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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. Remember the convenient thread alignment thread? I found these in my old imageshack account. Some of them may be unfunny but hey, they're old.
  2. heh heh I wouldn't dream of doing heavy drinking in your (or anyone's) place. The Strip is not all strippers and adult debauchery, it's pretty fascinating just to walk around because there's so many huge hotels with cool themes. Even under 18s can visit a lot of these places as long as they're not playing slots or taking drinks. It would be nice to have a few trips to the strip, do a dinner or an afternoon together, leave the evenings to those who want to go out and party or whatever, there'll be plenty to do for everyone. Closer to the date I think that "groups of people who want to do X" lists are a decent idea - like if Bahamut wants to go to shows, he can help a group of people get out and do that, and so forth.
  3. I installed this but there's only about 10 instruments in the folder, is there a list of what instruments you get with this download?
  4. This album has a very relaxed, almost elevator-music like quality to it. It's extremely relaxing and laid back. Still not done listening to all of it, I am through about the first six songs. In Flight as well as Morning Jaunt caught my attention so far.
  5. The couple cuddling in the lower-right hand corner creeps me out, especially with the way the girl is staring intently and accusingly at the camera.
  6. I haven't tried it myself (OS issues) but DJ Mokram recommended this as a good Asian flute: http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1811.html
  7. For MMORPGs: I am definitely not a person who likes to "figure things out on his own". I would much rather research the tested and true techniques and learn as quickly as possible how to apply them. If there's mathematical and empirical evidence that in fact shows that Build XYZ is in fact the best DPS under these certain conditions, then even better. As far as FPSs go, I tend to be the Run and Gun type, where I'll duck out from behind a wall, shoot someone, and then just continue on my way (regardless of whether my intended target died or not).
  8. I'm uncertain of what track I'd like to do specifically, usually I like to play around with the music before committing. But, I do want to contribute this as Dragon Warrior is an old favourite game series. Please check your PM!
  9. Honestly, if I went to Vegas I'd want to see the mysterious non-strip part of the town where normal people live
  10. When I am done with another track I am working on I would like to contribute to this project. I would have to see what I can work with though, maybe the DQ3 town + village theme.
  11. If I'm not doing intense thesis stuff during that time (like defending) then I'm definitely interested in going.
  12. "I'll show you a magic trick... I'll wave my hand over the donut here and it'll disappear in... damn it!"
  13. I have a barely-used Echo MIA MIDI sound card that I've been trying to sell for the past 5 months :3 For $50 it could be yours! /shamelessplug http://www.echoaudio.com/products/PCI/MiaMIDI/index.php
  14. Damn it, I know all about the concept of outlining, but you just told me that I could apply this to MUSIC? You're amazing Moseph. Oh and as far as music goes, I find that it's best to stick with a few key sounds to start especially when you're starting out again. When I first started One Hour Compo, I was pretty lost in terms of what to do, and then eventually I just picked up an electric piano patch and played the entire song with just that instrument. Also, I find that putting too many expectations on yourself when starting is a BAD way to make music especially if you're new to it (I don't know what your experience level is so it may not apply to you). If you tell yourself that you want to make a reggae song, and then when you put things down and it ends up sounding good, but it's salsa, you should try to avoid criticizing yourself for it and instead just go with it. I used to get very disappointed because I'd often tell myself that, today, I'm going to compose something great, and it just got me frustrated rather than encouraged.
  15. As many of you would have heard there has been a major 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti last night. It has been a little over 24 hours since the quake hit. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE60B5IZ20100112 The death toll may be as high as 100 000 people. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/01/13//haiti.earthquake/index.html I encourage you to contact a registered charity and donate some money to those who are suffering in a small country right now. From USA: http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/www_usn_2.nsf http://www.redcross.org/ From Canada: http://www.salvationarmy.ca/ http://www.redcross.ca/article.asp?id=000005&tid=003 Others: http://hopehaiti.org/ Be sure to donate through an official registered charity only. There are a lot of scams going on that try to solicit money from people claiming that they will take money to Haiti. Another advantage is that the Canadian government is willing to match all personal donations made by Canadians. So, if you donate $20, then the government will put in another $20. Cash is by far the easiest donation for them to handle so I hope that those who visit OCRemix regularly will consider contributing to help out others suffering from this disaster.
  16. I'm not telling you now! And as far as the PVP race goes, yeah it's a dumb idea. I think the Klingons basically have instanced PVP any time, but can also kill the Federation sometimes. It would have been way way better to just have them as factions and to force them to fight over areas of space.
  17. Dude the Klingons are the PVP race, you can't roll Romulan. I also play EVE Online.
  18. Clearly we should just start JaDEfest, the video game music convention hosted in Las Vegas (for us west coast people).
  19. Have you registered for the open beta? It's going on right now. I am hearing mixed reviews though - a lot of people have issues with its polish. There's some clunky mechanics (especially on the ground), the space combat is slow (Federation ships turn like a bus) and many people were disappointed that the game wasn't faction based, and instead the Klingons are basically the PMvP (player monster vs player) faction. On the good side though I hear that the Trek side of things is pretty faithfully done.
  20. Ughhhhh there's a few changes in the way Logic 9 works compared to Logic 7 so a bunch of my song sounds different. Not that it was perfect to start but having to go through all of the drums and make sure the notes are held correctly is tedious and annoying
  21. I'm a big Breath of Fire fan. Unfortunately there's a moratorium on projects at the moment, so it might be a while before we see a BoF project.
  22. Sounds like it would have been fun to visit. The women were not what I personally see as attractive but it seems like one of those things that you'd still go to anyway for the hilarity.
  23. Okay are you being serious? One reason why I didn't go for Reason 4 is partly because of your review, so if you've actually changed your mind I'd be interested in hearing about it.
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