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  1. Hi everyone. Well this is my rock version of The Moon theme from Ducktales. I hope you like it. I haven't think of a name yet. https://soundcloud.com/the-game-civilization/ducktales-the-moon-rock
  2. Hello Ocremix people new member here, just wanned to see if this remix is anything to have so i'll send a youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwS0xF04zu8 I am sorta new to do remixes on games so citizism would only be good for me, then i'll get something to work on. Keep up the good work love listening on youtube when you guys upload new ocremixes.
  3. Here's a mashup I ended up putting together after my gf put me onto the original yoshi song. Came across the pitbull acapella and it just fit together. Same key and almost same bpm. I think it turned out pretty cool
  4. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/hua-street Feedback appreciated!
  5. I don't even know exactly how to define the genre of this one, but like the title says it's a few styles mixed together. Also I don't really know if this is even the type of music for this forum, but HECK it's worth a shot so let me know what you think.
  6. Just testing out some free amp sims and stuff. I got annoyed with the fact that even under my best settings, direct monitoring will always give me that little bit of annoying ass latency. So I've solved the problem by using my pod as an interface to send a dry signal to the computer while its speak output is routed to an actual amp which I use for monitoring. Much better results! Check it out! https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/overture-of-destruction
  7. Hey, just wanted to throw my Round 2 mix in here for some feedback, since I plan on subbing this bad boy in the near future. Mix Hit me with everything wrong pls thx bai
  8. This is my current entry for the SZRC that is going on right now in the competition forums. Check it out if you haven't yet! I decided to pull out the big guns early and do a huge collaboration on a Power Metal Remix with Brandon Strader, Xarnax42 and Pumpkin King. The concept for the remix is based off of the first part of the story to Sonic Colors when Yacker is pleading with Sonic and Robotnik is capturing the aliens. It's a pretty stereotypically power metal story about oppression and freedom. Sources: Sonic Adventure 2 Cosmic Wall Sonic Colors Tropical Resort Remix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/dreams-dont-come-true-cosmic-1 The sources I think should be pretty easy to pick out. The lyrics pertaining to yacker are split between Cosmic Wall's melodies and Tropical Resort's. Robotnik is straight Cosmic Wall. The chorus is Tropical Resort and Pumpkin King's awesome keytar'ing is based off of Cosmic Wall. Originally I wanted to do two solo sections based off of each source but getting this much together in a week proved difficult enough as it was! A huge thanks to everyone I worked with! This was my first real attempt at mixing vocals and I ended up kinda killing them. Power Metal vocal processing is at the top of skills I want to learn right now so the next version will be much cleaner. Bash Away!
  9. I abandoned the magical world music because real life, but some days ago id ecided to try my hand at it again, this is what came out. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. (i can upload the mp3 if anyone needs it)
  10. Edit: Link broken...soundcloud going haywire on me..I'll try to get it working again. This thread can be deleted if it needs to be...
  11. I know, it's a lame title... I couldn't figure out a way to incorporate both Skyrim and Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword into the name... Anyways, that's beside the point of this thread, so imagine this: You're trudging around in the land of Skyrim, and you're suddenly greeted by some sort of machine you've never seen before. A robot. An ancient robot with a captains hat on. You've never seen the likes of this in the land of Skyrim before. But wait! There's a sign! "Welcome to Hyrule" Huh, how'd I get here in Ancient Hyrule. At the most southern tip of Skyrim, it connects the Ancient Hyrule's Lanayru Sand Sea, which used to be a vast lake, but now, is a ... well ... sea of sand in which robots used to roam the caverns mining for certain valuable stones. This is the moment you realize that Skyrim and Hyrule are connected in so many ways. So many way's that you thought you'd never, ever imagine.
  12. Hey there. Thought I'd share this with everyone. Prior to the release of my big project (hopefully to release by May or early June), I am releasing three singles. Here is the first of the three, "Terminate". CD Baby iTunes Currently it's $0.69 on CD Baby but only for a little bit of time, so if you like what you're hearing, get the single before it's back up to $0.99 again! Also, XPRTNovice appears on this track with an awesome sax solo.
  13. https://soundcloud.com/aires/pharrell-happy-air3s-remix Pharrell - Happy (Air3s Remix), sorta in the style of Zedd because my style did not support this remix, hehe.
  14. https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/rebuild-the-myth 30 mins to render!! final part doesn't seem 100% finished to me, but good enough for now.
  15. Star Light Zone from Sonic The Hedgehog. i wish this song will brought you back at the time (child memories, maybe...?) Retro are Awesome! Star Light Zone Copyright & Original by Masato Nakamura and SEGA here the song : Check this out! Soundcloud need a comment thanks
  16. Hey guys, What do you think of my Zelda medley ? https://soundcloud.com/huile_smith/zelda_medley I covered themes from A link to the past, Ocarina of time and Majora's mask in stoner/doom style. Hope you like heavy guitars and dirty bass
  17. two versions of the Amber Valley theme from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (FFTA) for GBA. The first one is an orchestrated piano concerto, not really axed on the piano. And the second one is a piano duet version. I really love this game I had over 500 hours in it when I was 14 y-o. So much nostalgia. Disclaimer : It's just fun I know it's not what we look for here in OCR. I've just wanted to revive this theme =P. I hope I did not kill it on the coutrary haha.
  18. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/lingering-whisper Let me know what you think!
  19. This track was inspired by two well known composing juggernauts. (Shoji Meguro & Zircon) I love that blend of hip-hop and elctronica! Let me know what you guys think https://soundcloud.com/schematist/limitless
  20. Forest of Roses | Inspired by music from Secret of Mana http://youtu.be/XbJI_hSvDlo
  21. On "Thanksgiving Day", 2013-Nov-28, I used Rytmik on my Nintendo 3DS to create a remix of the theme to Pixel's game "Ikachan". The original theme is very pleasantly soothing, but I decided to make something a little more intense: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/krichotomy/ikachan-theme-remix YouTube: Newgrounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/558075 I hope you enjoy listening. Please feel free to criticize. :]
  22. edit: submitted on 2014-09-19 Here's a rearrangement from the second round of Final Fantasy Crystal Clash competition. It mixes together with .DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/za4vu51xxg99r7y/eino_keskitalo_-_katumus-20140915-fc2.mp3?dl=0 (2014-09-15) Should be finished. -- old -- Stream (older wip): https://soundcloud.com/eino-keskitalo/eino-keskitalo-katumus I think it's nearing completion. Let me know if anything sticks out! Thanks already to all who gave great comments on the compo thread, especially Chimpazilla and Riversound. --Eino
  23. Hey everyone, I'd thought I would chuck my entry for this years Sonic Zone Remix Competition up on the forums here. Partially to prevent it from sitting on my hard drive for half a year or more. I went for an 80's inspired sound and while there is still some work that needs to be done to the remix I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Sources are Cosmic Wall(SA2) Lava Reef Zone(S&K) Remix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/no-love-lasts-forever-cosmic
  24. Here's some tunes I've composed for a retro styled project I am working on. https://soundcloud.com/tm0135/sets/video-game-compositions And here's an example of my "real life" music. I wrote this for my big band album which was released in the Summer of 2013: Hope you enjoy! -Tyler www.tylermiremusic.com
  25. Its a Song Originaly written as an Instrumental, but some years ago i've made a Vocal Song out of it and still were not satisfied. So i've gone back to the previous concept and rearranged it. I'm not satisfied with the mini dizi as the lead instrument and some other parts as well, but its very close to the result i had in my mind, so i hope you enjoy it. Feedback appreciated
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