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  1. i just started this mix about 2 weeks and have been going back and forth between it and another mix from area 5. its no where near being ready for submission, but just wanted some criticism, both good and bad. i would like to add another 1-2 minutes and make the intro a lot more fluid, but for now... here it is. its the first song on my myspace profile. you cant miss it or complain its too complicated to find. http://www.myspace.com/whiterliar
  2. Hay, this has been laying on the shelf for over a year or so, and i'm thinking about recording all from scratch again someday. Just need to get new gear and some better skills (or skills at all ) at mastering, and maybe changing some parts. But i thought i'd share it with you, since it's gonna take a while anyway. Any thoughts on what works and what doesn't and tips on what I should think about on EQ:ing is allways helpful and welcome. I love the original and it's been fun learning this. I tried adding some of my own stuff and some references to other tunes as well. Hope thou like. http://www.mediafire.com/?qoajvvmydit
  3. Been messing around with this ever since last Punchfest...still working on the rest of the arrangement...thought I could receive some extra feedback in here for different effects...making sure everything seems solid so far. Enjoy!
  4. Hey everybody... been a long time since i've been on OC remix, but with the upcoming release of Starcraft 2, I thought I'd throw in my hand at remixing. So, I dove into the Starcraft 2 sound library, and started chopping and rearranging. Also, I made my own technique for doing the protoss voice... This is what I got so far. "After the Broodwar, a group of protoss parted off from the rest of the tribe. With their peaceful interactions with select groups Terrans, they started to delve into the Terran arts, more specifically, Rap and Hip-Hop." A Protoss Rap/Hip-Hop Song. http://soundcloud.com/poolatka/today-was-a-good-day All the sounds are from the Protoss music, minus a couple key drums. I have all the lyrics written out, but not recorded or put in yet, but I added one phrase here and there just to fill it in for now. I thought I'd get your guy's advice on the music before putting the lyrics in.
  5. Hello, I wanted to introduce my work in progress. Hoping to find listeners and supporters. The project is hosted on public radio's Art on Air. There are two tracks: http://www.artonair.org/archives/j/content/view/3138/
  6. Hello there OCRemix, I have a project that I've been working on for a while, and I have a lot of tracks to mix. So I've been at work on a midi rock template, using The Black Mages - Decisive Battle as a guide. Now, I don't have the end all best sounds in the world, so I want to at least capture the essence of what I'm trying to get across emotionally using the samples that I have here in Reason 4. I'm going to post here clips from this rock template. I know that I'm going to need different techniques for different parts of songs. Here's what I've got right now: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=797 I'm not looking to use any other samples than the ones I have there, and I actually really like it as it is, and am ready to just use it like that... I'm just wondering if there might be anything else I could do effects wise, or leveling wise, or...etc... etc...? Any tips and tricks accompaniment wise, or effects wise that could make it....clearer I guess? Anything I should look for in arranging rock music that might be needed in my soundtrack? EDIT: What I mean by this is that I'm creating a midi template to convert GM midi files. Thank you for your time.
  7. Hey, new guy here. So I'm working on an arrangement of SMG's Rosalina's Comet Observatory, and it sounds just like I wanted it too when it comes to the notes that are played. Although, with that fine and everything, I seriously think there are some flaws that I'm not aware of. One, I'm really new at making music in general, so there's bound to be some things that really need some serious polishing. So I figured I'd come here for some criticism on the piece. I felt like submiting this here on OCR, but I know this isn't even close to being good enough to pass the judges. Still being worked on, mainly on the Violin Ensemble, so it's going to sound a bit off after a certain time. So anything that needs to be improved? The sound quality? The insturments? Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?wzugyzhk1wz Program used: FL Studio Insturments used: DVS Saxophone, FL Keys Dark Piano, SynthStrings Violin Ensemble
  8. Need some opinions on this rough mix of the song Unforgotten from Halo 2. Some may remember this as background music certain multiplayer and options menus. It's a softer piece to start with, but this mix takes it in a different direction with synthesized acoustic and electric guitars backed by a nice beat. Let me know what you think! http://www.mediafire.com/file/wnnyjniegra/Gone But Not Forgotten0.5.mp3
  9. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/lrsz After zircon made the observation about Lava Reef Zone/Exposé, it had to happen some time.
  10. Hey Guyz, this is my first remix, I made it with the programm Cubase 5 I'd like to know, how yout think about it and what I could make better: Enjoy
  11. Alrighty. This is an idea I've had floating around in my head for a few days now. This is a rough outline of where I want to take the track. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/320024
  12. Hi! This is my first attempt to post something. So this is my simple "remix" on Arcus Odyssey from Sega. I'm working on it and maybe will try to submit it. Well if some one like it=) Pleas tell me what I need to change or else.. Thanks!! http://fairtilizer.com/track/113239
  13. Hey all. Long time listener, first time poster! I've been making music for around 6 years now, and this is the first time I feel confident posting one of my works up here. It's a remix of the Red Soil Area song from Super Metroid. As it is, it's mostly finished, but I'd love some professional feedback. Critique away, guys! http://drop.io/Kabukimusic/asset/red-eye-brinstar
  14. Here's my metal version of the dungeon theme from Legend of Zelda from the NES. I know its been done a FEW times before, but i'm hoping my version gives a fresh look at it. Its only 1:31 long right now cause i'm really not sure where to with it from here, but i'm hoping you guys have a suggestion. I think i've got the orchestration pretty well separated and the guitars pretty well mixed in. I did a version a couple years ago of this theme, but i really like the theme and wanted to take a better stab at it. Thanks guys.
