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  1. This. Perhaps you could listen and give some thoughts: -How do the instruments sound? Good? Bad? Any suggestions for additions, subtractions, or replacements? -Is the tempo too fast for a "sneaky" song? -What does the scouter say about its power level?
  2. Or so. This is an ORIGINAL TRACK it just sounds plagiarized...which is pure coincidence...anyway I am wondering what I should do to make the sound more interesting, the melody sounds good and I like the instruments, but the sound is very quiet and there should be more going on. Need all the help I can get, I should probably learn this stuff before I continue forward... http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/4/3/2815300//song1.wav
  3. Hello, This song is actually very near and dear to my heart. Kingdom Hearts has been a big part of my childhood. I remember the first time I played the game at a friends house. He was in halloween town, and it was around Halloween when I was about 11. I'll never forget that night, and for my birthday two weeks later, I received a PS2. I immediately bought the game and played it for hours. But my favorite part of the game would have to be Traverse Town. There is something about that place that is just so memorable and nostalgic. So naturally when the theme song came up on my iPod the other day, I said I was going to make my own version of the theme. I tried to make it my own, but I stayed pretty close to the original. Maybe a bit to close... Oh well. Anyway, I want to hear from you guys about what you think. There I go again talking to much. Here are the links. Original: And My version: Happy New Year!
  4. http://www.box.net/shared/trgt9c64zf Ok, so I'm getting a band together. 80's inspired, synth pop/rock stuff, with catchy hooks, and a sense of fun missing in most modern pop music. So I'm writing a couple of proof-of-concept tracks for us to work on. This is the first: 'Lonely Girl'. Now bear in mind, this WIP doesn't include any of the band members yet (of which I've already got a bass/rhythm guitarist, 2 backing vocalists, a drummer and myself on lead vocals and programming duties). This is purely, as I mentioned earlier, just proof of concept. This is of the first chorus featured in the song. Pretty much everything is placeholder at the moment, so a lot of it sounds a little average (percussion etc...) but I think I'm onto something. Full lyrics to the song here (for a little context of the lyrics you'll hear). I used to know this girl. Her name was Laura-May. She’d spend her days on the phone just talking her time away. But all her friends grew tired real fast Of hearing her life stories ‘bout her wicked past. (They said) to know the girl was to tolerate her. (They said) the more she talked, the easier it was to hate her. Lonely, lonely girl; Nobody loves you anymore. Poor outspoken girl; The minute you try, they take off out the door. I wonder if you’d tried just to go with the flow and keep some things inside, (would you be the) lonely, lonely girl I used to know? She never really could decide who she wanted to be. Everything to everyone meant she could be nothing to me. You’d ask her one day; she’d swear she was gay, then spend the next ten minutes in the corner with Ray. (They’d say) she’d put it on and take it off at leisure. (They’d say) I wonder if she’s doing it for pleasure? Lonely, lonely girl; Nobody wants you anymore. Poor outspoken girl; The minute you cry, they kick you to the floor. I wonder if you knew that you were doing everything you really shouldn’t do, (would you be the) lonely, lonely girl I used to know? So one day this girl decided she was gonna change her ways. Nothing’s worked up until now; And she was gonna show them how... (She’d not be the) Lonely one. Ooh the lonely one. Oh yeah. (You’re not the) lonely, lonely girl who sits waiting for the phone to ring. (You’re not the) broken-hearted girl who’d been doing it hard, no kids; no house - no ring. You’ve stepped into the world to find that everything shines like its diamonds and pearls. (Now you’re not the) lonely, lonely girl I used to know. lemme know what you think!!!
  5. Caer Seraphim - Angelic Kefka (work in progress) This is a lite-metal version of the final battle with Kefka that I've been tinkering around with for the last month or so. I think one of my next plans is to change around the second part after it repeats, clear out some of those instruments and replacing it with a more original-sounding guitar solo or something to that effect. Anyway, this is my first post on this site. Any feedback one can offer? Do be kind.
