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  1. here's 3 tracks stitched together. i'm not that well-versed in these genres but i'm pretty into them so any feedback would be really valuable! http://soundcloud.com/calumbowen/thingsimworkingon
  2. I always thought the places you go when this music plays were mysteriously creepy, so i literally just did this from scratch last night, any suggestions? http://soundcloud.com/king-kayle/what-lies-beneath-the-ocean
  3. Not far from finished this one. Tristesse @ SoundCloud
  4. Original: LATEST VERSION (at 3:56): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/29072735/BattleCommandRemix_V2d.mp3 OLD WIP (at 2:51) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/29072735/BattleCommandRemix_WIP_V2.mp3 OCR only has a few remixes of Jonathan Dunn's music, and more Dunn remixes can never be a bad thing. He worked for Ocean (notorious for lame movie tie-ins) but the guy put his all into his music. This isn't his best (that would be the ), but it's funky and fun, and I liked it enough to try and remix it.I didn't really try to incorporate the harsh marching beat at the beginning, and instead opted for a more light-hearted electronic approach. Because that's what you think of when you think of tanks! I am in the final phases of working on this track (or at the least, I am towards the final portion of the song in my head, needing to make one more section and then the final resolution), so I would be happy to hear some feedback of any glaring technical issues or things that don't sound very right, or arrangement issues (though the song itself is pretty simplistic). Thanks for listening!
  5. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-area-6-melody-cover May be some amp hiss, my tv on right next to me (CRT tv) Source ;;
  6. http://tindeck.com/listen/ybhq Offered it up for the "Flat Notes" project. What does the general public think? The only thing I'm flimsy about is the fade-out ending, and not knowing what the true panning setup sounds like (waiting on a paycheck = new headphones). So I was thinking about tagging the last two bars of the B section to end it, but at the same time I kind of like the fade out. Anyway... THOUGHTS?!
  7. Hello. I've disappeared for a while. I decided to give Remixing another Shot. Here's the Original. Here's my Remix. http://tindeck.com/listen/acrl I hope you enjoy. Please leave any comments or suggestions below. I want to make this as good as possible. Peace.
  8. Alrighty, I'v not been sleeping, I did not quit ocr posting. I was improving my mixing and perfecting my kick ass master chain skillz!! (and also doing maths) really lots of eqing for space practice and master chain experimenting. Electronically done songs http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-shadow http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-night-time Recorded song http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-monophone http://soundcloud.com/aires/psuedo-ataraxia I've also increased my synth sounds. and re-sampled them. will give those out later. What do you guys think? and please production comments only, nothing about composition.
  9. Hey all. I have no title for this yet, and it's in its early stages. But, the idea I had was to take the normal battle theme from Super Mario RPG (I'm sure some of you can recall this monotonous ditty) and reshape it into something completely different. I have a feeling I'm on to something, but I'd appreciate some feedback to determine whether I should keep going. Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/dmguillotine/smrpg-battle-piano-rendition MOST RECENT Version http://soundcloud.com/dmguillotine/smrpg-battle-v2-piano The thing is, even though this theme in its original form is annoying, I had always liked it. I guess I wanted to give it the royal treatment, breathe new life into something many of us may agree has grown stale. I'm curious to know what anybody thinks of this attempt, so I'll leave this here and see what happens. Thanks for listening. - karth/dmGuillotine
  10. Source: Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/ehiz It's a funk/jazz remix of the Knuckles Theme & Act 1 Boss Theme from Sonic 3. It's mostly unmixed and unpanned so far because I lost my headphones. Once I buy a new, better pair I'll EQ it moreso! My main concern is the voices and sfx. They do create sort of a story to go along with the music, but I've come accustomed to hearing them with the song and can't quite tell if they are annoying or not. Anyway, let me know what yall think, and thanks!
  11. http://soundcloud.com/2point0sounds/surrounded-by-tigers Sup guys? I was just going through some of my older material and stumbled upon that idea there. It's kinda rough , but I think there's enough potential to actually finish it up and make it a decent recording. I just wanted more ears on it to see what you guys think of it. Also C4C anyway, might as well. Thanks dudes
  12. This is a wip Orchestral Theme for a mobile RPG. It's for a contest at audiodraft. The contest brief states "We need a musical theme that makes the player want to crush their enemies with a huge hammer for a Norse influenced Role-playing game for mobile." Drive of the Corsair
  13. Hey OCR, Normally I only post "finished" stuff here but now I'm gonna link some updates of my Currents of Time Remix, from FFXI Online. Current Version: http://soundcloud.com/yannicgeerts/currentsoftrance6 Original: Ideas and critics welcome, I'll consider them when I progress. Stopped for today though. Cheers!
