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  1. Well, I really like it at least. What do you think? http://www.tindeck.com/listen/bjud
  2. This is what my GBA sound like i made it when i had the mind set that my synth Pew Pew skills were the **** but surely i was wrong:pretzel: (note there is a reason this is called broken gba, warning very random electro house song VERY EXPERIMENTAL) these are one of the songs i will also not work on lol now time to work on my ice cap project
  3. http://tindeck.com/listen/psrf Funk styled remix of Hydrocity. I view this as done, but I got a week left before I sub so crits are welcome
  4. I did this remix for a friend of mine who's having his stuff promo'd right now by Dangerbox Recordings, an electro/trance/prog type of label. The was a 133BPM trance epic, but I sped it up to 175 BPM and threw some DnB breaks into the mix. Check it out here:
  5. I thought I would post up one of my tracks to show what sort of stuff I make, My mates have always told me my stuff sounds like game music, so I joined your fine community. I would like to get involved in some remix action on here but don't know where to start. http://soundcloud.com/82nd-avenue/the-argument-of-periapsis-finished You can also download the 320kbps mp3 on there if you click the little arrow button on the player.
  6. Here is my First Remix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M16Sr0p6Z4 Wolf link singing Ganon's Theme.
  7. I hadn't made music in the past few week as I've been busy working. I sat down yesterday and today and have gone on a bit of a remix spree with Sonic 2. My aim was to keep really faithful to the old music but just have them sound a little more up to date, so they're really too similar to the originals to post as remixes on OCR, but I figured I would share. They took about an hour each from start to finish. I'm quite tempted to try finishing up the rest of the songs now to see if I can make a full remix album. The mp3s are available below: Chemical Plant Zone Remix Aquatic Ruin Zone Remix Hill Top Zone Remix Mystic Cave Zone Remix Oil Ocean Zone Remix Various bits Remix They're also up on YouTube:
  8. Source: So, I've actually hit a bit of a roadblock as far as music is concerned. But I've been sitting on this mix for a while, and I figured its time I posted it. I started working on this a while ago in an attempt to try a different style from my usual bombastic orchestral leanings. I think I succeeded half-decently. Not sure about the piano soundfont. It sounds okay to me, but like I've mentioned before, I'm not overly picky about such things. Hope you likes... Enjoy!
  9. Yep... pretty much exactly what the topic says. It's Sean Paul's "Get Busy" mashed up with "Wild West" from FF6 (aka the Veldt) plus a bit of Umaro for fun, and some additional beats to thicken things out. Really goofy, but pretty funny, particularly in the chorus. Enjoy! Video: MP3: http://www.zirconstudios.com/music/random/zircon_Get_Busy_on_the_Veldt.mp3
  10. Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted anything here and I've had writer's block for the first time in ages so I decided to put everything on hold and just write something for fun! I've seen alot of films lately so I wanted to make something really strong and thematic that kept getting intense throughout. Anyway hope you enjoy! http://www.mediafire.com/?3inkb34mclphvdh
  11. This is the non submission edit with 2 remixes in one, since i was too lazy to make them both so i combined them(not the best idea) , i'v been working on this song for a while as my first Ableton Rewired fl studio track. and also my first vocal acapella track/remix. sadly this version is better EQed and mixed then the submittion edit, and i submitted the wrong one with a bit rate of 160 cause of the rules on attachments, lowering the hell out the quality and im no longer improving this track still improving other tracks. and for the last time. for PLUCKS its a moog....... but hay enough of me heres the 2 versions, hope you guys like Originals- ice cap - just hold onFridged- http://tindeck.com/listen/qgts (in 192kbps, to lazy to make it 320kbps) Fridged Submittion Edit - http://tindeck.com/listen/uonn (in 312kbps in tindeck original is 320 kbps)
  12. I don't usually do this, but here is what is going to be my next submission to OCR. Just looking at the queue of remixes (some have been there since Jan), I might as well post it over here for now. I might still change the name.
