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  1. Something I started. String section and solo horn. http://www.jaredhudson.com/music/Strings%20and%20Things.mp3
  2. http://tindeck.com/listen/hloz Its meant to be a normal club dubstep track but I suck at making anything normal.
  3. I started a remix of this battle theme from the game Skies of Arcadia. I plan on making it a classical/trance hybrid, but I'd love to hear any suggestions on how to improve. Thank you much! Remix: http://www.electricconcerto.com/music/skies_battle.mp3 Current Version: 0.2 - UPDATE 1 - So I played around some more with the melody, both in sound and in structure, and added some more pieces to the remix. I'm getting a little closer to the sound I'm looking for, but I know I'm not there yet. There is a lot of instrument, note, and production tweeking to be made, but hopefully I'm on the right track. - Initial Upload - So, this is the first copy of the remix, though really, it's just an intro with the melody in there as a way for the listeners to get an idea on how the melody ties in there. I know when I listen to an uncompleted melody, it drives me nuts if some form of the source isn't in there. I do plan on correcting the melody and leaving it there where it's introduced in this version, unless you guys find it unacceptable.
  4. So I was originally planning on doing some epic orchestral/ electronic version of some DKC2 songs, but then I started strumming my guitar along with some of the originals and I ended up making this. http://www.archive.org/details/DKC2Song_899 It's still in it's really early stages. I just threw some cheap soundfont drums in for now, eventually I'll get my drummer friend to record some live ones. The ending is still under construction. It has parts from three different DKC2 songs, "Stickerbrush Symphony", "Bayou Boogie", and "Hot Head Bop". Tell me what you think!
  5. I was enjoying this mix at first but eventually I gave up on it. Just wasn't feeling it anymore. The source tune is really cool though, someone should give it a go. Original theme: Dancey and energetic remix. Unmixed and unfinished, unfortunately: http://www.box.net/shared/fq5b42m11f
  6. So, I'm working on some rep for a demo reel and I wanted to do an epic film score... and I wasn't really happy with any of the straight orchestral adaptions of HM2. So, here's my take: think 300 meets Inception and you'll get the style http://soundcloud.com/prototyperaptor/red-alert-2-hell-march-inception to do list: proper ending, melodic development, transitional work so, what do you think?
  7. This is my first attempt at a remix. It's kind of short, but I hope it's okay. Click here to listen to Deku Palace Remix.mp3 I'm new to remixing, so any tips or criticisms would be very helpful.
  8. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12375558/DKC%20Aqua%20Theme.mp3 This is my first time trying to remix a song and one of my favorite songs was Donkey Kong's Aqua Theme. I use Fruity Loops as my music maker and was wondering what i can do to enhance my song to a new level. The ending is not fully finished and refined so please disregard that. Thank you for your time in reading this.
  9. As the subject line states, I know this one is done by everyone and their dog, but I wanted to give it a shot. Working on a sort of speed trance version, check out the link, let me know what you think. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VGB2ZOUQ
  10. Ever since I found OCRemix I've been in love with the site. Listening to all the creative music here finally made me step up to the plate and attempt to..enhance one of, what I feel anyway, the best boss themes ever. I'm surprised that no other music from The Legend of Dragoon has made it on this site, but anyway, because this is my first song-in-progress, I would like to here feedback from some of the more elite remixers on what you guys, and gals , think. Anything to get better. This is just the intro and a bit of the beginning of the song, as I am trying to learn FL Studio at the same time. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J9JJMZOC
  11. Hey guys, I'm working on an iPhone game with some people and we want kind of an epic Super Mario Galaxy kind of feel to it (without sounding too much like it). The first level is supposed to have a "brand new adventure" feel. The song ends abruptly, I know, but I'm pretty much just going to wrap it back around to the beginning to make it loop from here. Any suggestions on how to make it sound better overall? Thanks! http://www.upload-mp3.com/files/235931_rqnwv/Happier%202-1.mp3
  12. Just wanted to get this concept out there. It's really rough at this point.
  13. Hey wow, it's been a long time since I've been here Anyway, I've been working on something else, this time a Great Canyon Remix from the first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game. I'm really experimenting with this one and I need some outside opinions on it. . . Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrvgAcxG4nI Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/mvky It's not nearly finished yet, but if I could get feedback on what I have so far that would be great! Thanks, -TGH
  14. made using FL9, sampled and sliced, added a choir and the drums My first beat I done. This is one of my favorite VG scores ever. It's a great relaxing song. I'm a fan of hip hop. Not the modern garbage these artists are putting out these days Im talking about the Real Hip Hop. So yeah tell what you think I'll like some opinions before I submit it.
