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  1. Last time I visited OCremix.org was probably 10 or 12 years ago. I think its awesome that it still is evolving.A few weeks back I came across remixes of dkc2, an album actually, named Serious Monkey Business. Great work imo. So yeah, its what brought me back here haha. Anyway Ive been working on that remix for a while and I would like to know your opinion about whats working and what should be done differently. In other word, some constructive criticism that would allow to improve my skills and the song. https://soundcloud.com/omarko-2/world-8-8 I dont know if this is good enough to be on OCremix. It is a WIP of the Airship theme found in Super Mario Bros 3 created by Koji Kondo on the NES with a taste of hiphop/house mixed in a badass/imminent final battle ambience. Also, if there is anyone out there who would be inspired to write some rap/singing lyrics just let me know.Like most songs I created (as a hobby most of the time) I structure it so vocals could fit on it. At the moment, it is built that way : Intro - verse - chorus - bridge - verse - chorus - drop - teknotime - chorus. Oh and sorry for the spelling mistakes, I do my best and hope it is still comprehensible !
  2. I wanted to wait until after the darkness bracket of the FFCC before throwing this into the workshop. i have a bad habit of not getting back to remixes ( though i usually screencap the feedback i get) for wayyy too long. Ill probably upgrade my soundcloud for christmas, so youll be seeing more updated wips from me hopefully! https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/happy-smash-wrecking-crew-main i already know i wanna change out that intro piano. it just sounds so boring.
  3. Original: WIP: https://soundcloud.com/sirrusocr/lufia-2-dekar-theme-song-wip hello OCR!
  4. I am putting together some accompaniment so my friends can play along on their instruments. https://soundcloud.com/codychavezmusic/mega-man-3-title-theme-play
  5. Here's a remix in progress of DKC2's Forest Interlude, which shouldn't need more introduction. https://soundcloud.com/ccricers/test/s-WNMKA Source: Any feedback is welcome!
  6. some hours of hard work and night without sleep Feedbacks are welcome!! https://soundcloud.com/alan1st/spacetime
  7. So here's something that is a little different than my typical style. I still changed the time signature (as I often do): this time from 4/4 to 7/4 (hence, 74 Hz). However, what makes this different to my normal style is the fact that I went for a little more chill vibe and used different types of instruments. It is not very synth heavy. The primary "rhythm section" consists of a keyboard, set drum, and electric bass. Check it out!
  8. https://soundcloud.com/rastsekyd/despondency Been an off and on few years, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of composing again. This isn't a new piece, it's just a re-envisioned version of one of my much older(around 6 years) pieces, which never quite escaped it's MIDI format. Not until now, at least. There's still room for improvement, but I feel it's coming along well.
  9. Hey guys! So I'm working on a new Pokémon track for a fan album to be released soon. This is very early WIP but I thought I'd share with you what I have so far, maybe throw some ideas my way as to something you'd like to hear? This is the source: Here's the track: https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/pokemon-victory-road-ideas let me know if there's anything that would fit nicely to the track
  10. I've been in a bit of a rut lately, which is bad because of deadlines, so in an attempt to break out of it, I've been playing through some old favorites, among them Mega Man 3. And man, when I got to the final Wily stages, holy crap.. that music is AMAZING. I immediately imagined it in a cinematic style, since that's where my mind's been lately It's nothing too serious, still pretty raw. It was more to get me writing again so I can (hopefully) hit deadlines on time, and I figured I'd go ahead and share it since it's been a while since the last time I posted in this forum. I'd still love to hear all opinions, critiques, or flame-y hate posts that you guys might have Remix (man, there's SERIOUSLY not a better quality version of this on youtube?!)
  11. Hi all, Just the very bare bones of a mix I am working on. Ignore the pizzi at the end - that's going when I get round to it. This is very very very early. enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/chrono-trigger-the-day-the
  12. This was my track for Round 1 of the Final Fantasy Crystal Clash Light Bracket. My Remix: Gun-Armed Bandit Sources:
  13. Been meaning to post something here for a really long time, just never really got around to it until now. Anyway! Here's the remix itself! I'm aware the mixdown isn't quite where it needs to be yet, but I'm still happy with how it's turning out otherwise, and would like to see what anybody else thinks about it.
