the only "clone" in melee I don't like is Dr. Mario because there seems to be no difference huge enough to make the playstyle any different between mario and dr mario.
  18. Maybe I'm just being closed minded, but how pray-tell would something like that work in a game like smash? Even with two characters it just doesn't seem to suit the way the game is played very well at all.
  19. This sounds pretty cool, but at the same time it's kindof repetitive, it does it's thing then repeats 3 or 4 times... I dunno, it could probably go either way.
  20. I think russ is a jerk. It's not on the wow website sir, it was brought up in the BUG REPORT FORUMS as I remember correctly. At which point druids were told their swing timer (in caster form) does not reset because a druid is not a true hybred. I'm not pulling anything outof the air, or my ass. So stop saying I am when I'm only repeating what druids were told several months ago when they asked about it. I'll play with the "team" when one exists in a pug group, I heal when I'm on an actual team, otherwise no I'm not going to heal and it doesn't make me a moron. Like I said before, I don't heal people that won't keep me alive in return, ie a pug'd bg. End of story. If I decide I'm going to shred faces I will, if I decide I want to heal people that won't help me one bit I will die. Horde pugs beat alliance pugs just fine without my healing, so I'll just keep doing what I do in a pug. And I'll do my "job" when I'm in an organized group that will actualy do something to keep me alive if everything starts trying to kill me. Get the stick out of your ass sir cox, you're takeing what was a rather civilized conversation at one point and turning it into some uber aggressive shit. I still stand by my statement. I feel sorry for feral druids that wanted the set, as it was the only true feral set in the game. There's plenty of hybred sets out there (which is the kind I personaly would go myself it fits MY PLAYSTYLE better). There's plenty of healing sets out there. Some people shred faces, and they want to do so. If you're going to preach about druids being "hybreds" then don't say that they should be only healing. You're the kind of jerk that likes to force everyone to do everything exactly your way aren't you? I guess you'd have an anerism if you saw the way the guild I'm in is run. We're happy to let some druids do something other then heal and its fine, doesn't hurt the raid any at all, and actualy it's pretty nice that we can ask our feral druid to do other stuff besides heal, he brings alot of utility to the raid. For the record, I have played a shaman, not as much paladin cause I can't stand alliance side so much. Their swing timers do indeed reset after casting a spell. If that has changed recently I guess I missed it since I pay little attention to the forums these days. Too many morons expecting the cm's to be able to magicly fix the servers and such. I'm happy we get innervate for free now, it'll keep jerks from forceing a certain spec, so druids can be a mana battery. Which is idiotic because innervate is nothing but a cruch. Druids don't need to be resto specced to heal good. It helps a bit, but resto spec a healer does not make. I've known druids that are full out feral and you wouldn't be able to tell because they are such excelent healers. I've known full resto druids that absolutely blow as healers.
  21. I'm not talking out my ass, the devs actualy did say at one point that our swing timer does not reset after casting like shaman and paladins because we are not true hybreds. That was the reply we got when we asked why our swing timer resets. But yeah, I'm not the kindof person to "talk out my ass". I actualy do heal when I'm in a team situation, you know like running with my guild or personaly friends. But if you think I'm going to heal in a pug where the people I'm healing aren't going to protect me for my effort you're saddly mistaken, and that is the same attitude most other healers be them shaman, priests, or druids take on Sargeras. Unless I'm with a group I know I will not be protected. I'm alot more likely to heal random people in a pug then most, but I'm not going to do it in my healing gear, and that's alot more then most other druids would do that play bg because they're sick of healing all the time in pve, pvp is their "I want to destroy something" time. I'll heal pugs full of random thankless jerks when they start paying my 17$ a month. And because of my spec (I'm resto) even in my not so healing friendly gear (which still has a fair amount of +healing and int for bear gear) I get a huge bang for my heals,I'll save all the mana regen and +healing gear for an encounter that actualy requires me to heal myself and others. I mean I can main heal an insance or raid with rank 4 and 6 heals (out of 11). And I'll say it again, I use a fairly "hybred" set myself when not in full healing gear. The discussion earlier was. "I FEEL SORRY FOR ALL THE OTHER DRUIDS THAT LIKE TO BE FERAL" Why? Because the old version of the rank sets was the only purely feral set in the game. All other druid sets are either healing/feral, or purely healing. And there's still not really anything good for balance. People like to specialize sometimes, it's okay for a druid to specialize in healing yet if they decide to shred peoples faces as a cat or maul things as a bear suddenly there's a problem?
  22. I just got the july issue for NP (yay for 3 free issues). And there wasn't anything more then a short paragraph in the side bar as a blurb. Don't ask me why I got the july issue when it isn't even june, but if you guys want proof I'll scan it later.
  23. I just peeked at the druid forums and they are all angry O_O I'm sure happy I'm content with my own gear ^^. What's naxx like? From the people that have been talking about it. The instance looks like it'll be intersting.
  24. I've met shadow priests that can heal fine with mediocre gear. I've met several holy priests that can dps, they don't use their dots or anything, they just hit really flippen hard and crit alot with their holy spells. (This is post patch) Anyway, I guess I should start pvping more often since apparently my gear and spec is more intuitive to pvping then the druids that pvp on my realm... I think maybe the reason your druids can't dps as well as a rogue is cause they aren't getting good gear for it and speccing. You're right druids can do almost anything without haveing special gear for it, well except dps. Druids can't dps unless they spec and gear specificly for it. Either way I feel bad for the druids on sargeras, because the high ranking gear doesn't suit THEIR play style. Their playstyle doesn't seem to hurt anyone but the enemy so I'm happy with it. They can heal when they want to, but they aren't going to be dedicated healers, and they aren't going to run around the bg's in their healing gear. (There are some druids that do, I do sometiems when I play with my friends). A lot of the druids pvp because they don't want to heal for everything. They want to smite things. You smite things by haveing gear that lets you do damage, and the new pvp gear will hold them back a little in that regard. (Most likely they'll just peicemail something together rather then useing the rank gear).
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