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  1. I gave it a Genesis treatment since I figured no one had Tell me what you think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuGPcoOVU5c
  2. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/408843 Tell me what you guys think, I went for a violin and piano duet, added sound effects including hall noise to produce a more live sound Also for anyone who knew me from befor, HEY HEY! &_&
  3. Hey, everyone. I got bored yesterday so I started improvising with a piano plugin. I added some strings and this little ditty came out. Glimmer seemed like an appropriate title. You can listen to it here: http://www.reverbnation.com/jakacibejarchangel Have fun, you lovely people.
  4. ok, so this song has been sitting in my laptop for quite some time, but just recently I managed to finish it to my liking. I'd like some opinions on it before thinking about submitting it though. Fortress in the Rain: http://www.box.net/shared/1pqja4tiaz Source: Metroid Prime 2 Echoes - Sanctuary Fortress
  5. I've decided to give this site/forum another chance. I know I'll never make the approval of the judges because they are SUPER biased, and there's no chance they'll ever let push-the-limit mixers like me into their circle. Screw waiting for 3 months just to have your mix rejected for some stupid, meaningless reason. FAIL. But enough complaining about stupid people; I've come here to share my music with people who appreciate it. Fellow mixers who read posts like this and search for the good remixes of songs they love without bias or particular favor to one style of mix. I present: Koume & Kotake. A favorite of mine from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. [Link Removed] Enjoy. OR Tear it apart like the douchebags you are who can't appreciate the good stuff when it slaps you across the face. ****ing elitists. And no, I'm not trying to troll, I'm trying to make a point, and share my music with people who appreciate it for what it is. -M.
  6. Check out this new Sonic song I made using VOPM. I think this would make a great Bonus Stage. Let me know what you think!
  7. No samples were used this time haha. This is simply a theme for my version of evil Samus - more for the PERSON as opposed to the suit (as seen in MetriodP3). Corrupted-Theme of Dark Aran SoundCloud-
  8. Haven't really got a title for it (Currently thinking "****ing Dragon Won't ****ing Die" (allcaps optional), but I doubt vulgar titles such as that are suitable.. especially if I was to submit this. ). I guess you could call this a "Finished" mix, but I might do some more work on this sometime whenever / ifever I feel like it. I decided to keep this remix fairly simple in structure, merely to keep it fitting to the whole "video game" context; as if it could be used as looping music for another game. Not to mention, Ridley's theme doesn't exactly have what you call a long structure - about 90 seconds of it and you've got the entire thing. MIDIs were used for this song, but only as reference: The sequencer I used cannot import them, so I had to input the notes manually. Though the drums/percussion were custom made. YouTube link: mp3 download link is in video description. Enjoy. Or endure, whichever applies.
  9. And yep, it's trance. Progressive trance actually. I was attempting to do some uplifting trance, but apparently I failed on that. Sounds pretty good though so I kept at it. It's now finished. Any reviews?
  10. Hey there, I quickly created a performance of Cids Theme to test out a midi rock band I've been working on for a while in Propellerhead's Record. I don't have the best samples, so be easy on me, I just made this so I could listen to it myself, and I thought a person or two might appreciate it, even though it's very short. I'm not really looking to submit this to the whole ocremix library thing on the main page, but if I made it longer and fixed the mistakes in my keyboard playing, I might try in the future. I usually use a dance-beat bass drum and an 80s-ish loose snare like in my FF13 Remix, but for this one I took the samples I had laying around and mimiced Hammerfall's sound on their cd that had the song 'The Way of the Warrior' (don't know if that name is completely right). Unlike my other performances, where I use multiple rhythm guitar tracks and pan them, I used just one, to cut back on space used (I'm using an old laptop, so I need to use as little CPU as possible). I panned the bass and the guitar slightly right and left, and made a lot of the tracks thinner than wider (stereo imaging). Most importantly, there's a lot more performance than there is programming. Thanks ahead of time for the listen. If you do have suggestions, I will listen, it's just there are certain things I can't do, like get better samples at the moment, because it requires lots of green stuff. x_x Also, a lot of people have told me they don't like my lead guitars, but I actually like them...I don't know... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K_CFVZouno
  11. This is my first composition, which is a remix of DKC2 Hot Head Bop. It got rejected because apparently it is "too mechanical" and "too close to the source". Can you guys give me advice on what I need to do to improve it? thanks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcSs4GCMIrw
  12. http://soundcloud.com/fli/lolmix Kind of a mish-mash of stuff, made because someone requested I DJ a party but I haven't really been practicing so I computer-mixed this instead.