  14. I honestly have no idea. Enjoy: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3253668/HI%20wip%20%231.mp3 Gimme your best suggestions on what I should add to this.
  15. Heyo, been workin on this. I really love this song and really thought it needed to be remixed. http://soundcloud.com/valkerath/castlevania-sotn-festival-of
  16. Rejected submission because it's too close to the source, but some might enjoy it.
  17. Remix: http://soundcloud.com/alex_2k88/flying-battery-zone-general Source: Original Song: Flying Battery Zone x Game: Sonic 3&K Ok everyone, I'm new to OCR, And I wanted to share with you my WIP remix. I've had so much fun listening to this piece when I was a kid. I know i'm not a really good remixer and I'm here to learn from the best. So any opinions, tips, tricks?
  18. Hey guys, i'm working on a soundtrack for a retro/kinda kiddy platformer: Main Theme Shop Theme I'm conscious of the pieces right now lacking coherence as a whole. I think the main thing will be toning down the bass and drums on the earth level and also making sure all of the drums are from the same kit throughout the soundtrack. Any feedback on coherence or anything else would be greatly appreciated as these are very much WIPs! PLAY THE EARLY DEMO HERE (At the moment it's using mostly mario sounds but this is just for some visual stimulation)
  19. I've been learning game music on folk instruments lately. The LoZ soundtracks translate really well! Not exactly a remix, but I figured I should learn the song before I butchered it into my own. Hope you enjoy - let me know what you think!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNagbh5TBwg Went for a glitchy, epic feel
  21. This is marble dreams. Im not at all versed in automation or any of that stuff, im more of s straight up composer, so dont expect much for fancy techno stuff. im proud of this one because i didnt even need to listen to the song to rewrite it from scratch. Goes to show how much of this game i played as a kid. Funky ending solo, and some melody changes, including a few riffs that arent from the original.I suppose my retro mind thinks it would be a travesty to change this song too much, but i hope you like it! also im really eager to write solos and stuff for anyone who is a good mixer, but not the best composer. get at me, i have lots of spare time at work to write and dabble! http://soundcloud.com/ty-pearson-1/marble-dreams
  22. My Remix: http://soundcloud.com/drumj8/little-white-doves-by-dirty Original: I have a lot to learn NOW, and I made this LAST YEAR, so ... my point is, I've a long road ahead of me .. "Little White Doves" is a single by "British house music trio" Dirty Vegas who some may remember for their 2001 song "Days Go By." I call this a "work-in-progress" because it's definitely not finished and needs to be polished but in reality, I probably won't touch it again .. I made it last year for a contest using the computer at my school which had a bunch of things that I don't have now, but I'd definitely be open to hearing any feedback for future reference. It was fun; I believe it was my first attempt at a "remix" ever. Listen or not, feedback or not, thanks for reading
  23. This is a remix that I'm doing as an experiment for myself. In the past, when I've written remixes or covers I've had a really hard time trying to arrange things into something new. I feel like if I'm too familiar with the source, I'll have a bias for how it "should sound" and I can't ever break away from that into something new. So, with this mix, I started by choosing a game that I've never played and listened to the soundtrack until I found a song that sat well with me. It's gone through a few iterations getting some feedback from friends and now it's time for it to go to you all and see what you all think Also, if you have any suggestions about how to overcome this "should sound" barrier, I'd love to hear them because, I really want to overcome this block that's always in my way. Source track : Mix : Soundcloud Also, apologizing in advance if I've written something wrong or named something wrong. I'm new to the forums and looked around for a while before posting so I could see how others post but, still covering bases anyway. Thanks to all who listen and extra thanks to those who reply!
  24. I have no words. I think I'm sort of high right now. Not so much on anything, just high on making music. This is fun. I won't do this again, I promise. XD
  25. This remix is for the "Flate Notes" - Paper Mario 64 Remix Project... sorry guys, but at the request of the director of the album I can no longer update my WIP thereads for the reason that the songs of the album should be secret to the public before the release of the album (of course) will have to wait for the end of the prijeto . sorry all. Source:
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