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  1. Yeah, I already have a SOTF remix posted on the site, so what? I felt like doing another one. I'm not sure I'm happy with the "master", so let me know what you think. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPjRTvMAptg
  2. Hi. I have a small little clip here, and I'm hoping to rush this into Emunator's DKC3 project. I know bluegrass isn't exactly everyone's favorite style of music, but I've found this to be the easiest thing to do, even though bluegrass itself is the hardest music to play. And I have actually been able to put this together within maybe an hour-and-a-half. Again, nowhere near done, but it's nice to know I can get this far! Hope you like! Any criticism and critiquing would be very useful because technically, if I want this to get onto his album (Which would be great!), then it will need some work done, and quickly.
  3. Hi, i work on a remix from ff7. Jenova absolute. I'm doing an orchestral remix, but like in the movie. So i would know if you recognize the song? After, i have some trouble with the timpani.have you some advice? And I try to make drums like on battle song to make the song more action movie. Maybe for a battle or a pursuit something like int the soudtrack from Banckok dangerous. You can listen the song here : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/394526 My mail : Black-Star@live.be (For advices) Bak.R
  4. Hand In Hand is the source Hand of The Protagonist is the meaning of the title. http://soundcloud.com/aires/primas-manus-wip p.s. will fix the mix ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW Ft Jabond -------------------------------------------------------------------- http://soundcloud.com/aires/primas-manus-wip Wip 4
  5. This is my first post onto this thread, but I have been listening to OCRemix since the early 2000's. I have submitted 4 remixes to this site, mostly with good feedback, but ultimately rejected due to it sounding simple and unfinished, which I understand, I'm not exactly Koji Kondo. I have been working on this piece for a while. Believe it or not, though this was partly made on FL Studios, that's me playing the trumpet part, I got a friend to do the flute section in the beginning, and my cousin did the electric guitar, though they were all electronically edited with wavepad to eliminate blemishes and even out the tone, and the trumpet part is a loop. The drum beats, the wave guitar, and the acoustic are all MIDI's, though I edited them to sound a bit more real, but they're far from perfect. I like this piece, but am looking for some feedback and criticism before I submit this to the judges panel. Be tough, but fair. Link: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/394386
  6. Hey there everyone. I am new here. This is probably my best work so far that I have done with FL Studio. It is called Time in the Mysterious Dungeon. It was inspired by the Primal Dialga battle theme from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2. Constructive criticism accepted. http://tindeck.com/listen/imoq *This a remix apparently, no an OC. Pardon-moi.
  7. Hey all. So I'm pretty excited about the Game of Thrones TV show HBO is working on, and decided to take a spin at writing some theme music as a way of learning to work with SO Gold. Production is not a strength of mine, so I'd love to hear what you think works and what you think doesn't. I feel like I'm having a particularly difficult time mixing in the percussion in an effective way. http://www.ryan-humphrey.com/music/Game%20of%20Thrones.mp3 Thanks for any of your comments!
  8. Posted a disgustingly rough version of this quite a few months ago. Thanks for listening.
  9. Nothing fancy, just one of my favorite SNES tunes. The drums are a bit on the repetitive side at the moment, but will change a bit here and there before I've finalized this track. Made with Renoise 2.6. D Fast - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Dark World Rock WIP
  10. Doesn't necessarily count as a remix, but thought this is the best place to get feedback about this kind of stuff. So my plan is to somehow merge every robotmaster song into one big song. The biggest problem I think is going to be the tempo, which changes between every song. I'll try to update this post according to every new song I manage to squeeze in. Opinions and advices how to improve are welcome and I'll try to make changes accordingly. Additions: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5798359/megamedley_hardman_snakeman_topman.mp3 (Top Man partially) Improved (?) production: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5798359/megamedley_sounddsd.mp3 Sources: Stage select
  11. I was fooling around in FL Studio and decided to cook this up. It's a soft, somber ambient remix of the underwater theme of the GBA port of DKC3. I just made this without really cleaning it off, so don't expect perfection. At all. Source: Here it is (NOT NEWEST VERSION!) Oh, and if you're wondering about the title, this song is a follow-up to another remix I made of Aquatic Ambience.
  12. Hi, sorry I'm drunk and right now returned from a jam session so my english is gonne be funcking fucked but... I'd like to show you something about my work i did the lost weeks/months. Its a remake of the good old Duke Nukem 3D Soundtrack. I tryed to stay close to the original. have fun. I'd like to read comments ansd get feedback. soem of the tracks are a little bit quiet so you have to turn your volume high to the sky... Stalker Gotham Ah Geze! Future Military Conquest Plasma In Hiding Water World
  13. This is probably a long shot, considering the activity here, but I'd appreciate it if I can get some quick feedback regarding the production and mastering this track I made (yes, it's for a game I'm developing). I've been adding filters and EQing to what I think sounds right, but perhaps a fresh set of ears would be better. Please tell me what you think.
