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  1. I've been meaning to actually complete a remix--I've started a few and then some matter of life or business interrupts the process and the roll of inspiration that brought me to the original idea is *poof* gone! So, here's hoping! Tejing requested this piece be remixed and I had an idea, so I kinda went with it. (Something starting out with some Hisaishi influence and going from there.) Also a good excuse to test-drive my new strings. At the current version, I'm feeling it's around 30% done, so quite a ways to go, but I thought I'd post for some initial feedback. Prisoners of Destiny Cheers, EDIT: Updated link, added on a bit of where I was planning to go. There's a cpu click near the end of this version, I know it's there, it won't be in the final (just have to track down the cpu inefficiency at that area) EDIT 2: Fixed the click
  2. Well me and (not in this community) Black MaGiiC were bored and messin around with some freestyles, so we made this song with sonic advance cover I had, with a pretty cheap radio shack mic that makes aLOT of noise and make your voice sound like crap, but hay in the end with mastering and EQing the Hell out the voice track, it really did not sound half bad xD. heres the A short sample, and no we have no plans of finishing this song, but we do have a summer project to make a mixtape and an album when i get my mic in the mail this or next week. (*Warning* ::explict terms, language) original:: And the short track we call Compton Lane (cause thats his house lane) *ps* yes im also ''Aires'' with the robot voice
  3. Hi everyone, I work on this song : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/341280 I try to make a trance, techno song, But, i find some part are not cool, but some part are great. I need your help, your advice to upgrate the song. But if you think that it's ok and it's a good song and this don't need any change, tell me too. Bak.R
  4. click here maaaannn. it's two complete tracks, combined for the flow. this is the start of a concept album about seasons and weather. these songs are about spring. I'm going to write about the weater during each season this year. Well, that's the idea, at least. the first is Spring Showers. I wrote it on piano. It has lots of arps. too many, probably. I don't like the sound of the lead instrument. It's also got radio samples. it gets kind of epic, I'd say. the second is Don't Go Outside. I wrote it on bass guitar. it's mostly bass, but also features spoken poetry, plus live shaker, hand claps, and chanting. I like this one a lot; it's my first attempt at 7/4 time. I have another idea for the album, which is for each song to have a different time signature from the last. So not all different times, but no time twice in a row. I'm gonna start a 5/4 track next. at the very end is just bits of what the next track will be, And We're Up to No Good. It was written on keyboard. anyway, let me know what you think? I don't like the sound of a lot of the instruments yet. I need to find better drums, and the bass still needs some tweaking. I like it a lot so far but I want to know if that's just my own bias, since I made it. I need to know if other people will like this when it's done. I want this album to be really good.
  5. Hello all! This is my first submission (first of many I hope). A bit about me, I don't know how to play an instrument (I'm learning guitar, but self teaching is hard). I use FL Studio 9 Producer Edition on my roommates computer (he's in college for music stuff) to do stuff with MIDIs as a form of stress release and this has somewhat become a hobby. I found OCRemix a few years ago form Project Chaos and decided to try my hand. Anyway, its an arrangement of the theme from the Lavender Town in PKMN RBY. I tend to stick with acoustic and realistic instruments and avoid synth and things like that. I know that I don't deviate away from the original track much and I know that it gets a bit repetitive in the middle and that after the climax of the song it ends a bit abruptly, but hey, its my first go!
  6. http://www.spacecowmusic.com/Sekaiju.php (Track 5 is the best one ) I'm having problems getting the tracks loud enough, especially the last one which uses lots of low velocities. Everything aside from the drumset uses old sysex patches in FM8, which even on maxing out the master volume on all the instances results in the master fader hanging around at ~30% most of the time. I've found a few techniques for pushing the FM8 louder, such as using Unison or controlled Overdrive, but they kinda result in some inconsistent timbre changes for different instruments. I've already added more Gain via the faders, but my loudest tracks are at 0 already and I've heard frequently that adding gain past 0 is not good and should only be used as a last resort. I'm currently using +2 db on the master faders as that last resort . I could use some advice on the use of compression and such in this case. (The drumset is not an issue as Battery can go waaay louder). I don't really have much experience in compression technique aside from scrolling through presets, and I'm not really sure where to start aside from messing with random things on the interface.
  7. first DnB try, and man i over used the same sound for a wobble, soulda automated the shaps more. and mixed it better #Surgon Warning# listening to this Sucknees may cause Ear gaassemssssss:tomatoface: Edit;; i may need help with this.
