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The fact alone that Lucario gets more powerful as his damage goes up makes him very, very good. Not just 'cause of the power but because of;

a) some people become hesitant to attack him, and instead just rush to kill him ASAP, which leads to mistimed attacks and panic.

B) different knockback amounts caused by increasing damage lead to unpredictable combos.

c) his reach also increases with damage, forcing your opponent ro constantly re-evaluate their positions when attacking you.


The thing with Lucario is though, that everything he does from the start feels really fierce, but regular attacks and smash attacks don't do THAT much damage. Even if I get an opponent to over 130%...well...usually we KO people even before they get to 130% right?

I really, realy love playing that character though, there has to be some way to actually be good with him. Or was the game really made so that theres only a handfull of characters that actually stand a chance? n_n;

Okay that's it! I'm going to start practicing again and see if I can get my internet going for my Wii. :)


Lucario is great for several reasons:

-Insane priority (Don't ever try to attack him from beneath)

-He actually has a few "combos" (utilt and fair are great, his aura special can be chained, his grabs can be chained at low percentages)

-His recovery isn't THAT easy to gimp (up-b to wall cling can save you on many stages if someone's edge-guarding)

-He's the only character in the history of Smash to reward you for sucking, by getting stronger the more damage he takes

-Aura Ball is GAY

-All of his moves have deceptive hitboxes and little wind-down lag

-His throws are ridiculous (not as good as some, but better than most)

More information can be found here:


Pay attention to post #19.

SSBB is dumb Melee is still the better game lol. Uh oh debate time or flame time which I don't care I'll just flame you back =).

@Jam Stunna - I see you on Smash Boards all the time, if you don't know who I am look up "Blazin' Kyubi" in the combo videos.

:tomatoface:Oh god. I hate Brawl Haters (aka the Melee cult).:banghead: I don't hate Melee, I don't hate melee, and can see and accept why some might see Melee as better, but I'm sick and tired of people using that as an excuse to say Brawl sucks. Brawl isn't Melee 2, get over it. It's still kickass.

:tomatoface:Oh god. I hate Brawl Haters (aka the Melee cult).:banghead: I don't hate Melee, I don't hate melee, and can see and accept why some might see Melee as better, but I'm sick and tired of people using that as an excuse to say Brawl sucks. Brawl isn't Melee 2, get over it. It's still kickass.

I believe Brawl is good but it's nothin compared to Melee. And do you know how many times I hear that Brawl isn't Melee 2 but so many people which it was because it's that bad. Why should I get over it, that's the dumbest thing people defending Brawl can say I don't have to get over nothin. That's like tellin people who still play Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo to get over it and start playing 4 just because it's the new game that's out. New game =/= good game but yet half of you people out there have that mentality. Play Melee on the level that I do which is hella fast(look up BlackPanther videos on youtube) and you'll see why I like Melee better. Not just because of the speed but everything in that game works and runs smoothly.

Ok enough of that this is OCR not Smashboards, sorry lol xD.


What's wrong with it goin the way of Street Fighter? What is wrong with playing old games? If a game is good then it shouldn't matter how old it is I still play DK and a lot of the megaman games because they're good so I'm gonna keep playin them until I can't play video games anymore. Point bein that just because a game is old does not mean you should stop playin it even if a newer version is out your decision should be based on a logical observation not just, "OMG the new Smash Brothers is out, this is WAY better than the last one". And I like to work at getting good not just getting good automatically which I've found out about Brawl, someone who's played Melee a little bit can pick up Brawl and be pretty good at it and recovery sucks so much balls. DI on your first flight off the stage and you don't even have to use your first jump you should at least make an attempt to come back not have it sitting on a plate and instant sweetspotting, psh please I'd much rather spend my time on a game where you work for your kills and not trip into a charged f-smash.


The problem with Street Fighter isn't the game, but the community. Outside of Evo, when have you even heard of a Street Fighter tournament? That's because the game is old. It doesn't matter how good the game is, if there's no one to play it with. Street Fighter is making a comeback, but it's not because there was a sudden Renaissance of Third Strike. It's because there's a new game coming.

That's the problem facing Smash. Brawl is inferior, but you can get more people to play a new, inferior game than you can get to play an old, superior game. How can you talk the average gamer into playing a 7-year old game when a new version of it came out this year? And contrary to popular belief, tournament communities are mostly comprised of average gamers. Only one person can win a tournament, but you still need those other 30 or 40 people to even have one.

Those average gamers are the ones that drive tournaments, not the winners. Winners just reap the benefits of a game's popularity. It might not seem like it, but asking someone to play an old game is actually asking for alot.


You sir make a good point. But while that is a good point, there is a pretty good ratio of people who doesn't go by what you said me bein one of them and that ratio of people who continue to play the better game can get bigger when more people get sucked into this battle of which game is better. I guess what I'm tryin to say is that I can't argue with what you said and I will continue to play Melee and there are a lot of people out there like me who will do the same lol xD.

Who the fuck cares about Melee. If you still like it then go play it, instead of cramming our Brawl thread full of your ridiculous faggotry.

Well sorry there's no rule against it you moron, it's people like you that make all the brawl supporters look like 2nd grade dickless retards. I don't recall insulting anyone in particular so why insult me shows how much of an adult you are heh.


I hate this whole kind of I DARE YOU TO TREAD ON ME argument I see when people talk about this. It's the same kind of crap that always shows up in religious arguments and especially Mac vs PC.

For serious - if you like Melee, why not play it instead of coming into a thread where people are talking about Brawl and saying "SSBB is dumb Melee is still the better game lol. Uh oh debate time or flame time which I don't care I'll just flame you back"? How "adult" is that?

I like Melee a lot for its fluent speed, much better items, and more powerful hits (and for the fact that I played it a ton) but Brawl's characters are much better balanced to each other and the whole stage recovery system (grabs and up-bs) have been made WAY easier (which I think makes it a lot more fun because it's more challenging to get rid of someone). Overall it balances out, I think. It's a different game. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking Melee more than Brawl, and not even with staying with Melee and refusing to play Brawl. But there is definitely something wrong with trying to force your beliefs on all the other people who don't agree with you.

Well sorry there's no rule against it you moron, it's people like you that make all the brawl supporters look like 2nd grade dickless retards. I don't recall insulting anyone in particular so why insult me shows how much of an adult you are heh.

oh my god are you seriously that retarded


If you want to be friends with Atma, you've gotta troll everybody else. That's how Bleck became friends with him. :<

And now I wait for my imminent doom from Atma and Bleck, knowing I provoked it with the truths I tell.

On topic: Except for the slower, trippier fighting system, every objective poster knows Brawl is better than Melee.

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