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  1. http://soundcloud.com/2point0sounds/ffxiii-will-to-fight-rock Heavy Rock Remix I made to one of my favorite tracks from Final Fantasy 13. Feedback would be appreciated. I'm pretty sure I'm not finished with the mix yet.
  2. Work in progress. But the main idea is written down. Remix : http://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-zelda-lttp-castle-remix Remix 4.0 :http://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-zelda-lttp-castle Remix 5.0 : http://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-zelda-lttp-castle-1 Remix 6.0 : http://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-zelda-lttp-castle-2 Source :
  3. Hello there. Since I've never done any remixing before, it was suggested that I should start with something simple- a cover. I decided to cover 'Sage Laruto' from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. This is the source: And this is my cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5pErhRgcyU There's still a few things I want to tweak- namely, the transition between the first and second segments, adding dynamics and perhaps making it longer. The instruments might need some (major) changes, too. Are there any other aspects that I should look at? Thanks.
  4. http://tindeck.com/listen/nkqd Sources are Snakeman's Theme from Mega Man 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O07GvoHM7hY Dark World Theme from Link to the Past (from 0:28 - 0:45, used as a chorus) - and (not implemented yet) Sonic 2 - Chemical Plant Zone (0:41 - 1:01, used as a bridge): Was inspired by messing around with Snake Man's theme in FL, hehe. Also, trying my hand at cutting up loops as well. Must thank jakesnke17 for helping me with it, you rock man
  5. This is my first attempt at a true DnB style song, but it's waaay better than my first attempt at something like it. Anyway, listen and review, but enjoy it whatever you do! Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/team-rockets-hideout Version 2: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/team-rockets-hideout-v-2 Version 3: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/team-rockets-hideout-3
  6. Hi there, first draft - turns out trying to write electrohouse takes ages. http://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/sidechain1 enjoy!
  7. Jeez, it's been a while I figure I should ask for some opinions on my current project: Just Gettin' Started Source 3: Super Mario Kart - Title Screen It's gone further since I posted this version, but this is good enough for what I need to get crits for. I mostly want to know if I should add a bassline (if so, it's be an electric bass), or if I should just try to fill up the soundscape, but THAT BEING SAID, I would love other criticism very much <3. As long as it's constructive. No stupid stuff.
  8. Spent a good solid 8 hours yesterday just working on the composition of this. Writing and rewriting the same chunk for hours. I think it all paid off in the end though. This is a work in progress so right now the song is just using Microsoft's midi rendering synth, but I plan to use fancy pants samples when I finish the song. http://soundcloud.com/kylethedarkn/encountering-destiny Update: https://www.box.com/s/899fef6f1b3e6116d703
  9. Firs draft of a remix of Lorenzen's Soil from Earthworm Jim 2. All comments welcome! Thanks! Remix : http://tindeck.com/listen/jflp Original : http://youtu.be/8OtrgZ2r2GA - CGT
  10. hey all! I was messing around with some earthbound soundfonts and come up with this little ditty- not a serious piece by any stretch. really just for practice, but since I'm so inexperienced, I would love me some feedback. especially on production, but comments on anything are welcome. Free MP3 download: Shuffle Groove 1.mp3 btw- it isn't all earthbound soundfonts, just layered into most instruments.
