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  1. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/a-reason-to-rock Real electric guitar and fake acoustic guitar. Yay! Basically, I just need an excuse to put some killer drop-tuned metal riffage on my soundcloud page and this little riff is actually pretty sweet. I'm also lookin' for some tips on how how to improve production of metal/rock music. So any tips you have based on what you hear in that link would be great. Thanks!
  2. Not sure if there is an Earthbound piano arrangement album out there... or if there will be one. But in commemoration of Mother 2, I arranged Fourside for solo piano. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/fourside There is almost a calypso type of beat being outlined by the percussion in the original piece. I made an honest effort to import that vibe to the piano and likely failed completely. If anyone is interested in a piano arrange album of mother series, please let me know. Might be a lot of fun!
  3. excited to post one of the first promising original mixes ive worked on. Its a branch off of the first track i ever legitimately started and sounds totally different not sure what genre this is but it feels housy to me. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/pizzicato-wip-2
  4. Been practicing Blazblue songs for a minute now. Been working on learning about DB/Level and Compression. Been learning how to get Shreddage and drums to sound as convincing as possible. Now I have to learn five things: How to find a suitable bass amp- How to EQ two lead guitars and sync pinch bends/sqeuals without ripping out my hair- What direction I want to take this song in to destroy the conservativeness- How to recognize chord progression- How to continuously get better- Note: (I got as close to 0db on the Fruity Meter as possible. I then threw a Brickwall limiter on the track. Just sayin'.) 'Remix' https://www.box.com/s/33673i2knh5umibvguhj 'Source'
  5. To be honest I wanted this song to be trip-hop but instead I got chillout and just rolled with it. Now that that's out of the way, I was listening to OCR Radio and felt like doing something so I did, got any tips, feedback, wanna throw a brick at me? go a head!
  6. Ok so its not really traditional disco, and im not entirely sure what the genre of this is, but it makes me think of disco. so feel free to inform me where this fits genrewise! Its a goofy remix of "Hard working moles are good moles" Im trying to audition this for the super mario rpg project so any sort of feedback is helpful! it will probably need alot of work to get up to spec for the project, but i may as well try https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/disco-mountain-mole-mountain thanks !
  7. Here are some tracks that I would greatly appreciate some constructive criticisms on: I was trying for a sci-fi cyberpunk feel with this (inspired by the Genocyber Soundtrack): Digital Heartbeat This piece is more System-Shock-y: Virtual Portal This is me trying to make dance-y electronic music: MADMEN These two short tracks were for a short film at school, where I tried to make a loving homage to 80s music: Total Ninja Carnage - The Return of Gordon Total Ninja Carnage - Harry's Death I'm looking for general criticisms or insights, mainly in the first three, in terms of instrument clarity, production, EQing, mastering, etc. I say mainly the first three, because the soundtrack pieces were and are pretty clear to my ears, but maybe more discerning palates can pick things out. I'm really looking to improve enough to have something of a good portfolio of different types of music to show off to people, especially prospective clients. Any input is appreciated - I want to be at the top of my game!
  8. So, I have decided to come back to OCR after a few years of hiatus. Not sure if I will end up submitting this, but I do know that my jazz writing could use some improvement, so the feedback will be valuable regardless. Also, there could be some rules issues given that the original BGM is comprised of a few well-known non-game tunes. The idea is start start off like the original and then change-it-up a little as the song progresses. That said, I'm not really going for a total-conversion here, thus I'm being a little bit conservative (perhaps another reason not to submit this). I'm also hoping the feedback can help me with some writer's block on this as I am currently unsure where I want to go with it from here, though I think I like the idea referencing songs that have a humorous connotation. I have already started down that path with the sax solo... I based the instrumentation off of the Stan Kenton Orchestra: Trumpets Trombones Saxes/Woodwinds Mellophones Guitar Bass Drums Piano Vibraphone Link to original game version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cDDCXPuaUc Link to my WIP: http://dzcomposer.com/betamusic/slotswip002.mp3 One thing for the checklist I know already: [X] Too Quiet I haven't used any compression on this WIP yet(still focusing on the composition), so to keep it from clipping I had to nudge the gain down.
  9. I've been working on just this one part for months and I know I'm nowhere near complete but I have about 1:50 of the song so far and wanted to know what you guys think so far. I think it sounds damn amazing so far without any plugins to alter volume and such. Unnamed Zelda Medley
  10. When Night Comes is an arrangement of When Morning Comes from NightSky. It's fairly ambient source material, and I decided to stay ambient. However, the song has an entirely different (and more cheerful) feel to it. It's a WIP right now, but the overall phrasing and such is pretty much done. I only plan on making it sound better, rather than adding more parts. Source: (or if you're feeling adventurous)Remix: http://puu.sh/2XJFh.mp3 If you'd like to see how the song has progressed, here's old versions of the song: first
  11. Since I recently accidentaly deleted most of my most recent projects (I sent them by mistake to the trash can, had to take a phone call, then I had to stay outside for a while, I forgot about it all, went back home, then erased the content of my trash can, only to realise a split second later what I had just done. It was fairly comical to be honest. Most of it was just training stuff though, so it's no big deal.) I was forced to go onto a new project. I took one of my favorite OSTs ever (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, for the Gamecube), and decided to try to remix one of its tracks. I ended up chosing the boss battle theme, "Monster's Dance ~Rondo~", which is pretty cool. It's still in the work, but I like where I'm going with it, so far. Basically, it's a piano arrangement, but a bit more "personal". (Also, again, I don't play the piano, so it's all note by note, I'm not entirely sure if it's fit to actually be played, but nevermind.) The final version should, I think, last from 1 to 2 minutes more than the current version. Here's the original : And here's my remix : https://www.box.com/s/7jo8ybyg5gxmbxsze92z Some feedback would be most welcome !
