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  1. One day, while playing one of the best games in the world: EarthBound I discovered a soundtrack that made my heart cry with happiness; my ears never were carressed with such sheer elegancy. I was starving for a remix, but unbeknownst to myself, I was only left with remixes that were only made to make fun of the song. I was baffled by how immature people could be to let such grand potential lay waste to their poor expectations! I cried myself to sleep for a night because of how disgusted I was... Then the next morning, I sat at my computer desk, I then opened up my music program. I began my journey to justify this song after days upon days of diligent composition to reveal to these monsters that desecrated all over this angel's voice what happens when you prove people wrong after working endlessly on your I-told-you-so-project. Then the judgement day finally came! After spending 2/8 of my time going back to "Zombie Paper": to make sure I didn't end up screwing up the original, while making sure I placed every note respectively to reflect off the profound quality and atmosphere "Zombie Paper" offers, I could finally pat my inner genius' on the back for allowing me to compose something worth it enough to pay my existential debt to a track so irrefutably divine!Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you! http://soundcloud.com/insanctuary/running-to-the-store-for-more Zombie Paper - The True Remix: "Running To The Store For More Zombie Paper".
  2. Not much to say about this so far. Just posting a very early WIP. ^^ It's been fun so far.
  3. Hello again. Today i want to share with you this song that I composed and i want to if this song is a good option for an opening. This isn't finished, maybe the idea, but I need to record everything with real instruments, 'cause I used Reason 5 for this. https://soundcloud.com/marco_mella/uno
  4. https://soundcloud.com/basedesire/evaporate-edit-1/s-B0VkV Hey guys, would love some feedback on the track I am working on. I plan to do more vocal takes, I just took 1 or 2 so I could keep working on the track with the concept down. What do you guys think of this? Constructive feedback appreciated.
  5. Got the Fluid R3 soundfont after seeing Zircon use it to good effect in his stream. I can't mix/EQ/stereo nearly that well, but it's definitely fun to compose with. I wrote this with primarily Fluid R3. I'm at that point in the process where I've been working on it for so long that I can no longer effectively discern what parts of the production need work. Doubtless I'll take another look after I've had a break but I also wanted to post it here. Thoughts welcome.
  6. Ok so ill admit i wont probably update this one. but, i definitely could use some critiques on how to mix it better. i think this one has a lot of mixing errors, particularly in the low end that could use some proper direction so that i can handle bass ( and juicy taiko samples) better in the future. ive come to realize Low end is a huge weakness in my mixes. anywho https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/last-stand-of-dollet-dollet edit: its a remix of Dollet landing from final fantasy 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Leog1FnIO98
  7. A few months ago, I heard this song and immediately fell in love with it. I started writing the remix off and on for a couple of weeks, and I feel like it's about 50% complete right now. Please forgive the low quality of the arrangement, I haven't bothered with any production, or even mixing all of the sounds properly. I'm interested in getting some thoughts on the arrangement so far, and any suggestions on how to improve it. Source: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/arceace/team-plasma-battle
  8. Hey Everyone! I decided to share my new Remix of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's Main theme. It's Techno/electronic So bear with me. https://soundcloud.com/kairi-sawler/skyrim-blodeuyn-chernobyl I'm interested to hear what people think, I tried to stick near the main theme as much as possible, while adding a catchy piece to it. This isn't off a MIDI, It's all from scratch. SOURCE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-_g8NZr1tA Thanks! Can't wait to hear what people think!