  11. Hi, My new album out in july 2012 tracklist: 01 Intro Theme (Pac-Man) (Toshio Kai) 02 Opening (The Secret Of Monkey Island) (Michael Land) 03 Dangerous Holiday (Air Rescue) (Yoko Wada) 04 Terra (Final Fantasy VI) (Nobuo Uematsu) 05 Bridge Zone [sonic The Hedgehog (Master System)] (Masato Nakamura) 06 Castle Theme (Super Mario Bros.) (Koji Kondo) 07 Magica's Castle (The Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck) 08 Demons (Monster Bash) (Rob Wallace) 09 Find Your Way (Final Fantasy VIII) (Nobuo Uematsu) 10 Guile Theme (Street Fighter II) (Yoko Shimomura, Isao Abe, Yoshihiro Sakaguchi) 11 March 4-6 (Nintendo World Cup) (Kazuo Sawa) 12 Gym (Pokemon Silver-Gold-Crystal) (Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose) 13 He's Back! (Duke Nukem 2) (Robert Prince) 14 Hikari No Willpower (Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 22) (Kenji Yamamoto) 15 Jungle Theme (Contra) (Hidenori Maezawa) 16 Planet Elza Stage No. 1 (Volley Fire) (Mori Mori) 17 Stalker (Duke Nukem 3D) (Robert Prince, Lee Jackson) 18 System Down (Global Defense) (Katsuhiro Hayashi) 19 Terra (Final Fantasy IX) (Nobuo Uematsu) 20 Castle (Alex Kidd In Miracle World) (Tokuhiko Uwabo) 21 The Silence Of Daylight (Castlevania II Simon's Quest) (Kenichi Matsubara) 22 Dinosaur Island 2 (Adventure Island II) (Okkun Medaka) 23 The Dragon Spreads it's Wings (Final Fantasy V) (Nobuo Uematsu) 24 Too Hot (Commander Keen 4 Secret Of The Oracle) (Bobby Prince) 25 Wave Music 1 (Raptor Call Of The Shadows) (Matt Murphy) 26 The Man With The Machine Gun (Final Fantasy VIII) (Facebook Survey Bonus Track) (Nobuo Uematsu) 27 Tears Of... (Silent Hill) (Akira Yamaoka) 28 Game Over (Anmitsu Hime From Amakara Castle) (Sega Team) first single: http://soundcloud.com/ivan-alfio-benzyh-sgroi/benzyh-planet-elza-stage-no-1 original song:
  12. Sup y'all, New remix i've been working on. I know i miss some parts from the original theme, but i like to focus on one specific part that i like about an original track. Now i used Reason 4 for this work, some new and some old ideas. I apreciate if y'all give me some feedback on the mixing part and the sound as one, but feel free to comment on whatever you like/dont like about this remix. Cave Story take one: http://soundcloud.com/skizor/cave-story-title-theme-remix Thanks for checking out my thread y'all -Ski
  13. What's up you all Here I come with a Remix (work-In-Progress) The Name: "Chaotic Party" It's a remix from "Team Chaotix" from the game Sonic Heroes and "Sweet Mountain Map Theme" from Sonic Colours. Know "Sweet Mountain Map Theme" is just like an instrumental remix of "Team Chaotix" I add some effects but actually, I'm not really satisty about my own mix. I am just a beginner and I though a collab could be interesting for me. If someone is interested to help me and work with me on this song... I said that I work with Mixcraft Here the link for Team Chaotix's track. Here the link for Sweet Mountain Map Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Sf4aDB4D80 Here the link of my remix http://soundcloud.com/hereiam-3/chaotic-party
  14. hey all. I'm pretty new to non-live remixing, so I'll probably need a lot of help. Here's the link to what I've got right now. Thanks a lot for your help guys https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B8LZiz1rCVPIcmRjdktNQkxTSnlTZnlWYl9qTUdQQQ
  15. Hey there! Trying something totally new, going for a sort of indie-rock style. I didn't have time to record the lyrics, so the piano that kicks in at 0:08 is just a placeholder for the vocals and I didn't put much effort into making it sound nice. It's clearly got some reverb and EQ issues. The thing is, I feel like the style I've got going is exactly what I want so far, but the instruments (mostly the guitar, bass, and keyboard) just aren't quite the way I'd like them so sound, and I was hoping some of you guys would be able to help me out in getting the sound I'm going for. I'm thinking about collabing with someone/s who can actually play real instruments and get a live recording for the instruments. That would be nice. The introduction is inspired by "Her Smile in Every Summer," so maybe someone here could help me with some production techniques to make that bit sound a bit more polished. The percussion in particular bothers me, but I'm not sure what to change. As for the bass, I'm looking for a cleaner sound with a bit more personality. Logic has so many amp customizations to choose that I have no idea where to begin. Maybe someone with Logic reading this could give me some tips on what instruments and amps might be what I'm looking for. And as for the acoustic guitar, I just don't like the sample I have. Hopefully someone could help me with how I might get it to sound better, but I think a live recording is the only real solution for that. I really appreciate any comments or help anyone's willing to offer, be they on the issues I raised or any other issues. Thanks guys! Link: http://www.box.com/s/351a854b49005ab491ea Original (Onett): I haven't incorporated Smiles and Tears yet, so no linkity. Sorry.
