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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. I don't think it's possible to get the "good" ending if you trade for the machine gun. Of course I may be remembering wrong... I actually am not sure of all the conditions for the good ending, since some of them are just from me purposely challenging myself and others are just me being a completionist and trying to collect everything. But a few of them are hinted at towards the end.
  2. I think it's pretty even actually, even if I count all the GBA and DS games I don't own but want to eventually. I did once have a GBA but my mom broke a friends so I gave him mine to make up for it. I think I actually prefer the form factor of my DS over the old GBA too. I'd like to add something to the actual topic at hand but I can't... 2 or 3 years ago I would have been excited. But nowadays I don't really care about the hardware anymore, either it'll just be another increase in power that makes little difference to me, or something where I'll have to wait and see before getting excited. Actually I do have something to say! I'm glad that Nintendo does this sort of stuff, even if it isn't always successful and makes people whine like crazy. In a way I've been thinking of some of the stuff Nintendo does as research/experimentation for new things. So of course there will be some flops in it, there always will be with this sortof stuff. I think it's better than how they were a few consoles back stubbornly refusing to really try stuff out. Someones got to take the risk and nintendo is taking on that challenge so bravo to them, whether it's gimmicky or not everything has to start somewhere.
  3. I actually use the GBA slot...to play GBA games unsurprisingly...but I don't have a GBA. And I'm glad I got a DS before the Lite, because I don't care much for the lite, or the DSi and its lack of a GBA slot. Of course since I started with the original DS I don't really care if this is just an upgrade. I just won't buy it easy enough. I probably won't even buy it if it's a new handheld cause I can't afford it right now lol.
  4. No, because what he said is true about how eyes work. Although beyond getting a pair of glasses if your eyes don't focus right it generally is not anything major. Lots of people do NOT have true stereoscopic vision, because their eyes are not properly synced with each other, whether because they don't look exactly in the proper direction, they don't focus together, or they only really focus with one eye when they look directly at something.
  5. Yikes, no I don't think it's worth it to pay near that much to see a 3-D movie even if I went alone. I don't think I'd even have paid the 15ish dollars to see Avatar in 3D, (boyfriends dad took us over winter break so I pretty much saw it for free). I'm generally really easy to amuse, but 3D movies don't amuse me anymore than a 2D one would. I do hope they continue making them and learn to work with the medium better over time though. (Much like we had to do when going from stage plays to tv/movies) It's just not really there yet but maybe it will be in the future. I'm not sure if the glasses give me a headache, cause the one time I went to a non IMAX 3D movie I forgot to bring my own glasses. And I can't drive my car for 5 minutes without glasses without getting a headache, much less try to focus on a screen for nearly 3 hours. They do however make the tops of my ears really sore, so I don't really like the glasses whether they give me a headache or not.
  6. Well that's 12 dollars I'm not spending :\ had been looking forward to playing the game with a real control but I don't really want to pay for a botched game even though it's something small like that. Normally I wouldn't care that much and still buy it, but for a game I've already beaten 100% with a keyboard I can't justify it. If it does get fixed I might get it then. Nicalis seemed to imply alot of the problems manifested on Nintendos end, but I don't know if that's just them hunting for excuses or not...
  7. I think a better question is will there be good ideas, or will it just be a bad rip off? Cause whether it's good or bad it's still a rip off. It looks pretty bad though from those two articles, the remote they've made looks...laughable...yes that's what I'll say, the less than stellar motion sensing mentioned won't help either. Sony wanting to rely on third parties to get software out also seems like a bad move. If they want to copy nintendo they should atleast take note of all the trash third parties have been coughing for the wii. I hope that they do sort everything out though and get something good in the end, I mean I will never buy a PS3 myself but one of my friends is a technophile so I still get to play PS3 games on occasion. I don't care what sort of console it's on as long as the game is fun, so I'll just hope for that instead of just bashing on it.
  8. Why not? (and it isn't "moon language"). I like this album, and I even liked most of the songs with vocals even since people seem to be talking about that aspect. I'm normally really picky about vocals in music, so I think it's pretty awesome I actually like most of these. (Not a big fan of the deathmetal sound though so I didn't give that one a good listen through, sorry to those who worked hard on that one. )
  9. I don't personally care either way since I always just buy coins. I was going to whine about them taking out the ability to do that, but it turns out there aren't any unique prizes so I won't be forced to play any of the game corner games anyway.
  10. Atleast in these games it appears all the prize pokemon/items can be caught/bought elsewhere in the game anyway. Although I guess that is little appeasement for people that enjoyed playing the slots and things. They were cut out because someone flailed around about how gambling is evil and bad right?
  11. I had one of those, I was in band too so it was really easy to build up watts to transfer over to my silver version. I'm not sure how well I'll be able to use the pokewalker now though since I don't have any pets to attach it to and I hardly walk around myself these days.