  15. My second post.. the first was some 8bit drum n bass track, but this is now a very different style of musik <3 my first metaltrack longer than 2min! used shreddage (best virtual guitar ever made!!) <3 http://soundcloud.com/creast/death-is-just-the-beginning PS: the mixing is baaad.
  16. Okay, right off the bat I want to say that I'm not looking for mixing/mastering/sample quality feedback for this. Why? Cause its a MIDI. Now before you all stone me, let me explain. I can't play guitar worth beans. I cannot purchase Shreddage for I am paying for college via my income working as a courtesy clerk. I can, however work on my composition skills. And what better way to do that then through MIDI, ne? Specifically via TuxGuitar. See, eventually I'd like to be able to turn one of my metal MIDIs into an actual song, whether through a collaboration (which is probably the best option, atm) or through my own l33t guitar skillz... . So, I would really appreciate some feedback as to composition before I go and request a collab. On to the remix! Robotnik's Metal Ambush MIDI Robotnik's Metal Ambush Tab PS The Tab file is in *.tg format. TuxGuitar doesn't save as anything other tab format. Version 2 --------------- - Extended to 3:14 (from the original 2:00) - Within the extension: \ Varied up the rhythm guitar section | A bit of a breakdown with original symphonic elements | Another run-through of the original melody / Changed the ending
  17. http://www.tindeck.com/users/bloodeyezack this is my first attempt at making anything. its the first thing I have done. (I really procrastinate) there is a LOT of mistakes but yeah its my first try and I have only been working on for the passed few days. the audio is messed up in some places. its not close to being complete (I need to do a lot of editing). well anyways pretty much its a remix of the "Road to Bowser" here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gTBuDK06Z4 I need to work on 1:00 up but so far I think I'm doing ok. please give me you honest opinion. am I on the right track?
  18. An album that I've been working about for a year, and it's finally coming together. I've only got two songs left to do, along with a few little additions to the other songs, but I'm really liking how it's turned out. Let me know how it sounds to you guys. www.drop.io/MPdemos Also, if you're interested, here's the latest song I've done: artembank.bandcamp.com
  19. This a kind of a slower tribute type remix of byrnes theme I've been working on. Its only covered the first part of the song so it isn't finished, but for some reason what I do have sound a bit lacking. Any feedback is welcomed.
  20. http://www.mediafire.com/?ngjcdhwjizx It's been a year since I last said something here, mainly because of college. However I've still been working on arrangements. This is my newest from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. The Idea came to me a few days ago and the song seemed like it would sound much better orchestrated so I attempted to do just that. Feedback and other comments welcome. edit: Can a mod or admin change the title of the thread to "Symphony of the Sun(FFMQ Forest Town arrangement"
  21. Still early days for this mix. It's the main theme of Metal Gear Solid 1 in the style of Kraftwerk. Apologies that it doesnt have an ending yet. I would greatly appreciate any critique so far. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqqq8uqSDnk Inspiration:
  22. I joined somewhat recently and decided to post a mix I've been working on here. Link - Memories of My Childhood (Fixed as of May, 19th) Original Source - Autumn Voyage So, what do you think?
  23. Hello! I've been a member of the forums for a total of twenty minutes now, and I've already got a remix to get feedback on (yay?) I've been working on a remix of Cohen's Masterpiece from BioShock, which I've basically been tweaking off and on over the last few weeks until I thought it was worth asking other people for their opinions. I have it uploaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ry4mymknh2z/Cohen's Disasterpiece2.0.mp3 It's kind of a techno variation, with some odd-ball drums that I thought kept with the spirit of the already weirdly-timed piece. Enjoy! EDIT: Here's the new, improved version of the Remix. Let me know what you think! http://www.mediafire.com/file/y3mjjjtrmwm/Cohen's Disasterpiece3.0.mp3
  24. .mp3 .wav short, sweet, and to the point.
  25. Hello, My name is Margaret Noble and I am an artist and teacher who works in sound and media art. I am writing to share a project I am developing which is inspired by an old vinyl recording of Orwell's novel 1984. As an artist who uses samples and media, I have found Orwell's text and today's media to be fertile ground for artistic expression. I am weaving together a new experimental radio work that is a musical narrative retelling. I am writing to introduce the project, find support for this work and to spread the word. The work connects strongly with human rights and will benefit Amnesty International. Although this note may appear a bit "spammish," I invite you to take a look and see what you think. The work supports human rights, new contemporary art and the continuation of Orwell's message. Preview track here: http://margaretnoble.net/blog/safer-is-better/ Support the project here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/margaretnoble/george-orwells-1984-electronic-music-remix-album-f Thanks for reading!!! I hope to hear from you!!! Sincerely, Margaret
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