  8. Here we are, unlike my previous submission these are actual remixes, yet still in progress however. I have one featuring the Zelda theme, and I'm currently writing more on the arrangement to include other themes such as the overworld (I believe that's what its called? maybe its otherworld...I can't rem XD) theme etc I also have a remix of DOOM's "The Demon's Dead" tune which I did about a year ago or so. Zelda Doom (I know, the videos say covers, but well - ya lol XD they're just previews anyhow ) I have a Valkyrie Profile remix coming soon as well, although unfortunately I took the video of its preview down (I was getting trolled and it didn't have all too many views anyway so So here we are, check em out - and looking forward to everyone's opinion I also realized that I have one other thread going on, and although I would've preferred adding this information to it instead - I can't seem to find an option to edit a thread's title, nor delete a thread? I'd appreciate if that thread could be taken down if a mod would be so kind to. I can already tell that with the Blazblue song I have linked in there, that it wouldn't be accepted by OCRemix (As it's not a TRUE remix, so it still needs alot of work!) here's the thread link http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29444 and the blazblue cover if you're interested in listening to it.
  9. I love that game when I was a kid. My brother and me always played "turbulence" on trumpets:< But it was very long time ago) So this is my Metal try to do some thing with it. This is just DEMO version!! Work in progress!!! Waiting for your judgment. Say what should I change or add or remove or else) Thanks!! http://fairtilizer.com/track/119085 And this is original:
  10. I'm currently working on a remix of the "Uncharted Worlds" track from the original Mass Effect. Just thought I'd post what I've done so far and maybe get some response from you guys. The track might feel a bit empty right now, but I'm working on that. FL Studio 9 + Zebra2 plugin used. Bitrate: 192kbps Length: 2:26 Speed: 120BPM Ver. 1: http://www.skinnyt.com/media/new_worlds_wip.mp3 Ver. 2: http://www.skinnyt.com/media/new_worlds_wip.mp3
  11. Update 10/6: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/khrv ____________________________________ Update: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/rpyv _____________________________________ http://www.tindeck.com/listen/uwyo Harmonies at the end are offkey, will fix it eventually. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8h6vt-5B2g
  12. So, I got bored a while ago and have been working on this mellowish remix of the song Stickerbrush Symphony from DCK2. Thought I'd share with you guys and get some feedback on what could use some work and such. http://soundcloud.com/general-gilliam/dreamy-brambles
  13. Okay, this is the first time I'm making some original music. I'm planning to create a little 10-track album, with different genres, but all connected to rock and metal. The idea of this album is based on Dante Alighieri's poem, Inferno, and each track correspond to a circle of Hell. I'm still working on it, and I have only finished the first one (Limbo) and the album intro, so this post will be updated as soon as I'll finish new songs. I'm looking for some feedback to help me if some things aren't quite good (I'm not a good musician at all) or just some comments about my tracks. Every track will have lyrics, so don't feel disturbed if it sounds kinda "empty" at the moment Intro Track 1 - Limbo (kind of gloomy rock)
  14. http://neblixsaber.darkesword.com/HyperCombustion.mp3 Not near done, just letting everyone else hear it.
  15. I'm working on a remix on the Dire Dire Docks song from Super Mario 64. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks! Song link: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=8988504
