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  1. https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/chemical-fire Eish, I gotta take a moment to thank every one who suffers through my mixes, thank you. Anyway so here is Fireman's stage, and what's that do I hear Iceman's stage too???? yeah a little but, I don't think Fire and Ice has ever been used as a metaphor for diametrical opposing forces to engage people's emotions on a subconscious level, so I may be on to something very new artistically here so don't let word get out........... ...............ok lemme has it, no Novocain, drill, chip and smash away at the pulp of my artistic creation, that is my music. Oh one more thing!!!! I need a good fire extinguisher SFX(to add to the mix), I can't find a good one just many poor ones so if anyone out there can help me let me know, Thank you!!
  2. I've been playing the theme song for Uniracers on guitar for 10 years or more, and a while back I recorded a version of it. I haven't been here in ages, so it didn't occur to me until today to post it here. So here we go... https://soundcloud.com/aaronburr/uniracers I know it's not the cleanest sound, but it's all me on electric guitar and bass, with a Mixcraft drum track. Enjoy, and feel free to critique!
  3. Life of a Bowling Pin (updated 1-1-15) Previous version Source: (Twilight Princess)
  4. Hi to everyone, i am currently working on a full fledged Forest Interlude remix, but before advancing into the arrangement (i still added my touch c:) , i wanted to ask some feedback on the overall sound and vibe of the track: Thanks in advance. EDIT: Scrapped the mix, changed title to "The Forest of Melancholy", (Remix between Forest Interlude and Mining Melancholy), check the new link.
  5. Hello there! This my first thread on here sharing my work but don't be afraid to be honest with me. My attempt at creating a somewhat more modern sounding version of this track (albeit using an ancient version of garageband). I'd especialy like some advice on capturing the harmonica-like tone on the lead voice and maybe on ways to better end the song. Headphones/stereo speakers are recommended. Source: "Remix:" http://tindeck.com/listen/ciog Thanks for listening.
  6. Jamming in the Live 9 demo … Put all my gear on eBay last year, so I'm jamming on my mum’s laptop for now, but I've got some ideas—this is one of them. Phantoms
  7. I made this about 3 years ago with a friend one Christmas eve. It's an arrangement but I wasn't sure where I might post it alternately...I got the urge to do swing/big band arrangements of Christmas tunes . While many of them originally had been done by big bands, that's just one of my favorite genres and I wanted to do my own take. I'd like to revisit it to spruce it up and get to other tunes. https://soundcloud.com/codychavezmusic/white-christmas-swing
  8. Not really from a game... but gamey. It's an arrangement from that old animated short-film, The Snowman. https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/the-snowman-theme-chip
  9. Hey guys heres a little piece im working on for a character. I hope you all enjoy how its going so far. If you have any pointers on the mix/composition however, im all ears (: https://soundcloud.com/victor-37/holans-theme-wip
  10. Chiptune. Totally Conceptual. https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/castle-of-dark-before-the-abyss Version 1.
  11. Here's a song I'm working on... Currently what I'm well aware of: Timing sucks [i only have access to my electric piano at home and so I have to do it all by hand, but trust me I'm working on my timing with my metronome everyday... sigh...] and it's pretty short. But other than that I'm looking for feedback to see what else can be done. I've named the track "Do an Aileron roll!" edit.... forgot to post the source. There're two. Arpeggios are intentionally meant to sound like Ballad of the windfish while the main source is starfox map selection screen. Here's both. star fox map selection windfish song May incorporate more of the windfish into this... But the main focus is the map select from star fox
  12. Does this Mix suffer from "medley-itis"? and yes it is supposed to sound like an SNES Game. aside from that, what else should I do to get it OCR-ready?
  13. let me know what you think. the composition/arrangement is not too hot, how should i change it? https://soundcloud.com/grasstype/enguarde
  14. http://askgoldengamer.tumblr.com/post/105630187272/got-bored-and-started-listening-to-zone-runners I'll admit. My equipment sucks. All I currently have is a semi-broken microphone, and audacity, not the kind of stuff you should have when showing what you can do. I understand my lyrics are probably a little iffy, and the rap parts might make some cringe but I did put lyrics so you know what the song should say...anyways...um...enjoy? ^^;
  15. I've heard that this is a great place to get some real feedback, so here it goes. it's my first time posting so be gentle https://soundcloud.com/jaxong/song-of-storms-remix this was all made yesterday while I was procrastinating for finals. I know the EQ automation in the middle dropped a little too low and awkwardly, but aside from that I would love to hear your collective thoughts. all feedback is warmly welcomed and I hope you enjoy!