  6. So, I released an old track called "Die on My feet" over at Protagonist Records. I've also been working on an album, & wanted that song to be on it. I've been working on it more & more, & it sounds way different. http://soundcloud.com/dlpmusic/die-on-my-feet-beta
  7. With all the Stickerbush/brambles remixes out there, I didn't bother to attempt my hand at remixing it, until now. This one's going for a more laid back, ambient but still groovy type of dubstep. I got most of the sounds down pat, now to just finish remixing it up. Transitions might sound a bit jumpy in the beginning but I think it all smooths out from there. http://soundcloud.com/ccricers/dkc2-stickerbush-symphony-remix-wip
  8. http://tindeck.com/listen/bnnd Megaman 3's intro, in case you are wondering. I really like this tune, so I decided to remix it. This is the result! I focused on synth production here, in response to a comment by Rozovian on my poor synth production in general. I know this isn't the most inventive remix, but okay. Please comment on it! =)
  9. Distant Worlds is by far my favorite ballad from Nobuo Uematsu's huge body of work, and it kind of got lost in the shuffle being a song from the MMO FFXI which a lot of gamers just don't mess with. The orchestral rendition and the Black Mages remix are both outstanding, to anyone who hasn't heard these I strongly recommend a trip over to YouTube to hear what a powerful song this is on a larger scale. I put this together last night to play with my friend in the Navy who's a great oboist. Before long I will have a live recording of this arrangement, If you've got a few minutes to spare check this out and tell me what you think. Lots more to come in the future. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hipnotyk-Music/113610178708782 (most recent wall post) Thanks! MH
  10. I'm straying from my somewhat laid-back style here to try to create something a little (a lot) more agressive. I know it's short, but I'm willing to make up for that in whatever way I can. I'm fond of this arrangement the way it is, pretty much. http://tindeck.com/listen/jeqs - Remix (Here's a version with less treble, the other one had a bit too much http://tindeck.com/listen/orew) - Source if you need itThanks! -TGH P.S. See if you can guess who this was inspired by. (He's a remixer here)
  11. Ok i slapped this one together in couple of days before school started. I know this is far beyond being complete but i just wanted to get some feedback on how to improve my song or what can be added to make it better bc im fairly new to remixing and using Fruity Loops. I know i need to add the rest of the song and fix it up (like adding FX and stuff) but this is how far i got with my busy schedule... I know you may be thinking why do Corridor of Time. It was kinda stuck in my head and it is a pretty simple song to translate from music sheet to the piano roll lol. I appreciate your time in listening to my music and providing help in making it better . Update: 10/18/10 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12375558/CT%20Time.mp3 Update: 10/21/10 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12375558/CT%20Time2.mp3 Update: 1/19/11 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12375558/CT%20Time3.mp3
  12. I've been working on this fidget electro house remix of the palace music from Zelda 2 for a while now, so I thought I'd post up what I've made so far and see what people think: http://soundcloud.com/mekamodo/zelda-2-palace-mekamodo-remix-wip/s-uOAqo It's still a work in progress so all feedback is welcome - I want to try and make this my best remix ever.
  13. Hello all. This is my first post here in quite a while, and I would say I've improved quite a bit since my last ReMix i posted here. Anyways, here it is, "Crashing The Party". EDIT: (Newest version with problems pointed out by TheGuitahHeroe fixed) http://tindeck.com/listen/ffgd Criticisms would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Real Final: http://tindeck.com/listen/rjmr http://tindeck.com/listen/qfkj The song is mostly finished, but I'm just checking around for more things to embellish.. particularly the guitar solo. Pretty content with the production quality. Finally tried out this new set of drum samples, and I'm really loving it. But if something sounds off to you guys, I'd like feedback. Enjoy ^^
  15. Hey all, I am new to this site and I thought I would share my latest remix with you guys to listen to and give me some feedback on. I don't think many people are familiar this game so this is the original song I based my arrangement around: And this is the Remix: http://soundcloud.com/8-bit-cosmonaut/samurai-zombie-nation-theme-8-bit-cosmonaut-remix For this mix I was going for something upbeat and danceable with a little bit of a hardstyle feel. There wasn't much in the original to work with but managed to use some of the main lines to set a motif for the rest of the song. I had a ton of fun playing this game with friends and had as much fun creating this mix so I hope you guys enjoy it. Leave as much criticism as you can. It isn't 100% but I feel that, with some work, this song has potential.