  16. to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Zelda I made a remix dedicated to her Goddess Form, Hylia. plz tell me what you think of it so far(and to whoever told me to work each part of the song in isolation, thanx for the advice):
  17. School has been a tit, so it's been a while since I've worked on anything but originals. I finally had a little time tonight to revisit a remix from a while ago because my fiance fell asleep most fortuitously and unexpectedly. So here's what I have goin' so far for this Fairy Fountain and Zelda's Lullaby remix with a sprinkling of the Song of Time for harmony. Ignore weird sustained note at 0:51. LINKU How u like?
  18. I used a few sources for this remix. They're all from the G/S/C generation and are: -Sprout Tower -Burned Tower -Tin Tower -Legendary Beasts theme I used the burned tower as the base, and have the melodies of sprout tower and tin tower in the intro. The legendary beast theme is only used as a few notes in the end. Enjoy! Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/gsc-burned-tower-2
  19. Hi, This is basically my 2nd try for Video Games Music Remix and the 1st one to present to the community. And since it is my first VGMRemix I thought to post it in a really early state to get some feedback and see if I'm doing things right so I can fix things early... At the moment I'm just glad I got the melody and stuff to sound right. Now I can start the part with messing around.. add filler parts.. improvise.. effects.. additional voices... intro.. ending etc etc. http://soundcloud.com/colth/really-early-work-in-progress and in case someone doesn't know the game...: This is the original track - and this is the track during gameplay:
  20. my first WIP i feel i can upload, i am quite happy about the first half, not sure how to deal with the second half anyway feedback would be appreciated
  21. I was starting this while awaiting review on my ohter song. This is the next remix I'm working on. Remix : http://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-black-omen-drumstep Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnjjNK7xXI0
  22. First post here, just wanted to get some opinions and ideas for this, and figured here would be the best place for opinions. I saw no-one had done a complete remix of this track yet that wasn't similar tempo to the original (that I could find), so I thought I'd give it a shot - I've still got tons to learn (this is only the second DnB track I've ever done, heh) and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or ideas on here! While I won't ever be able to top the original (my fave track from any SNES game) I wanted to put a bit of a spin on it, complete with cheesy guitar strumming! Feel free to criticise or whatever - I'm aiming to improve so anything constructive would be awesome (obviously anything like "It's shit" doesn't help me a lot, haha ) http://soundcloud.com/pressanykey/dkc2-ost-stickerbrush-symphony
  23. Greetings, I've been working on a remix for a while now, and figured I'd get some feedback before I go any further. The song I'm remixing is Kingdom Heart's "Fragment of Sorrow", and I'm (for now) calling the remix "Fragment of Dreams". Here's the song: Any comments/advice/criticisms welcomed!
  24. I submitted this. Thanks to the WIP peeps for Feedback.
  25. Here's the thing... I play by ear, I don't know how to read music or anything. Ive been playing for enjoyment for a long time. I play lead better than anything, but I'm not good at composition... I've mostly done improv, to my own liking, for as long as I can remember. But, I found this site maybe a year back and I've been a fan. I want to know if anyone could use what skills I have. I don't claim to be great, but I might be able to collaborate if you're not looking for professional quality. I made this little tune from what I remembered of Forest Interlude from DKC2. I just created it by ear, which is what I usually do http://youtu.be/lyDT5vQHelA It's nothing special. But it's a happy medium, between the limits of my playing style I suppose. If anyone wants to use this, or build on it, or work with me on something else, that would be fun. Sorry if this is the wrong forum section, or this is so frightfully bad it's irrelevant. Im just looking to have fun. Thank! Joshua
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