  14. Trying out my hand with changing the tone of a popular piece. I never played Skyward Sword but I love this theme, it has a huge, adventurous feel to it and I've always loved that. My version is a very relaxed, reflective Dubstep mix with elements from both The Ballad of the Goddess and the original Zelda's Lullaby mixed in. Though I'm a fan of pushing the boundaries of Dubstep so it all doesn't sound like "Wubwubwub" (and thus making it an easy target for hate) I decided that keeping it simplistic and using more traditional Dubstep instruments complimented the new tone much more. To be clear, by 'using more traditional Dubstep instruments" I don't mean that I used patches, everything was made in NI Massive on my own (for whatever that's worth). I still think it's missing some things, so feedback is appreciated Listen to it here: Gray Skies
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog has been my favorite series ever since I was a child and Sonic Heroes definitely had an impact for me, Hang Castle and Mystic Mansion being one of my favorite from the game. I've tried approaching the song with an electronic remix trying to fit in the level's atmosphere. The state of the track is finished and it will be featured on my first album which will be a remix album featuring remixes from all stages from Sonic Heroes. I'd like to recieve feedback on the track. Also I would like to know if under further development, this track has any chance making into OCRemix. Spectral - Mystic Mansion / Hang Castle [Remix]: https://soundcloud.com/generaloffensive/spectral-general-offensive Original song: Hang Castle: Mystic Mansion
  16. https://soundcloud.com/schematist/flying-battery-remix Hello everyone! Can anyone give me some feedback to launch this mix in the right direction? It would be much appreciated!
  17. Seems weird to be posting a compo entry to the WIP forum before the deadline, but Brandon suggested it, so here goes. Blue Wind I welcome any and all comments and criticism. I'll only have a few hours tonight to work on it for the compo, but if I get generally positive feedback, or if I get any votes at all against Sixto freaking Sounds, I may keep working on it afterwards. I may also end up removing all the Strago parts (which don't blend well with Hiryuu and changes keys every other stanza or so) and replacing them with another theme, so if you're seeing this some time after the submission deadline, I'd be interested mainly in feedback on the Hiryuu sections.
  18. I sure hope they allow this, but basically I'm starting a new little video series of me showing a little bit of each track from my new album project, The Beat Demon, which is planned to be commercially released worldwide Spring of 2014. I'd love it if you guys would check out the playlist of 3 short videos so far, and more to come over the weeks. And yeah. Subscribe if you like it. hehehehehehe THANKS, CUZ YEAH
  19. this is a mix that I just threw together it's going to feature all the tracks that I personally liked from MM. no where near complete I just wanted to show you guys sketches lol essentially
  20. I'm releasing a 12 track project made entirely in the Maschine 1.8 Software. Basically it's a collection of Synth or sampler solos over beats. Entirely self composed. https://soundcloud.com/detective-tuesday/class-criminal-mix-for Here's one W.I.P. song from it. The whole project is near completion and there will be an updated version of this song, and though the changes weren't drastic there is a little more going on harmonically in the background. Anyway, hope you enjoy this version!
  21. Hello everybody, Im currently giving away the stems for my latest single ' Technicolour Yawn' for people to re-mix . There are lots of interesting and bizzare sounds to play around with including from violins to circuit bent kids toys...Have fun! Stems can be download from my website http://www.lookatmemummypr.com also heres a little promo video i made... hope you like it ! Craig
  22. Hi guys, im newbie spanish user, that love the music and videogames. I tryed create a remix of my favorite game: Super Mario Bros of NES. The link of this song is here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8de4a2sc2gcd162/Techno_Mario.mp3 Say what you think of this song, and sorry for my bad english. Cya
  23. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48542022/Maz%20K%20-%20Funktilda%27s%20Lair%28master%29_01.mp3 Hi, I've been a lurker on this site for what must be nearly a decade now and never really thought to upload a track but I've been working on a remix of Grunty's Lair and it would be great if anyone has any feedback for it. I've been playing a ton of Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie recently and I had to remix a song from BK. On my way back from work one night I got the Grunty's Lair theme from BK stuck in my head so I began beat boxing to it (as you do ) and when I got home I started a track. It's still a little rough and the end needs some work. Also I can't shake the feeling something is missing throughout. Remix Name: Funktilda's Lair Game: Banjo-Kazooie (Nintendo, 1998, N64) ReMixer: Maz K Composer Grant Kirkhope Song: Gruntilda's Lair Thanks for your time guys, I look forward to anything you got to say
  24. Hi everyone, finally I managed to cover one of my fav pokemon tunes, Lavender Town..! I dunno if this is final version, I hope I'll have time to working on this song again.. so what do you think about this song..? thanks so much! http://soundcloud.com/ondellonoya/lavender-town
  25. Youtube Video: http://youtu.be/K-ty770QbY8 Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/nynjamusic/theboomerang Source (youtube): This is my remix of the Boomer Kuwanger stage from Mega Man X! I would love to know what you guys think. There are some spots that need a bit of touch-up, but let me know what i should change and fix! (It says it was uploaded 1 year ago, but that was actually a very different, very old version. I've redone the song and then just replaced the original audio file to keep the views and plays, cause i'm cheesy like that.)
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