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  1. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/gtr.mp3 In collab with ffmusicdj. Nowhere near done, but should give you an idea of what we're going for. Critique is welcome.
  2. Hello! It's been only a few months since I started making music. While I like this piece I have a really hard time evaluating it (mainly in term of mixing). So if anyone has some criticism it's welcome. it will be useful for the next one Anyway, enjoy and thanks. https://soundcloud.com/thibault-chevalier/chaines-de-cire
  3. Hey guys, new remix to share! This is an electronic remix of the fan-favorite Rose theme from Alpha 3. This song doesn't get the attention it deserves in the mixing community so I wanted to give it some love. Epic electronic motifs with some thick orchestral layers give it a unique sound with some epic climaxes.
  4. Here's a link to the music video we did for it. Let me know what you think.
  5. Hello gents, Here's a Mega Man X styled original song. It's a bit short but tell me what you think!
  6. Hi, Here my my C64 remix of a tune that's used in the Lord Of The Rings movies: I hope you like it! Please don't forget to visit my sponsor http://www.perro-electric.com/furry_dancers.html
  7. Hi all, Here my remix of the famous Last Ninja tune "The Wastelands" Please don't forget to visit my sponsor http://www.perro-electric.com/swords_and_sandals_2_emperors_reign.html
  8. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/heart-and-hearth Happy Easter! Feedback welcome!
  9. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/the-forgotten-weir This is a short loop commissioned for the forest theme of an upcoming fantasy RPG. Feedback welcome!
  10. Hi all! Just wanted to post here that my cover of Zero's theme from MMX3 is finnished(among with alot of other new stuff!). I hope you like it, feel free to check the rest of my tube!
  11. Not much to say about this one. ^^ It's supposed to be a little of a trippy reorchestration with an emphasis on tremolo in the piano and more spacey sounding strings. I'd really like some feedback on the sound of this because I'm going for the highest quality I can with this. Enjoy!
  12. It was my mother's birthday today so I made her this hair-metal inspired arrangement of the tune this morning. She was the person who got me into music in the first place via bands like Ratt, Motley Crue, Poison etc. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/happy-birthday
  13. Hey OCR! I'm Angrycrow, long time fan first time poster. Been dabblin' in video game remixes for a little while. Here is a track that I worked on a few years ago to serve as a frame of reference for my take on this style. Please enjoy! And thanks for going strong for so long! https://soundcloud.com/nixangrycrow/funkymaridia :ocrgreen:see you around!
  14. Two guitars via Guitar Rig 5. Slap-style bass. Programmed drums. Executed entirely in FL Studio 11.
  15. What do you think of this?? i just finished it. I will maybe recieve some comments about "oh too much reverb or delay", but i was thinking in an ethereal, "heavenly" remix, with a D&B rythm, and i am kinda satisfied with the result... I want to submit this, do you think it's ready? xD https://soundcloud.com/benjaipod/chrono-trigger-guardia-forest-remix-zeal-palace
  16. hey guys now i haved time for a new remix.. aquila 303 by rom di prisco in need for speed III enjoy my new pseudo remix cheerz
  17. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/veiled-moonlight My latest original track, inspired by the works of Danny Elfman and Oscar Araujo. Enjoy.
  18. It's been YEARS since I've made a remix. It was hard finding the drive to finish this, but my day dreaming of a possible Advance Wars game for the 3DS gave that needed passion. This is a remix of my favorite characters theme. As for the arrangement and most of the track, I think it's pretty final. I'm open to collabs to add to this or your critique. Hopefully enough of you has played the early Advance Wars game long enough to recognize the theme. https://soundcloud.com/majeles/unearthly-invasion
  19. Hey everyone! Just picked up ERA Medieval Legends a few days ago and I am LOVING it. I wanted to make something using my new instruments so I started on this as a kind of demo, and then I ended up turning it into a full song. I welcome any feedback on this - especially regarding mixing. https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/through-the-morning-mist
  20. Greetings! Here's a chiptune piece which I made a while ago: I would love to get some feedback!
  21. It's like, an introduction. https://soundcloud.com/journeyjay/everything-broken
  22. It's not quite as good as it could be, but I managed to get a decently-complete song finished before I got tired of it, so I figured I'd post it in case anyone was interested. Enjoy! Remix: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/magma-atmosphere
  23. JourneyJaybeats Presents: Dearly Beloved Title: Kingdom Hearts https://soundcloud.com/journeyjay/dearly-beloved
  24. I've recently ironed out a few major issues I had with showing this to other people, so here's my first attempt at a VGM remix. It's still rough, but reasonably presentable I hope. https://soundcloud.com/andrewmushel/a-coalition-united Source tracks are, in order of reference, UNATCO, Versalife Conversation, and Main Theme.
  25. Hey everyone! This is a club remix of Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3. I want some feedback to see what I can add to it to make it better. I'm calling it finished for now but I think you guys will give me some reasons to go back and change some things! https://soundcloud.com/brian-williams-20/ice-cap-zone-remix
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