  14. This started from one of JH's compos. I wasn't actually participating but I used that time anyway to start a new original, and decided to submit it when time ran out. Ol' Joe heard it and asked me if I wanted to collab, but when I heard his submission a bit later, I KNEW we had to. 3 days 22 hours later (according to SolidComposer last time I checked a little while ago), we have this almost finished WIP: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/26572709/Synthetic_Blue_-_Dance_Before_Dawn_6.mp3 Name's a WIP too. It's now called "Trance Before Dawn". I must recommend him for guitarage if anyone needs some.
  15. Guys should i finish this or start over, the bassline is a placeholder http://soundcloud.com/aires/sonic-at-play-wip not mastered as usual. will work on this later when i can think of a bassline to match with a lead.
  16. Here's something I started yesterday. I oftentimes play these games with myself where I pretend (haha) that I'm writing music for some game/movie/commercial/whatever. It's good practice since capturing the mood is just as important as the quality of the composition/production. For this the theme was simply a science-fiction side-scroller reminiscent of metroid. I tried making my own synth patches this time around and really focused on production and mixing. I plan on adding more but would like some feedback on the mix (since I'm pretty awful in that field). Thanks for anything! EDIT: Made in Renoise using refx Vanguard and drums from vengeance essential clubsounds volume 3.
  17. http://soundcloud.com/aires/naturally-aires-electrohouse-arrangment i call it the blender thingy magigy electro house...thingy:nicework:
  18. This remix is something I've been working on for a while. I incorporated the idea of the factory style from DKC in here as well. I was originally going to put Crystal Caves in this piece as well, but I decided against it for now. http://tindeck.com/listen/igpi
  19. How was everyone's holiday weekend? This is a big day for me, not only did I see a bunch of great SONIC THE HEDGEHOG remixes when I logged in but after several years of listening to great work on this site I finally got a project up to nearly listenable quality! A couple of things before we begin. First as you should be able to tell, my mixing abilites are somewhere in the range of Non-existant to Amatuer. If you have any Freq suggestions I am open to them! Second, I am hoping (after getting some feedback) to add a guitar duel in the next section which I am currently in planning for. This first part is mostly the Natols BGM played by guitars verbatim. I used EW:Ministry of Rock and Steven Slate Drums for this one. Any Feedback/Input/Flames are appreciated as always! Enjoy this first part of almost music. I may have made it a bit too loud so please turn your speakers down before loading it. Click here to listen to Zero Wing-Natols (Update 1-17-11)
  20. Hello there! Please click me for V1! <-- remix Much in the vein of my latest remix, this has a more relaxing start. Well, okay then. This is a remix of Pokemon Silver's Lucky Channel song(no relation to Lucky Star whatsoever) which can be found in the following URL: <-- OriginalSo yeah, criticism would be much appreciated.
  21. In the time that I have been working with music, I have usually worked with existing tunes; making remixes. I wasn't always confident with my abilities. Me and my roommate have been working on a track (he himself has been into music for 10 years so it's a great combo). This is OUR first track that we have started working on. Give us your thoughts!!! DJ H3L10S & DJ Pyr0 - Demo #3
  22. Its been a while since i posted anything up here but I found a song that really needs some tweaking and I hope you guys can help with this. Found this song on a ridge racer soundtrack and I fell in love with it. The song's name is move Me(youtube it up trust me you'll like it) I decided to give it a go and remix it but i dunno if it needs more work. Let me know what you think! feedback is much appreciated! http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=10155572
  23. Hey Guys I've made a number of electro DKC2 covers, and even posted one or two here. That was a while ago though. Yeah, moving on: [DKC2] Thermocosm 4:21 It would be amazing to have someone listen to my latest track. Any and all feedback is welcome. I've been using Reason for a little over a year now, but still don't understand some of the essential concepts it seems... Thanks to anyone who reads this post Double thanks to anyone who listens
  24. My brother and I are working on a Dave Wise/Donkey Kong cover album. So in the mean time I'll be using this as home base and will update it as we finish songs Heres what we have so far: Fear Factory(still Mixing this one): SoundClick artist: 16 - Bit (TMP) - page with MP3 music downloads Hot Head Hop: SoundClick artist: 16 - Bit (TMP) - page with MP3 music downloads Life in the Mines: SoundClick artist: 16 - Bit (TMP) - page with MP3 music downloads We have a few more that are just awaiting some final touches then they'll be posted also hope you like em!
  25. http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/4/3/2815300//ShedOneTear.mp3 Need crit.
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