  12. It would be nice to get some feedback from you guys. I've redone this song like 10 times and I think I finally got it how I want but feels like its still missing something. Any help would be appreciated and I just uploaded to youtube with a random video attahed to it so just ignore it lol
  13. I've made an amateur orchestral arrangements of my favorite Sacred Stones songs! Help me out! The originals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqkCmiU7tMo My arrangement: (I have close to nothing 'formal' musical education, everything is done instinctively, so bear with me)
  14. Guess who got a new computer and new toys to play with? I've been far restricted by having to mix for years on a 2006 core2duo laptop. It just died, so I upgraded to an i7 laptop. The processing power is AMAZING. Anyways, I wanted to practice on mixing since everything isn't CPU-static now and I feel like I can move forward. To celebrate, I started a demo of Gluttony Fang. It's quick and dirty but I have an alarming question: I have a JBL laptop(I disabled the WaveAudio enhancement) but I'm not sure what the correct volume is for a mix, now. To me, it sounds ear piercing at full volume, but to others(And Audacity), it seems quiet. Is there a set master db limit that everyone follows? Demo: https://soundcloud.com/faytxstay/blazblue-gluttony-fang-hazamas Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fZOoeHFG6s
  15. Hey guys Just knocked up this new one for a solo album thingy I'm trying to do... it was weird. I was listening to Deftones' new record and watching Blue Velvet and got this vibe (the intro to "Swerve City," I thought was awesome. Kind of stole it). It's about your face being a mirror and then looking at your face in a mirror https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/anonfemme-mirrorface
  16. Started out as an experiment with Secret Of The Forest from Chrono Trigger; became a sort of mashup of various Forest themes. https://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/secrets-of-the-forestz-first Any and all feedback, please! Compliments, complaints, comments, concerns, etc.!
  17. I have been absolutely hooked on tango recently. Piazzolla Tango in particular. So invariably I've been playing a lot of tango when rehearsing songs for our shows, and Dragon Roost Island slipped into the mix. This was recorded very quickly and with no real mastering, just a little bit of verb. If you like it, ask me about other tunes you'd like to hear as a tango https://soundcloud.com/melodious-punk/mystery-video-game-tango
  18. .......................
  19. I was recently playing this game, and remembered this kind of remix I did last year. I Basically took a midi that I found and just had a lot of fun with it. But I got to thinking, Maybe I can make this in to something awesome! So I guess I'm here looking for tip/pointers. I don't have much composition experience, but yeah any feedback is greatly appreciated. https://soundcloud.com/thebigspoon/kirbys-dreamland-mount-dedede Also, If this sparks anyone's interest, and would like to collaborate. I think that would be really cool!
  20. Good Evening Everyone. Here is a labour of love (and hate), that i have been struggling with for the last few months. I came across this video on the discovery channel and really liked it, so I set out to compose some music to it, but it was a lot harder than i first envisioned. I uploaded it to YouTube a couple of months ago thinking it was finished, but there is something missing that I am not happy with, but I can't put my finger on it. I would really love to hear any comments or suggestions on how to improve this as i want to try and get it right. Thanks Mark.
  21. This is a house remix. . . I started making this just for fun, and it still is for 'fun'. I was just really curious what you guys thought hahaha. I didn't have plans to submit it, but anyways, here it is Just have some fun Remix(In Progress): http://soundcloud.com/basedesire/yunas-theme-lol/s-gbZD0 Source:
  22. Source: Pokemon Blue - Ghost Town Remix Version 4: http://electricconcerto.com/music/lavendertown4.mp3 So I'm doing some experimenting with this sound. I don't even know what genre of music to put it in! O_o So I was looking up on an urban legend about the theme to Lavender Town and felt compelled to make a ReMix of it. I haven't really been in the remixing scene lately (working on an album of original music), but I felt so compelled to to this remix, it was compelling. Know what I mean? So anyway, here is the final draft of the remix. I'm still new to this type of music, so any and all feedback would be SO helpful! Thank you for your time, and enjoy! UPDATE: Because of a derp moment, I forgot to switch this back to "Finished" when I meant it to be as such. That's why it's going from "Work in Progress" to "Mod Review". Sorry about the confusion.
  23. Will It Blend? That is the question... My idea is blending two pieces of video game music from different games. The first is Traverse Town from Kingdom Hearts: And the second is New Bark Town from Pokémon GSC: Two great sounds that sound great together, right? Well it's very difficult for me This is what I have so far: I made it with Anvil Studio. What program should I use to improve or edit this? I'm just a beginner so this may be a good start. EDIT: What I think should change: - Less emphasis on percussion - Use the same instrument throughout the main melody Do you agree?
  24. This is a (mainly) 6/8 remix of 'Coin Song' mixed with 'Edgar and Sabin' (the castle theme). Most recent version: .Older version: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/final-fantasy-vi-a-waltz-for-a . Sources: - Coin Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njdju0gL_xk&feature=BFa&list=PL905DD7A1D1A57F4F . - Edgar and Sabin (Figaro Castle theme): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6DwKL87XVA&feature=BFa&list=PL905DD7A1D1A57F4F .
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