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  1. Hi ! This is a funny orchestra remix from the Slide Show : http://www.reverbnation.com/bluelighter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv6D8rh2s6c The original piece composed by Nobuo UEMATSU really interesting to play in piano. I was curious to hear what it could seem like with a complete orchestra. At the beginning, I wanted to integrate only Slide Show p1 and p2, but other ff8’s themes has been naturally added. Slide Show p2: Slide Show p1: Stage is Set: Retaliation: Love Grow: I’ve tried to create different atmospheres in this mix according to the scenes the character Laguna is working for his film I think this version is finished, but maybe I’ve not seen some corrections to apply. Any feedbacks ?
  2. I've wrote a lot of short, but catchy tracks this last while and this is no exception. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/drivin-with-the-top-down I'm looking for production feedback on these kinds of tunes so any advice you can give me is appreciated.
  3. Hi everyone, i just wanted to let you know that you can listen to my last track on my soundcloud page ! Rudy D - one of a kind (original mix) : Rudy D - One of a kind (original mix) on soundcloud This is an electro type big room track, please follow me on soundcloud i always follow back ! Tell me what you think about my nexw track and if you have time you can listen to the others tracks on my soundcloud page. Thx very much for your visit on my soundcloud page ! Rudy D ! https://soundcloud.com/rudyd
  4. It's been a while since I did the whole hybrid deal, so this was refreshing! https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/blind-ambition
  5. Quick, somewhat drum n bass style remix of one of my favorite game tunes ever. I also tried designing some sounds. That "transformer" sort of synth sound and that sound effect after the little break. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/street-fighter-alpha See how it stacks up against the original
  6. Hey! Recently recorded a remix of the boss battle theme from Persona 4, so I thought I'd get some of your opinions on it! I ended up sticking rather close to the source for the most part, aside from the random breakdown halfway though (which you may notice was influenced by "Backside of the TV" from the OST). Please let me know what you think! YouTube: SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/gillstudio/persona-4-ill-face-myself-boss
  7. A piece I composed & produced, inspired by Epic Soundtracks from movies/games (I bet you know what inspired me, don't you? )
  8. Basically I've been messing around composing some stuff here and there that could sound like film score or modern games. I compiled a few into this track https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/film-music-ideas Let me know what you think and any feedback is appreciated.
  9. https://soundcloud.com/hdboy-blahzae/enhasa-corridors-of-time
  10. Because I always want to improve myself I decided to ask for feedback on another piece. You can find it here: https://soundcloud.com/fulminis-ictus/virtuoso The name of the piece is virtuoso because the violin plays a virtuosic part. At least it's pretty fast at some points so it shouldn't be so easy to play. I can't paly the violin myself so I cannot be too sure. I'm looking forward to reading honest feedback
  11. Hi, occasionally rework movie trailers with my compositions .. today I present the new trailer for Spiderman-2 but unfortunately the dialogues are in Italian. Enjoy and especially good listening.
  12. https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/your-house-smells-funny
  13. It's creepy and awe-inspiring and it's original (more or less)- fellow composers will probably recognize the drums that I used too =D Check it out @ SoundCloud
  14. I recently submitted this track but didn't initially notice how long the judging cycle was. I would love to get some feedback in the mean time. It's from the 1994 SNES game Demon's Crest and is built on two theme's - Beyond the Colosseum & Metropolis of Ruin. Link to our version http://megalixir1.bandcamp.com/track/demons-crest Source links Beyond the Colosseum Metropolis of Ruin
  15. Soundcloud Link | I've been working on a series of short-ish demo-reel type tracks, and this is the first finished one of those. I recently got some new strings and I think the difference in quality has been pretty awesome to see as I redid the parts I had started with Cinematic Strings 2 (sooooo much nicer sounding than what I was using before! ). Any feedback would seriously be appreciated!
  16. JourneyJaybeats Presents: Dearly Beloved Title: Kingdom Hearts https://soundcloud.com/journeyjay/dearly-beloved
  17. I re-worked an old original from scratch last week for a couple shows I had the opportunity to play over the weekend, writing the track was a nightmare but the end product is pretty fun and it was a blast to play it live. Bazow
  18. https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/maridian-meltdown Made for the last MnP compo. As a result, it starts off close to being a midi rip (using metroid samples). gets more interpretive tho. It was just meant as a bit of fun, but i quite like it by now for what it is. I suppose i could change up the notation a bit, but it'd seem a little forced. I'm usually more of a writing guy, but this is more about production and sounds. Recorded power drill, food mixer and water boiler for this one
  19. Sources: Marble Garden Zone: Azure Lake Zone: NEWEST VERSION (05/05/2014): https://app.box.com/s/3o469xr4mhysnv0dufwy Things I've touched up: - Kick and Snare on their own mixer channels. - Improved the snare sound, I think it sounds better and more snappy now. - Brought out the kick more. - Brought down the bass instrument just a hair. - Attempted to add a bit of bass and mid presence throughout. - Altered the attack of the fake FM brass slightly. - Keyboard has slightly more presence. - "Tinny" lead around 0:41 has unison voices added with some slight detune and very minor tweaks. - Overall EQ tweaks to tone down the higher frequencies. Link to Original Remix: https://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/marble-clouds-in-azure-skies Alright, so here's a track I did recently in the SZRC! I was pretty happy with how this one turned out, but I'd like to get some opinions on the overall arrangement and production. Aside from the small fixes I mentioned, I haven't thought of anything else to touch up. But if something sticks out, let me know! Thanks!
  20. Hey guys, just finished making another video for YouTube! I know everyone and their mother has done this one but my best friend wanted me to do it for her so I took a jab at it. So here's the . and here's the Sound Cloud. Any and all feed back would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys!
  21. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/gtr.mp3 In collab with ffmusicdj. Nowhere near done, but should give you an idea of what we're going for. Critique is welcome.
  22. Hey, guys I did a guitar cover of the intro to Marvel vs. Capcom. You can listen to it here.
  23. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/aires-and-graces Let me know what you think!
  24. So I was watching the Animatrix recently and felt inspired to create some electronic music that would fit in an action movie. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/crash-the-program Guitar Version: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/crash-the-program-guitar-mix
  25. hi friends of all the Ocremix Comunity, My name is CArlo Francesco Lopez and i wanna show you my latest recording. Its a cover of Against Pressure (Dr Willy stage 2) of Megaman 10. I hope you like it, cheers!!
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