  16. Hi everyone, Everquest title screen. Early days yet, going for a big feel. Enjoy!
  17. Hello. I am currently working on a remix of the song "Theme of Another Dimension" from the Gameboy RPG Final Fantasy Legend 3. Basically it is the song that is played when you are aboard the time travel ship Talon. Here is a link to a kinda lo-fi youtube video of the original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90jEnCNIInw In the past I have always tried to give anything I touched some rock style with lots of distorted guitars. This time it's my first try to remix something with clean guitars. I am trying to give this orignally fast paced, happy music which comes with lots of rythmic energy a totally new direction by taking the speed and intensity out and replacing it with the same ammount of feeling to keep it interesting. This is what it sounds like so far: http://www.darksoulproject.com/music/gvot_wip.mp3 The guitar parts are quite often out of tune in this one, also some pieces are just cut together with copy and paste - you might especially hear that on clean guitars. Of course all those guitar parts will the re-recorded once I am sincere and sure of the arrangement. That is actually my main problem, or let's say where I am stuck: The theme itself is relatively short, so I try to learn from past mistakes and try to not repeat myself too much. I am not too confident in putting in custom content though. There are some ideas implemented in this WIP and I would especially appreciate opinions on how the additional content fits together with the original tunes. Also I am happy for any other suggestions, ideas and critisms you might have on this one. Thanks alot in advance and take care, Luhny
  18. Okay. It's me again. So apparently MIDIs are a big no-no here, eh? Oh well. I was hoping for some feedback on that. So about this remix. This is an orchestral remix of one of my favorite themes from Final Fantasy IX, and maybe one of my all time favorite game themes. When I first found OCRemix.org, this theme, plus the Legend of Zelda Theme and Gerudo Valley, was what I first looked for, and I think I downloaded every remix of the theme at the time. Okay, so, this remix is orchestral, and very much influenced by soundtracks like Star Trek, and Star Wars, and the like. Its also a bit of a test of an orchestral VST which I recently got my hands on. So far I'm liking it. If 'Ride of the Hero' gets a No (resub) then I might just redo it with this VST. Any suggestions, constructive critisisms, and comments are welcome. Stuff I'd Like to Do: - On the last runthrough of the 'chorus' (B section of the source?) have a choir voice (or a series of real recorded voices) go along with the melody. Maybe a future collab post... - er... Thats it really. As always, Enjoy! Version 4 ---------- - Once again attempted to humanize the instruments a little more - Changed out the intro with something... simpler... Crap, imo, but I don't know what else to do - Changed the outro - Added more reverb - Altered the harp section to be more... harpish... - Tried to make the solo cello suck less - Altered the final iteration of the second half of the original tune Version 3 ---------- - Instead of using the Solo Cello Vibrato, I changed it to plain-ol' Solo Cello, and manually set the vibrato to kick in after a certain amount of time. I'm hoping this at least makes it sound better than before, although it will never compare to a real Cello. - Changed up a few parts (hope you hear 'em. Let me know what you think) - Tweaked the Eq some more. Hope it helps. Version 2 ---------- - Tried to make it less mechanical (emphasis on 'tried'... not sure if I succeeded) \- Tried to give some parts a more ebb and flow feel - replaced the corny cornet with a solo cello and Eq'd it forward more cause it wasn't very audible - tried to make the strings less exposed - Added some vibrato to the strings. hope it helps. note: wasn't sure where (besides the intro) the strings were too drawn out, and as far as the intro goes... I haven't the foggiest how to make it more realistic. *shrug* Any tips or suggestions on that front would be appreciated.
  19. Hi everyone, got another new currently untitled WIP, this time it's Mega Man 7 and the Junkman theme It still needs to have an ending put on it, the drums need to be varied up (which I'll do as one of my last jobs, so please don't pick me up on it, I know it needs doing ) and the mixing lacks general polish at this moment. But it exists in complete enough form for you to get some idea where I'm coming from. NEW VERSION: http://cbnow.co.uk/theradicalsifu/Mega_Man_7_WIP_2.mp3 OLD VERSION: http://cbnow.co.uk/theradicalsifu/Mega_Man_7_WIP.mp3 Please be critical, brutally if necessary! All I ask is that you take the time to explain your comments, be they good or bad Thank you, hope you enjoy it
  20. Guess listening to The Hybrid Front OST helped develop some of the ideas in this one. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/emim
  21. I am in deep producing and promoting my project which is a sound art remix of George Orwell's novel 1984. I am mashing up samples from a 1950's radio recording of 1984 with field recordings, contemporary media clips, analog synth, drum machines and other madness. The first two tracks are posted here: http://www.artonair .org/archives/ j/content/ view/3138/ There is an interview about the work posted here: http://www.tokafi. com/news/ margaret- noble-remixes- george-orwells- 1984 So please take a listen and see what I am up to PS: I am still always pleased to share your work on my site Sound is Art, http://margaretnoble.net/soundisart Drop me a line!
  22. I made a remix of Soulcalibur 4's character creation music. After months of searching for the source, I found out that it is called "Infinite Images". Here is my remix. And here's the source. I'd like to hear your opinions on it.
  23. Hi there, Newest orchestral mix. The title screen from Altered Beast. No where near done yet. Going for a Hans Zimmer/Remote Control Productions type sound. Enjoy!
  24. Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umesvao4rnY Remix: http://www.box.net/shared/ubvdhmx78i Trying to do something more along the lines of commercial trance/progressive. A lot of levels and things need to be sorted out, it needs an intro prior to where it starts in the WIP and just more song. In the end I think it will be a pretty long-ish mix maybe over 6:30 or so. The original song has lots of content and I want to use a lot of the original ideas. Anyhow, comments are welcome.
  25. Some great WIP I'm probably never gonna finish for personal reasons. Uploaded for your enjoyment: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=799
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