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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. For the record, I can beat Seth on hardest without too much difficulty with other characters... which is why I was pretty much offended I couldn't win with Gouken on medium. MUST BE A BAD DAY FOR ME. Anyways, I'm going to be posting a bunch of pictures... so if someone wants to merge all my picture posts into one, that would be appreciated!
  2. I got a bit preoccupied yesterday so I'll be working on the photos today. I'll get it done!
  3. LMAO. This makes so much more sense. I was incredibly confused why they would have the character for "Dance" for a badass like Gouken.
  4. It was great times, but you really should have seen this bus. (Going to sleep now... posting some pictures tomorrow)
  5. I'm super stoked about this whole concept of this new Silent Hill... I even love the no combat thing... but the one thing that comes to mind about that is... what about bosses? There's gotta be at least one... right?
  6. I am down for any and all of this and I can meet anywhere. It's just that if we don't meet at the Embarcadero Station then I will need to know how to get where I need to be FROM the Embarcadero Station. I'm coming in on BART.
  7. So... what now? I mean did they even tell you they were going to use it? Was this without permission? I mean this is pretty cool to have that played in Heroes but I'm pretty sure you're suppose to get something for this.
  8. Oh we got Neko for sure now? Awesome
  9. Yea I'm going now. LucasArts tour thing pulled me in.
  10. This. I remember when some guy cried to me because I was playing Smash and kept doing the same move over and over because he kept wanting to roll into it. Why get fancy when you don't need to be to win?
  11. Only problem with that is the time travel in "Lost" is all about "whatever happened, happened." Time travel, regardless of whether you're dealing with a multiple dimension viewpoint or a single timeline viewpoint, assumes predestination. That Chrono Trigger stuff (as much as I love the game) just can't happen.
  12. The first time I got to the end of Battletoads, I beat the Queen on my first try.
  13. It doesn't take a musical genius to know it's not in 5/4 time but the reactions in this thread make me want to axe kick some throats.
  14. Randy Boyer and Eric Tadla aka EnMass had a good one a few years back. Edit: Also R3volve's breakbeat remix... which I can't seem to find.
  15. I seriously miss you.

  16. I enjoy your work, specifically the progressive house sound you got going on. There. I said it. I NEVER SAY THAT SORT OF STUFF AROUND HERE. Feel free to send me any progressive house advances. I do the whole DJing thing unlike most of the DJ names around here. >
  17. I hope the last scene of the final episode is a Jackface.
  18. I was impressed with Matthew Fox as well. He's suppose to be pretty good at what he does and I'm glad they finally gave him to flex his acting muscles a bit more.
  19. Not my cup of tea for listening pleasure, but this was flawlessly executed madness. If I were to describe this to someone, I would say it's like going through Willy Wonka's tunnel in fast-motion surrounded by everything early SNES related.
  20. Even from the end of the first season, I knew that the show was not going to be about leaving the island. They were brought there for a purpose and the Island did a whole hell of a lot to not let them go... and now it calls back the ones that got away. I'm getting pretty excited about the coming conclusion and I feel the payoff at the very end will be so much more meaningful with the show's immense character development and intertwining history and destiny with the island.
  21. OH MY LAWD. o_o
  22. Some people were actually miffed about the fact they left that stuff out. I thought it was very fitting considering the whole episode was about having faith in things that are more than just a coincidence.
  23. You mean four-toed :]
  24. Off topic but Wario is CLEARLY not a joke character and up there on tier lists.
  25. Lost is one of the deepest, most intricate storylines I've ever seen to grace television. I hate television with all my heart and soul, but Lost really is something else. I've watched every season so far multiple times so confusion about everything so far is kept to a minimum. The thing about Lost that I love is while it's a very well shot show with a very deep storyline, the show is one major distraction after another from what's important. The show loves to introduce something really mysterious only to not bring it up again for a LONG time. An example was the wire on the beach in season 1. Sayid follows it in the jungle and eventually is caught by Rousseau. That wire on the beach is definitely out of place and wasn't explained AT ALL UNTIL SEASON 3. Another few good examples are the nature of Christian Shephard's dead yet living presence, the "Adam and Eve" skeletons of the caves, and the Smoke Monster of course. I'm betting you right now that the initial mysteries of the show will not be even explained until the very end. Also Jacob? Way to introduce an unseen, poltergeist-ish character and then not address it. All these sort of things keep us incredibly intrigued. I can't wait for tonight's episode for sure. I'm really digging this season. Anyone else get the feeling that, although John Locke having such a connection with the Island and his destiny, that Jack might actually have a higher calling since John Locke sacrificed himself pretty much so he can get back?
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