  16. This is one of those tunes I've been meaning to remix for years, tried a few times, but now I've properly got to grips with Ableton Live and particularly the samples included in the Essential Instrument Collection 2, I thought I'd have a crack at it. Not sure what genre it is so I've gone for trip-hop. Source material My effort I'd appreciate comments on humanisation and how to improve (if needed - haha), overall arrangement, and if it's too conservative. I've added a considerable amount of improv over the top of what is basically the source for almost the entire song. Also I'm not too sure about the percussion - I found a trip-hop sample loop and cut it up a bit, adding some timpani and a ride cymbal towards the end but I'm not sure that's enough. Thoughts? Thanks a lot, enjoy!
  17. Here is my first remixes, it is the Old Map song from Golden Axe; source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB0-g6s1Ceo. Here it is: http://soundcloud.com/mdmmusic/old-map I know that it isn't that great compared to most of the stuff posted here so I would appreciate any form of comments/criticism just so I can improve. Thanks.
  18. Hello people. 1st i hope you all are having a good day! http://www.nfftrax.nl/trax/-1244807658-noneu2.mp3 Second I'd like to have some feedback on the mix as wel as the arrangements of the above song. All the things that are that come to mind that are wrong. Especially the mix in the low frequencies, how would you have done this? Im not a musician so also wrong chords or impossible note / chord combination that you hear would be great have mentioned to.
  19. Hello! Another step closer to something new, something I was dream about:lol: Hard Corps rmx album my dream. Dunno how far I get from OC's standards, but I hope this mix can be submitted. Or no.. Any sort of feedback or critic or anything will be great! Enjoy! If you can) Source: Remix: http://official.fm/tracks/195514
  20. Here's a Sonic 2 remix. I need a guitar solo or some kind of instrument solo between 1:30 and 2:02 if anyone wants to collab. Arrangement wise i'm where I want to be. Let me know why you think so far and provide feedback.
  21. Remix of the underwater theme (not aquatic ambience) --> --> --> <-- <-- <--Winter break: thought I'd dedicate my life to this for a little bit. I'm hearing like 5 different themes in here, and I don't know if they can go together. I would appreciate deletion suggestions or transition ideas. True and Faithful, Luke
  22. - WIP Heya guys, been awhile since I've been around. But I'm back with a new track at least! Real quick, the idea behind this track was to create something similar to John Murphy's infamous track from the movie "28 Days Later." I love that track...a lot. ._. Either way, I know I have some balancing and EQ issues. My main thing I'm really wanting to know about, is if the drums fit in this. Of course, you're welcome to point out anything else if you like, constructive criticism is ALWAYS good. Right-o, I hope you guys can enjoy this at least. Keep it classy peoples. ---------------------------------------- - Finished BOSS FIIIIIIIIGHT! Seeteufel is a Bonne Mecha design that was made for the "Bonne Mecha Event" for the MML3 Project. If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, go check out www.capcom-unity.com and look for the MML3 Dev Room. :3 Either way, I had no real direction with this. The boss fight is a little hectic as there is water constantly rising while you're having to fight Tron. I just kinda started writing and ended up with this. Lemme know what you gives think, eh?
  23. Here's a metal remix of "Flash in the Dark" from Megaman 9. It's very much a work-in-progress though now, but I'd like critique on how I can make it better. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=1127019&songID=10114864
  24. Here you all go! The original is found in this very URL. This is a very early version of my remix of probably my favourite battle theme of all time - the original FF1 battle's remix. It's pretty delicious, so I thought I'd try to remix it. I'm still working on this, and this is a pretty early stage, but if I can work with a solid foundation I'm sure the finished version will be great. This is a trance-ish version of the remix, and is kinda slow but steady. I hope you all enjoy it, and if you don't, that's okay. All advice would be very much appreciated. =)
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