  12. The stock mac mice suck alot these days anyway so alot of mac users that don't need more buttons still end up buying a different mouse just so they don't become filled with murderous intent. I swear if I could incinerate all the mice at the university art labs I would. (And yes apple does make mice that have one button but can behave like they have two, they still suck, and it's not just the buttons!)
  13. I'm not hearing a huge similarity personally, except for maybe the way the intro is handled? I like dustmans theme though.
  14. Eh, they didn't have much of a choice, Blizzard isn't its own entity, it's owned by Vivendi, who merged with Activision.
  15. If it makes you guys feel any better I like the Nitro and Solar Man stage music, as well as the first 3 willy stages. I'm fully expecting someone to say that all the stages I actually like are the worst and they hate them but that's ok. XD The rest of the music might grow on me some once I get to play the game. I've been known to hate or be "meh" with songs, hear them months later, and wonder why I didn't like them before.
  16. Well I'm not comparing it to anything else, except my expectation that when a new MM/MMX game is created the music is good. I don't personally like the music here, other people do. For me the music just lacks energy so it's not fun to listen to or hum along with like a 5 year old. (I don't really agree with the "aw man minor key" bit though, there's tons of MM songs in the minor key, or atleast those are the only ones I can easily remember). I'm going to die when I pick this game back up at willies castle, I always need to relearn the "feel" of a platformer if I havent played it in a while. Although I still masochistically dream of a day someone makes a game that is as hard as the Sacred Grounds in Cave Story though lol. Does 10 have a hardmode and is it included....9 had downloadable if I recall correctly. I don't mind downloadable content but it kindof stinks when larger things like hard mode are only downloadable
  17. I'm not sure this is specifically the blame but you're right about it being disappointing, most of it doesn't seem to have that special groove or something. I never got to finish MM9 because school ate my soul then I forgot I had it, but I might try to grab 10 in a year or two if it's as fun as 9 was. (and of course finish 9 lol)
  18. Or toothpaste (make sure it's a kind with a finer grit, some pastes are grittier than others, and a bigger grit will just scratch it more instead of fix it!).
  19. I'm trying to figure out if you're trying to be sarcastic or if you took what I said seriously. Because if it's the latter that's funny, if it's not well I think you need to try a little harder. Either way this thread seems to boil down to "I like sonic" "why do you like sonic it sucks" "Because I have fun playing it" "But it sucks stop saying you're having fun!" So it seems to have regulated down to "look here if you want to see something silly/amusing"
  20. Ok we get the point you don't like sonic games, and you think anyone who does is silly. I don't care if you don't like sonic games, but you saying over and over again that they are bad unfun games for you isn't going to change that they are enjoyable games designs for me or other people who enjoy playing them. (Also most people stop playing hopscotch before like...2nd grade dude )
  21. I don't really expect this, cause I can say to this day I still don't "speed through" some of the levels in the older sonic games, even though by now I know the layout for Sonic and Sonic 2 levels, (I didn't play S3&K till highschool so some of the later levels I don't really know but it's very fun to play, many deaths and all). I still dread falling in the water, even though at least in Sonic 2 and even Rush I know how to avoid it or get out quickly. Whereas I used to do speed runs alot in Rush to pass the time, but got bored of it eventually. (Yeah ok I got almost all the levels to at least an A and I lost interest in getting all S's so I have no desire to play anymore). I just think the game while good uses gotchyas as a bit of a crutch for level design.
  22. I dunno, I liked Sonic Rush, but I think it had more of those moments and much more unforgiving than any of the other games, take those out and it would probably have been (even) better. The more I think about it, if any of the other 2d games I've played had them they must have been much more forgiving (easy to avoid on first encounter). Because up till rush, and the wind levels of SADV2 the only thing I ever dreaded was the zones with water cause the need to hunt down bubbles or get out quickly doesn't really mix well with my tendency to have anxiety problems.
  23. I wonder if it is literally "where sonic and knuckles left off" as in the game. Has that been mentioned before, and I wonder if it's even true. And where did Tails and Knuckles go after that? I guess it's probably better not to ask. Kind of neat if they really are going back to the old continuity though. Ok I hate speccing so I'm going to run and hide somewhere until the game comes out and I can see/hear if it sucks or not.
  24. Your point is stupid, because you don't have anymore experience than anyone else here does. Also, what Bleck said.
  25. This is a worthless point, pretty much everyone here that has played a sonic game has been playing them since the first it's not like you doing it since you were six somehow magically makes you more inclined to tell if something is funky or not than anyone else posting. I think I agree with what q-pa said, games can change alot between these little peeks and the release. You really shouldn't be getting your panties in a twist this soon.
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