  15. I've wanted to do something with Crysis for the LONGEST time. I have a nice rig, and I can kinda sorta max it out with the help of heavy modding. So anyway, a while back I started making a preview video for some dumb Crysis Machinima I was doing and while taking that footage realized how amazing the scenery is by itself.. without the help of actors or gunfights. So it's been a few months now, and I started to think it would be really cool to create a really immersive video with these overwhelmingly cool shots inside the Crysis sandbox. I decided I want the video to show the two sides of Crysis.. nature and those war-like machine aliens. For nature, I wanted the music to be beautiful, warm, and chill. For the aliens, I wanted some aggressive industrial ambience. I'm pretty sure I know the sandbox well enough to have the aliens fly in swarms and have those giant ones walking and attacking too. I even have some nuclear bomb mods that, if my rig can handle, would make you crap your pants. So here's a preview of the track I'm working on. If you have any ideas on how to give either ambience more impact, I'd like to know. I want it to be overwhelming in a good way! If you have any ideas for the video portion of the project as well, I'd love to hear those. EDIT: Hm, already noticing a problem. On my speakers, the track sounds much clearer. On my headphones (they're cheap but I still use them for listening to music) it sounds very muddy. I don't get that.. Early preview version: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/crysis-nature-and-conquerer-preview CONQUERER section: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/crysis-nature-and-conquerer-conquerer
  16. Here's the source -- from the oft-overlooked Rocket Knight Adventures, for the Genesis. Great game, great soundtrack. Pick up a ROM if you've never played it. Here's my version. Unlike with the last mix, I started by carefully transcribing the original, so I think I may have gotten a little too enamored with the original arrangement. I'm posting this very, very unfinished version hoping that you guys can point me in a few good directions for departures. Thanks!
  17. Posted this up a little while ago and got no feedback. I took that as bad news, but I really just don't care anymore. I'd rather it be shredded in the OCR forums than rot in a corner on YouTube. It's trance-ish style and my third finished song since I started teaching myself electronic music 2 months ago. I used the intro segment of "Last Dungeon" and ditched the style in the original completely, so I'm not sure if it's a proper remix. Source: Mix: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/skies-remix-last-dungeon
  18. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1409948/mp3/txai/laser%20ninja%20%28alien%20mix%29.mp3 Original: There are many remixes of this song on KWED, so I tried to give it a different approach. Everything was sequenced by ear. It also references works from certain artists of older periods, which is a habit I have every now and then.
  19. Helo, this is my first time posting here on the OC forums. I've always wanted to make remixes, but never got the courage and programs to make some until now. although the following song is not my first remix, it is the one that I'm taking more seriously, the others just being practice to learn how it works. it's still untitled, as this is only the instrumental. I'm waiting for help from others with the lyrics. so without further ado, I give you my remix. it was made with Mixcraft 5. I'd love to hear opinions of those with more experience. once I got the lyrics written and recorded, I'll add them to the song. (oh, and I have a noob question... is there a way to change the thread order so that the first post into the thread is the top one? for some reason it's configured to be newest posts on top and it's hard for me to read it right.)
  20. Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum/remixing. I'm not very good yet, but I decided my first remix will be one of my favorite songs from DKC2, Stickerbrush Symphony. The song is only in its beginning stages, but I'm wondering if people like the direction it's going. Thanks in advance for the feedback! Click here to listen to Stickerbrush Symphony2.mp3
  21. Hey y'all. I've been hovering around the site for a while and finally got around to registering. Anyways, I am beginning to dabble in making remixes of my own and I have my first one done (I hope!). It's a remix of Deku Nut's Palace from Majora's Mask. Please let me know what y'all think! I updated the song and you can listen to it here:
  22. Hello OCR forums! The game: Duke Nukem 3D The songs: Levels 1, 2 & 4 The track: http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_5533112 This is my first ReMix attempt, so I was hoping to get some feedback before blindly submitting. I love the Grabbag theme from Level 1, but by itself it can get very repetitive. I wanted to mash-up the more recognizable Grabbag theme with some of the building tension from Level 2 and took some rhythmic inspiration from Level 4 to tie it together. What do you think? Do you like where this is going? What kind of improvements are necessary before this would be submission worthy? Thanks, Ryan
  23. Well I guess this game not so popular for remixing, but still it has perfect sound line. Any way this is my attempt to do something with it: I think it's finished, but maybe You don't think so. Tell me what do you thin about it pleas. P.S. I'm thinking about remix album of NES's Alien. I will be honored if someone want to collab with me. P.P.S. Yeah.. I know. My skills sucks:mrgreen:
  24. I've listened to a bunch of other remixes so get a good idea of what I wanted to do, and I ended up going a mellow route. I love the original so much... Here ya go: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/sjxw (Link is not stable since I am constantly updating it; if link is not here check back in a few minutes) ---- Still trying to figure out what to do, but I think I know where to take it now. You can hear the start of that. Bass is WAAAY over there --> at the end because when I'm working on a segment, if something conflicts with what I'm doing, I just push it off to the side until I'm finished with it. In this case, I'm working on the arp. Made some artwork, which reveals the official name of the mix:
  25. http://tindeck.com/listen/xvog The acapellas are people that I've recorded previously and just wanted to hear what it would sound like if someone rapped over the beat, they're not meant to be permanent.
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