  9. Heyo, first time posting in this board. Anyways, was working on this song a week ago or so and got kinda stuck. I didn't really to just forget about it so I was thinking I could post it here and just get some general advice and maybe some ideas. http://snd.sc/16ktYQT
  10. The idea of this song I think is complete but I want to record some sounds again with real instruments (like the guitar), because I composed it on Reason 5 and the sounds are too fake. The title of the song is "Como un día de Lluvia"(Like a rainy day) and it could be used on a water stage, rain stage or some place that is cold i think, that is what the song make me feel. I hope you like it. https://soundcloud.com/marco_mella/comoundiadelluvia
  11. This is a song I'm working on, but I was stuck and do not know how to finish it, if add some more, repeat something, rearrange them or some other modification. I'm Using Reason 5 with a refill of Commodore 64 sounds. https://soundcloud.com/marco_mella/happy-ending-demo-incompleto
  12. Hey there, guys. Haven't visited the site in a really long time, so I thought I'd throw together a remix. This one is from Final Fantasy VIII: 'Compression of Time.' It's been given a heavy sort of hip hop vibe, I just haven't laid any vocals over it. http://tindeck.com/listen/vzoa I'd love to hear what you guys think. Edit: A new version with vocals is now available. https://soundcloud.com/casey-dio-venn/temporal-convulsion-vocal-mix Thanks, ~CV
  13. Hello everyone, A very, very early and short clip of a new song I am working on - in the style of dubstep, which if you haven't heard before (really?) sounds like a bunch of computers being sick. Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/gato-dubstep
  14. Just joined recently and hoping to get some feedback on a RPG style random battle theme I've been working on. It's essentially done, but I'll take any comments/criticism and hopefully use that to improve it. http://www.reverbnation.com/bradcharles/song/18190976-rpg-battle-theme
  15. Been writing some hectic stuff with a sort of 'collective' called Mr. Abyss. This is probs my fave song I have written (although I did not play the guitars on this latest mix). Feedback welcome! Or just enjoy (or not, lots of you are into electronic music and this is not that). https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/mr-abyss-the-androecium
  16. Very much a work in progress. Well, the whole bloody *game* is a work in progress. (I'm laboring through the entire game on piano -- not exactly "remix'y", but it's what I'm doin' y'all.) Also, I apologize but it's a YouTube video, 'cause I...don't actually know what a WIP is. Also also, I filled up my Soundcloud account with a narration of a documentary that apparently isn't going to get off of the ground. Anywho, link: Delightful Spekkio
  17. Chiptune I made in the past week, take a listen and criticize to fullest scrutiny https://soundcloud.com/ajshoop/el-juego
  18. Hey guys. In desperate need of feedback, concrit, etc. Click for the remix.
  19. Ganymede Cactus This is my entry for the WCRG 2013 Round 3, arranging the following sources: Duck Tales [The Moon] Any and all feedback is appreciated ._.
  20. Despite the fact that I'm broke and all I have is Cubase 5 until school starts again, I got an inspiration. My partner and his friends are working on a game and although I can't say if it's ever going to be finished, I'm composing some music for it. This is the first version of a dungeon/exploring theme: https://soundcloud.com/napket/exploring-the-world I've only added some basic EQ, reverb, dynamics etc. I'm still going to adjust levels and add some automation for instance. Please enjoy and feel free to give feedback!
  21. After a long time of silence, here I am, back on ocr forums! I'm the guy who attempted production a couple of years ago by writing two Final Fantasy arrangements as a start, but they really weren't so good... (You can find them here [FFVIII] and here [FFX]) I eventually left production behind for a while, but lately I started studying and applying it very seriously. The following is a little sketch of a Zelda rearrangrment I wrote in the last two days. It's much higher level from my previous productions, but there's still much job to do... So I'd love to hear what you guys think about this sketch! You can find it here: http://soundcloud.com/im-limit-break/deus-ex-machina-song-of-storms
  22. So I've decided to take a shot at arranging one of my favorite video game themes: Ryu's Stage from SF2. I went full out orchestral from this arrangement (a risky choice since I'm using mostly default Mixcraft instruments), and took it a lot more slowly and somberly than most other takes on OCR. The structure of the arrangement is a bit wacky mostly because I was trying to throw down ideas while I still had them and get something listenable before bed. Comments and criticism very much welcome. Edit: I'm smart. Totally forgot my link to the track: https://soundcloud.com/skyline-drop/shotokan-brotherhood-ryu-stage
  23. Hey everyone! I've been working on this snazzy remix (really a Re-Orchestration, with some added pieces), and thought I'd share what I have so far! Right now, the only truly 'remixed' part is the original lair theme, the rest has only been Re-Orchestrated. I'm slowly working on it, and I'll definitely post updates here as they happen! What do you think? http://snd.sc/1ci40lt
  24. I'm relatively new to remixing and music production, but I welcome all constructive criticism! Let me know your thoughts people! Lumi www.soundcloud.com/luminairemusic/encapsulated Thanks for listening!
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