  16. Well the mix is Zelda Lttp- Boss Theme and OoT- Miniboss Theme = Upper-management Personal ……..(sigh)So there is a huge problem here. I’m ready to send my computer out the window on this one. Im using Cubase and I have an Arpache SX attached to the synth that starts @ 1:28…however it DOSE NOT sound like the synth I have running while I’m playing the track IN cubase, when I Mixdown into a Wav. I get the track posted. I know it’s some how related to the Arpache SX, It plays perfectly in cubase. Again at 3:14,Arpache SX attached, track while playing in Cubase = different than whats in the Wav. Both have a sort of gated feel in Cubase, but when mixed down as a Wav. the gated feel is gone and all i get are sustains and NO choppy-ness and punchy gated feels I get when playing in Cubase are gone….This is really causing allota stress. Testing the water here if it’s worth the fight I’ll stay on this Mixing issue, if the remix is DOA, I’ll turn my efforts elsewhere, either way the version I want to continue mixing is locked up in Cubase and I can’t finish it until I resolve the issue. So 2 Questions 1) Can anyone help with the Cubase problem and 2) is the mix sound like something that sounds like it’s headed in the right direction or am I beating a dead horse Thank you for the Time and ANY help is appreciated. Link- https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/boos-hit-566356
  17. Hey guys, I'm experimenting with Tropical House, and what better way to experiment with a genre like this than with a source that's equally tropical? I haven't gotten very far at all with this, but I'm hoping to get further along with this real soon. 12.4 WIP 1
  18. So, I made this drum 'n bass-ish version of the first stage from Undeadline, a vertical shmup for the MSX2, X86000 and Sega Megadrive. Overall I'm feeling pretty good about it, and in general it has the vibe I was going for. However, I'm not totally happy with the flow yet, some parts feel out of place and I'm a bit stuck. So some help would be nice The stuff that bothers me the most is 0:33-0:44, which is part of the original but feels weird, transition-wise. I think it maybe needs to go. Also 3:10-3:32 feels a bit misplaced or too long or the rhythm guitar part is just badly sequenced, I dunno... Anyway, have a gander: Source: Remix: http://www.jorito.net/files/Undeadline/undeadnb_20141109.mp3 BTW, I'm aware the mix can use some work; this is just my raw DAW project with not a lot of mixing and EQ going on (I usually do that in a separate session with exported wavs)
  19. one of my future dreams is to get some kind of mario disco thing going on this site, and this is a slightly more wholehearted attempt than my last version, although it might be more new wave or possible salsoul than proper disco but ehhhh fuckit https://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/wip-rainbow-jacket
  20. Just a bunch of ideas that might turn into something real someday. watch this space I guess, maybe I'll have it done in 3 years https://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/wip-some-rain
  21. just go to the last page or go here even!: http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/album/seven-years-a-work-in-progress http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/album/seven-years ……although not necessarily in order (see below for the tracks in game order)!
  22. Hi there! This is my first post so be gentle. Over the last few months I've done a few remixes of C&C tracks, but this is my best so far I think. I'd like some feedback on it, what should be improved, what I can keep in mind for future etc though just as a note - I have no musical knowledge or understanding whatsoever which is probably a fundamental problem in itself. That being said here's the link to it! https://soundcloud.com/fraser-jennison/act-on-instinct-remix EDIT: So the project has changed direction slightly. It was previously just an Act On Instinct remix but now also incorporates themes from March To Doom and No Mercy. The idea is to try emulate a kind of Deep Purple feat Keith Emerson sound- that good old rock n' roll with the Jon Lord hammond and Emerson Moog. I wanted to start with a recognisable take on the AOI tune and chorus then move into straight original territory to make it not just a remake but more of a tribute to the game as a whole.
  23. Hi Guys! Here's another video game music track I made today. It took about 5 hours. Well, IMO it is still a work-in-progress. Please give me some feedback I hope you'll enjoy it! https://soundcloud.com/cyber3000studios/microwaves-selfmade-vgm-part-3
  24. https://soundcloud.com/jay-howard-4/pd-project-wip i've always wanted to remix this song, loved it as a kid and didn't want to do a metal cover like everybody else lol. no idea what to call it, my roommate said it fit perfectly with a dungeon he was exploring in Legacy of Kain 2. As far as the instruments used i used poizone, sytrus and i think biohazard.
  25. Not a perfect recording, but pretty decent. It also has a little castle theme and ending credits as well. If anyone has some feedback on anything then that would make me very happy. I assume everyone knows the source. https://m.soundcloud.com/jorik-bergman/super-mario-world-athletic-theme
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