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  1. This one is fresh out of the oven. Tried adding more layers than usual to this track and some new kicks. Let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/xsquader/end-of-the-world
  2. It wasn't meant to be Gerudo Valley, but after I finished it I noticed some resemblances to the well-known track from "The Legend of Zelda". I think, if looked at from that position, you could see this as a dramatic reinterpretation of that material. https://soundcloud.com/journeyjay/track-22
  3. https://soundcloud.com/colinsm/sky-garden-v3 So I just got Hollywood Brass and I started working on Sky Garden, from Mario Kart Super Circuit. I love this theme It's a WIP, and the arrangement is obviously too conservative to be posted on OCR. But that aside, what do you guys think?
  4. Hey everyone! Brand new to this site after a few years of lurking. I finally finished my first video game recording and figured what better time to join and see what feedback you guys could give me! Being my first recording I didn't want to stray to far from the original arraignment. I cut some parts and added some of my own in interest of not breaking the flow of the piece to much. I'd be very interested in any comments/critiques! The link is down below. Cheers
  5. Hi everyone, I just finished putting together this multitracked EWI recording of 'Forest of Illusion' from Super Mario World. More a cover than a remix, I'd really welcome any feedback or comments from people! Cheers!
  6. In one of the longest development times for a track I've worked on yet, this remix was conceptualised just over two years ago, and it hasn't been until recently that I picked up the perfect software to finish the arrangement. I also wrote three extra counter-melodies to play off of the main melody. Hope you guys enjoy it, it's been a crazy journey finishing it off! | Soundcloud Link
  7. Hi all. Been a nameless viewer here for years and just recently decided to start contributing after learning enough tricks to hold my own. This track is a remix of ME3's "Leaving Earth" and ME2's "Suicide Mission". A full explanation of the thoughts behind the mix can be seen in the description of the track in the link below: https://soundcloud.com/djgalvanization/save-the-earth-save-the-galaxy-mass-effect-remix Sources: Mass Effect 3 Soundtrack - Leaving Earth: http://youtu.be/KGHA9oO1Ybg Mass Effect 2 OST - Suicide Mission: http://youtu.be/VTsD2FjmLsw I submitted this track already for review as a potential OCRemix post, so we'll see if it gets picked up after the judges decide later on. I hope you all like it. The track is finished and I won't be making any changes to it, but I am posting here anyway because I would love to hear what both the casual listener and musically adept communities have to say about it, whether good or bad. Positive feedback is always welcome so I'll know I did something right, but I definitely am open to constructive criticism as well. I intend to apply what I learn from this to my future remixes/originals. Thanks in advance to all who post their opinions/criticisms. Cheers.
  8. Newest: https://soundcloud.com/slimy-4/a-brief-history-of-hyrule-1 I made an orchestral remix of mostly the intro and prologue song, but I also added in some variations of other songs. (Original: https://soundcloud.com/slimy-4/the-legend-of-zelda-a-link-to-the-past-remix-of-intro) After the fanfare-ish intro, It begins with a loose variation of the intro and Triforce theme before transitioning into the prologue music, the song then transitions into a variation of Agahnim's theme, symbolic of all the evil stuff he does in the prologue. Then it transitions into a (hopeful sounding?) variation of Zelda's theme, and ends with a snippet of the overworld theme. Just to sound heroic. Here are the sources: Opening: Agahnim's theme: Zelda's theme: (only used a seconds of these but here they are) Triforce theme: Overworld theme: Feedback would be appreciated!
  9. https://soundcloud.com/robkta/um-amigo-bossa-pra-ayrtontribute-to-ayrton-senna-free-download As everyone's submitting original stuff I figured out I could share something too This year has been the 20th anniversary of Ayrton Senna's death, one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time. In his honor I figured I could compose this short bossa nova piece (he was Brazilian) in his honor Short piece but I think it came out nicely. A decent tribute.
