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  1. hey like most of my stuff its pretty close to the source id say its basically a remastering + 36.56% funk as you can see i played all parts myself apart from the bass which i wrote in midi (because my keyboard is fully weighted and the bass i wrote had a finger funk 16ths style so i couldnt get the speed on the keys so i played it in 50% speed to get the dynamics) heres the source for anyone who doesnt know it. and heres my version, let me know what you think about any aspect apart from my video editing skills which i know is piss poor
  2. This is my first post so I hope I get this right I'm assuming it's OK to a mix of songs like this (i.e not 16-bit style songs) as it is from a computer game. This is my second remix but possibly the only one worth sharing Original: Remix: Be brutal, I like feedback
  3. Hello everybody! Iam new to this so please be kind I have so far played two covers from Mega Man X2, Magna's and Flame Stags stagetracks. I have submitted Magna's so far in higher quality, but you can still listen to both here from youtube if you wan't to Yeah I might tell something about my covering. I play all guitars myself, and the drums and bass is just plugins. I do rearenge the songs a bit, but they are still kinda short. Hopefully future tracks will be longer and better Well, I hope all metalizers(and everybody else) likes what I've made Magna http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThcXY7i4s6Y Flame Stag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cMMKSTYww4
  4. A while back I found an interesting YM/FM soundfont that had a lot of Sega Genesis-esque instruments in it. While it's not exact, it's about as close as I felt I could get without hacking the game, which is something I don't really have enough knowledge to do extensively. Anyway, I started rewriting the soundtrack to Sonic 2 using the soundfont and used a nifty tool that a ROM hacker made that allows you to play MP3s in place of the songs in Sonic 2. I did some palette and stage name changes to go along with my music. So here's what I did for Chemical Plant Zone: Or if you just want to hear the music: http://www.box.net/shared/xm6h1s874x
  5. All right, TWO songs this time? Yeah, but they're mostly identical. One is a rapid version, and the other is not. It still sounds like a MIDI, though. FL Studio plus my 6-channel limit (self-made) pisses me off. Deus ex tenebris- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_tnOLoHb2o Deus ex tenebris- Mors accedere- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7mnijsTseo Note: This has NOTHING to do with Deus ex. I got the idea from the antagonist being a god and me knowing a bit of Latin.
  6. hey just recorded this tune, made a barque style intro but basically its a cover i just want some opinions on the "mastering" i just "borrowed" a new plugin they got down at the office called "ozone4" wondering if anyone had used it, it seems pretty good but is abit of a resource hog making my audio skip so its hard to hear what i was doing (sometimes i mix on my laptop which is pretty low cpu and when audio starts skipping i normally reset the asio driver) p.s with the music i was going for a sort of "medieval porn" feel, i hope you got that
  7. Alright Another ambient tribute done. This time of the 1998 Mystical Ninja game on the N64. I was quite impressed I was able to put this together considering the original is a 30-or-so second loop. Since many people probably don't know this one, I'll post both the original and my interpretation below: Original: Mine: Expect a similar kind of feel to my previous remixes. Repetitive, but with a hint of progression. I gradually bring in more instruments as the track goes on. The quality in the video isn't too clear. But as always, I provide the MP3 so it doesn't matter too much. Hope you enjoy
  8. youtube source this is a goa trance remix an Construction of Mako Reactor thanks for listen
  9. This mix mostly fell into place over the course of 48 hours. [/false] original: you only need to listen to the first minute or so before it starts looping. mine: (version 8.) Submitted! breakdown: the original has three parts (pretty much yeah): 0:00 - 0:19 = (part a) three chords 0:19 - 0:38 = (part toybox melody 0:38 - 0:58 = (part c) keyboard rolls my song uses each piece like so: 0:00 - 0:11 = a (very loosely) 0:11 - 0:43 = a 0:43 - 1:14 = b 1:14 - 1:29 = c 1:29 - 1:45 = a 1:45 - 2:15 = a...some more 2:15 - 2:29 = c 2:29 - 3:16 = b other notes and such: My main concern is that everyone will find it repetitive and boring. I was aiming for a chill-out-esque thing...something between Aphex Twin's "Cliff", "Xtal", and [insert anything Pogo has ever created here]. fun fact: my sister introduced the original song to me AND provided the vocal bits when I said I was going to remix it.
  10. Hello all. It's been over a year since I did anything with this mix at all. Life gets crazy like that, but I digress. Here's a quick recap: It's a remix of the File Select Music from Super Mario 64. The source is a short :15 loop, so it doesn't give a lot to work with, but I've managed to squeeze 2:42 from it, which may be a little short, but that can always be addressed. Here's a link to the source music: Super Mario 64 File Select - Because of a migration to a new computer, I lost some samples that I had in my original mix, but I think the new ones I have found settle much easier in the new arrangement. That said, I'm looking for critique in all areas, but most specifically arrangement and sample/sound quality. So please, if you would, have a listen and pen me a comment or two on here. All of your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated. -Rev Reminiscent Choices Remix Link:
  11. When you see an abandoned house in your hometown, what's your first instinct? Drug dealers? Escaped convicts? Could even be old cat women. The fact of the matter is, no matter what, it's a house that should technically never be entered. That, unless, you've lost something, perhaps a loved one or cherished object, in that house. Even if you did enter, there is no saying what will happen to you, or you loved one, in that house, no matter what it is inhabited by. Even so, you may discover that it could be a haunted house of sorts. If this is the case, this is not a song that should be listened to before entering that said haunted house, because chances are, you'll wake up the bigger ones. Yes, you will awaken the Big Boo! This remix includes songs from both the original Super Mario Bros. as well as Super Mario World. Remix: Sources Ghost House: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfChDMigpKw shadow Mario: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1cK2rzftz8
  12. Just wanted to post something I composed over the last few days, it's a short 2min+ piece, was wondering if anyone could care to comment on it? Here's the link! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMWiZODG1Ug
  13. just some random tune i wrote the other day, kinda reminds me of like the kalm music from ff7 or maybe some chrono cross..