  13. Might as well post this one too
  14. I was basically messing around for lack of something better to do. So the result is rather unfocused... but somewhere in the ballpark of a Sarah Mclaughlan chilledout/dubstep remix... with unrelated movie samples. It's a pretty lazy remix, I'll admit, but it still turned out kind of cool. There's something to be said for just making tunes for the fun of it, so I thought I'd share it http://download577.mediafire.com/e1uex28oot7g/7nlsmdlm9al2dnh/Hungry+Tiger.mp3
  15. Just joined OCRemix because I thought it was an amazing site where people could share awesome remixes. Here's one I've done. Hopefully it's well-liked. http://tindeck.com/listen/nmcn -- EDIT: Final, revised track found here: http://tindeck.com/listen/geqe
  16. It's another laguna remix! but bare with me, it's got a twist to it. Thought i'd try something abit fun, never really tried to mix two songs together as much as this. What does everyone think? how can it be improved? Sorry the ending is a bit brief, it still needs working on. Edit: Newest Version Source 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2vpqd9gKXk Source 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SaDOoEspNI
  17. Hey guys, I'm thinking of pursuing techno as my main genre I released a little 3 song EP and put it on itunes and youtube, but so far, no feedback =/ so I thought I would come to the musically inclined and ask them what they think of it My youtube page is http://www.youtube.com/sagekasai and the three songs with the black and blue album cover are mine anyways, please give me feedback, I've been dying for more in-depth responses than "I like it" XD (I'm sure you all know the feeling) thank you muchly, and please enjoy the music =) - Sage
  18. Finished this just now and would love some feedback on mixing and whatnot. It's my big weakness. ;D http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/351234
  19. Finished this like 2 days ago. Please leave feedback. Also, I'm new here, i look forward to hearing some video game music. http://www.divshare.com/download/12126561-708
  20. Alright, I promised in the last thread that I'd have something new relatively soon, so here we are. If you're not familiar with Borgore or Noisia, you probably should stay away from this. Definitely. Scientists have found this track to severely injure small animals, children, and those unaccustomed to trips to auditory hell. http://prototyperaptor.bandcamp.com/track/zelda-underworld-nullification enjoy?
  21. This was done about a year ago for a game called "Indie Brawl" which features remixes and rearrangements of indie-game themes. The source here is "Best of Times" from World of Goo. There are a LOT of things I'd do differently, but I'm pretty happy with it all said and done. Besides the sub-par production in this track, WoG material isn't eligible for OCR as it wasn't originally written for the game. Just a heads up. (longer version here: http://www.syntesis.org/bank/fsod/JW-08212009-GooRevolt.mp3)
  22. I've had this mix kicking around for a few months and after seeing a thread with a Song of Storms remix in, I remembered I should probably post it! I'm not going to sub this to OCR, I'm just posting it to get it "out there" in case anyone fancies a listen. I have actually taken the source and mixed it with an old folk song called the "Skye boat song", inspired as I was whilst watching Dexter and hearing it played on a Spanish guitar in the background. I believe this would probably disqualify me from posting based on OCR's guidelines (borrowing extensively from non-game source), but it might be interesting to know if this would be allowed should I decide to update it. There's also a bit of embellishment on my part to extend the length a bit. A disclaimer of sorts - it was made in Garageband, so the production isn't great (although GB does have a pretty good set of tools built in if you really want to spend time with it), and all the samples are from GB as well. So, hope you enjoy it
  23. I made a version of Sonic 4's Mad Gear Zone Act 1 in my style of music featuring the bass. I did this quickly, and for fun while I wait for the actual game to come out. This is my third Sonic 4 Remix I have done.
  24. These 3 mixes were originally made back in late 2008 / early 2009. They were early experiments created as I was teaching myself Komplete 5 and Omnisphere at the time. I'm sure these could be a lot better if they were reworked more, but I've moved on to other things. These particular tracks aren't in any way intended to be submitted to the site, I just posted them for fun. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you find something you like. Bloody Tears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EDgo2s33zs - This piece was inspired from the Castlevania 2 NES version. The first half is fan service to the original with extended content on the back half. It's meant to be a speedier boss-battle-like version of the song. Heart of Fire: http://www.youtube.com/user/Kamasenin#p/u/6/WVhlzbiYSXk - This piece was inspired from the Castlevania 1 NES version. Dubbed "Aura of Holy Might", I intended this track to be the heroic Simon Belmont version as you fight your way through the castle to face Death. Stalker: http://www.youtube.com/user/Kamasenin#p/u/12/C1RV_cKB2ZI - When I first played Castlevania 1 for the NES as a little kid, this track was the first time I noticed how awesome video game music could be. In the interest of being a purest for once, I didn't remix much of this song. I instead chose to modernize it and insert different drums with rock elements. I get that this is sacrilege as a remixer, but this track is meant to be purely fan service.
  25. Hey guys and gals (maybe? I'm led to believe there are no girls on the internets), First post here.. Finally uploaded my first remix to youtube, thought I'd get some feedback and answer any questions (if anyone even has any.. I'm sure you're all experienced here). I really want to get more into doing remixes It's your standard heavy metal/rock remix thats oh-so-common these days. But it's what I love. Link is in my sig vvv EDIT: Updated link from SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/nameless164/star-fox-corneria
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