  13. http://tindeck.com/listen/tsnb I was going for a Steve Vai meets synths feel here, so there is alot of synth wankery Enjoy oh yeah, source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSzUg_rdqZw
  14. I talked to TheGuitahHeroe, and I know he likes this piece very much, but I'd just like to see if I can get any feedback from you guys about this piece. I'm not sure if I want to submit it, I know it's certainly closer to the source material than most of OCReMix's accepted songs, but I'd at least like to hear what people with a lot more experience than me think. Please listen to the whole thing, it starts to vary from the original more and more as the song progresses. And I know the celesta is off key in the beginning and at the start of the loops, but it's supposed to be off-key. I think it gives the piece an unbalanced, sort of nerve-wracking feel to it. Source: Legends' Lair: http://www.box.net/shared/35g7cpdnrl
  15. http://soundcloud.com/eilios/trancity This is a Trance track, not that progressive. Please comment, even if it's negative. =D
  16. http://soundcloud.com/eilios/thunderclouds-a-comin This is a track I made on BARDIEL to play with Z3TA and Square 1(which I just bought). Because it was made on BARDIEL, you might notice that I'm using different percussion then I usually use. That's because I haven't moved my samplepacks over to BARDIEL yet.
  17. i didnt know, where to post my remix so here goies let me know what you think guys http://soundcloud.com/staticnoises/the-island-pt1-pendulum-static
  18. Here's a theme I just completed that was inspired by my personal favorite comic book superhero, the Silver Surfer. I believe it reflects his tragic past, and his stoic and larger than life persona. Tell me what you think? Thanks! http://soundcloud.com/omni-psyence/starway-sentinel
  19. Okay so I know there's already a piano remix of The Moon floating around in this same subforum, and it was in fact listening to that mix that reminded me how beautiful the theme could sound in a relaxing/ambient mood and inspired me to do own of my own. I'm not trying to compare this with the other remix or anything, it's my own take on the piece (and the B theme from Wind Scene just happened to seem to fit in). I amended the Wind Scene A Theme to fit in with the chords of the Moon, so hopefully it sounds like a cohesive piece rather than being messily medley-ish. The piano is obviously sequenced so the tempo/velocity changes are few and mechanical between, I'm hoping someone can help me out and play this live, so if anybody's willing to please do contact me yeah? Anyway, comments if you will? Final Version! (I'm thinking of the title "Ebbed tides and webbed feet", or is that too lame? Sources: The Moon: Wind Scene:
  20. So with the Vengeance House Kits Vol.2 I found these 3 weird sound clips of a woman's voice. I thought "hey" I can make a song with that! So I did. Let me know how much it sucks Btw, I don't think there's nearly enough "C4C" type thing going on this website. So if you give me a crit and then drop a link to the thread containing your song, I'll listen to it! Everybody wins!
  21. Chris and I teamed up on this one. It's meant to capture the mixture of delight and wonder a normal human might feel upon glimpsing these sprightly forest folk for the first time. Everybody knows the source: Remix:
  22. hello, im new to these forums, but i've been making electronic music for about 15 years now and have always been interested in making music for games. mainly music for not-too-serious shmups or platformers and the likes, simple melodic stuff. anyway, check out my stuff if you'd like, here are a couple of youtube videos i've made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6h7StRO4F8&hd=1 if you'd like to hear more, here's my soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/daataa so yeah, i guess im just curious whether anyone could imagine playing a fast paced vertical shooter or something featuring this kind of music. anyway, enjoy!?.
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