  10. Electronic track. Repetitive as usual, but yes. Laketown
  11. Recently wrapped up a new song that I'd like to share. Hope you enjoy! As always, feedback and tips are more than welcome! Youtube: http://youtu.be/T0cRG7rDYXA Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/garoadmusic/escape-from-research-lab
  12. Hi everyone, I just finished putting together a multitracked recording of the 'Village' theme from SNES SimCity, using EWIs (Electronic Wind Instruments). This isn't a remix in the same sense that most of tracks on these forums and site are, since it's just a straight transcription from the original source SPC, but I'm sure some people here might find it interesting. I would welcome any comments or feedback! It is on youtube here: Thanks for listening!
  13. I don't know if I posted this here before but enjoy and if you have any feedback please don't hesitate to give it: https://soundcloud.com/mickomoo/mother-earth-earthbound-zero
  14. So... here's a song I did for the finale of Remixing with the Stars. It's the song Rim Elm from the PSX RPG Legend of Legaia. I wanted to do something entirely different from my usual repetoire and chose (oldskool) reggae as a style. I think it turned out pretty well, given the 2 week deadline that I had, but I'd appreciate some feedback so I can really finish it. So... any opinions and suggestions for improvement? Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/da-legend-of-da-regg-aelm-ya Source: http://youtu.be/W2TSDlXy7EQ
  15. Don't know if it does classify as VGM Remix as it's a remix of a videogame remix, but I figured out I could share this one too: a little remix I did sometime ago of halc's tune "Da Mines" from his Donkey Kong remix album Club Kong Moar disco stuff as you can hear https://soundcloud.com/robkta/halc-da-mines-robkta-baboon
  16. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/monster-in-the-headlights Source: DKR needs some more lovin'.
  17. If you bought both Sonic Colors and the latest Daft Punk album you'll know what this is all about. Short composition, just for a laugh :3 You can laugh too https://soundcloud.com/robkta/planet-by-wisp-planet-wisp
  18. So I heard this awesome tune in Tomb Raider that was basically this ambient-dance track that was just this one riff repeated, yet not boring to listen to. This is my failed attempt at writing a track with a similar vibe https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/club-hypnos
  19. This is not a serious remix that I am trying to submit, just something fun. I build synthesizers, and I like the idea of remixing music from a game that isn't out yet. So here you go! 36 voices of FM synthesis, the Soundblaster 16 treatment of game music from 2014.
  20. I just finished this track, it is mostly electronic with a little bit of strings. I hope you all like it! https://soundcloud.com/jeff-penny/eldest-grisly-inn
  21. Hey guys, thought I'd share this here. This is a medley for the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy. Here's my references: - I started with Cascade Capers (DKC 3). - There is an Aquatic Ambience nugget with the strings when they come in (around 1:40ish). - At around 2:00 is Stickerbrush Symphony (DKC 2). - At around 4:00 is a melody from Voices of the Temple (DKC 1). - At 4:56 is a melody from DK Island Swing (DKC 1). - At 5:49 is Bayou Boogie (DKC 2). - And the outro has a reference to Hot-Head Bop (DKC 2). I have a more finalized version but will upload that somewhere else later probably. So here's the youtube version with my performance (which has an unfortunate video-sync problem with one track in the end). Hope you guys like it!
  22. This guy used my old Naruto remix in his cooking video. =P Nice geeky fun! Video: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/timaeus222/timaeus-naruto-main-theme Remix video: Not bad for 2 years ago, eh?
  23. First time I post a remix in here feeling kinda emotional in here. Here is my take on SNES Super Mario Kart's tune off Rainbow Road. Is also my batism tune for Logic Pro X. Decided to go for a pretty fast track, in "garage" style Hope you will like. https://soundcloud.com/robkta/raibow-garage-super-mario-kart-rainbow-road-remix-free-download
  24. Basically, I find clean electric guitars with reverb to sound soothing. Also, snares with delay sound trippy. This is also me learning how to use Reaper better. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/somber-skies
  25. Just a little solo-piano piece. https://app.box.com/s/kilhwf1tq5b4e8v6e923 Hope you enjoy it.
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