  14. Okay, since I haven't shown any of my original work (and this is my favorite piece, mind you) I decided to just throw something out that I made in FL Studio. The hard part was getting a few instruments, as it takes forever to rip it properly. (I don't play instruments, I have a ripper) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM8IO4iiiPs Wow, first HD video ever, and it's just a black box. Audio quality is a bit better in HD.
  15. I just made this yesterday, and I really like it. I tried to make it creepy, and have as many unexpected twists as I could cram in, but still have it be catchy. Tell me what you think! http://tindeck.com/listen/chhg
  16. Hey guys, Some people were wanting an extended mix of my TimeShock remix a while back. Here it is on youtube and it should be up on my site as an mp3 within the next week. It is kinda a chilled out longer mix with some different mastering. Hope you like! I don't know how to undo the emoticon in the url.... but you can find it at my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/DJSiamey
  17. http://soundcloud.com/retrotation/dubstep-opera I finished this a while back, but I figured I'd share it with you guys since this forum is pretty much one of the coolest places on the internet (as an ex-game developer I might be a little biased though haha). Any way, enjoy! feel free to leave feedback or even crits :]
  18. but I actually used sheetso, here my new remix. From final Fantasy VII ´great warrior. http://soundcloud.com/dermrben/red thanks for listen my remix.
  19. Hey all, been a few months since I posted anything but here's something I've had in my head for a while. It's a remix of from Mario Golf on the GBC, a game I spent loads of time on many years ago, and it actually has a surprisingly good soundtrack for a golf game.I've called my remix Clubhouse Electro, but I'm open to suggestions for a name. I was thinking of other golfing puns like "Fore on the Floor", but I'm sure someone can think of something better I've marked it as "finished", but I still think it needs some touching up. Just tell me what and where. Thanks! EDIT: Chopped out some sections as per phantasia's advice, changed up some percussion and a few other subtle effects and tweaks. Changed to Mod Review. EDIT2: Subbed version renamed Fore on the Floor
  20. Hi to all, folks, it's me Emitremmus. I wanna announced the release of new amateur and indipendent work call'd "Quarantined", a dark ambient album with sci-fi, electronic and industrial influences. The deep evil and insane atmosphere bring the listener again in a "dark voyage" started some years ago with my previous work "Nuclearization". The essence of “Nuclearization” is now more intense, more psychedelic, more violent and gloom, in this new album. "Quarantined" is about to become the perfect heir of "Nuclearization", as a sequel of the journey into the unconscious, among dark ruins, wasted memories and black and white nightmares. This new work is inspired by games as Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Hope you like it... the countdown is started. Watch the teaser and listen the sample on http://www.takusama.com Follow my dark crows on http://twitter.com/#!/takusamadotcom or become a fan http://www.facebook.com/pages/Emitremmus/19752791867
  21. This is the craziest thing I've ever made. http://soundcloud.com/theophany/theophany-goa Higher Quality mp3: http://www.mediafire.com/?hcm6od5tjocai2i WARSTEP.
  22. Hey currently working on a jazz rendition of kakariko village, all from ear, wrote out a lead sheet for it though, finished the first 2 sections plan on making a solo section, just want some general opinions on the instrumentation. for instance im toying with playing the lead line on piano or having the chords on a rhodes kinda sound.maybe an acoustic bass? generally i find acoustic bass vsts to be hard to hear and abit useless and i certainly dont have one handy to play got a final mix now!
  23. hy@all have new remix, what do you think! thanks for feedback those chosen by the planet remix i thing it´s a breakbeat core track...?! Thanks for listen my remix:grin:
  24. First time posting any music I've made on OCR in many years. I've been keeping at computer music for these past years, but at a very slow, recreational pace. Nevertheless, I think I've gotten to a point where some of the stuff I make it getting closer to being, I guess, presentable music in a sense. Here is my most recent song. It is an orchestral song that I made in FL studio using a couple soundfonts (it's how I started making music and the only way I've learned so far ). Let me know what you think of it if you have any opinion to share. Getting high quality sound isn't something I've really striven for very much, but I won't shy away from comments on that aspect as I do know I could improve a lot in that area too. Link to Google doc folder If you don't want to download to listen, you can stream it from my site at: https://sites.google.com/site/projecteutopia/home/music
  25. instead of posting separately id save time ive done about 10 sonic mixes, i generally stay close to the original material, worked out by ear and played personally in a sorta funk style hope you enjoy them. (i often video myself playing each part and sync them all together to make split screen videos) .. my recommendations are hydrocity/emeraldhill and chemical plant zone. Sonic 3 Hydrocity Zone Chrome Gadget Zone Sonic 2 Emerald Hill Zone (skip to about 15seconds) Chemical Plant Zone Casino Night Zone Sonic 1 Starlight Zone Springyard zone
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