Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 You take me too seriously, man. I make a lot of jolly statements, but people seem to take them literally. Your friends are probably horrible too, but you go on and stay in that bubble of ignorance while others with true skill overshadow you with their accomplishments rather than their words. My friend Reginald Watkins is nearly unbeatable. I only beat him a few times. My friend Terrell is so good at video games, nerds on Halo name the shields after him; "Boom Shields", lol. My friend Brian down the street is okay, but has only beaten me once. The moment you get yourself a wii *which I think you are just stalling so you can talk big and not back yourself up*, I really wish to challenge you so that you may finally put up so I can shut you up.This should bust that whole "arrogance" myth: I grew up in the 'hood, low-class. Made up my mind that I'd get my education and not sell crack for a living. Look, man, I am a broke motherfucker getting hired soon, so just wait your turn, okay.[/livejournal] Wii is not a priority, though I really want it. I am not afraid, and as you can see, I was playing Melee, not Brawl. If you beat me, congrats; if not, whatever. In every thread you are so full of yourself, whether you see or not. Everyone else sees it and speaks of it, yet you are ignorant to it. Even Darkesword called you out on it.We never got along. Yeah, I "gave it" to PP, but only because I thought it was funny. It wasn't funny; it was a waste of time.Full of myself in every thread? Let's be logical. I don't like posting seriously like this over something so stupid, but honestly, how you are the way you are with posts is puzzling. You are either an extremely good troll or a very ignorant human being.I am not at all moved. Don't be so puzzled. What do you define as a troll? Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 15, 2008 Author Posted October 15, 2008 Your friend's names mean nothing without videos of how they are. I want to see them in action as well. You speak so much with a tone of "authority". It gets so bad that sometimes I think those that don't know you will actually take your horrible advice as true tips because they don't know any better. You are horrible and you will always be horrible until you prove yourself otherwise. Also, big deal if it was melee or brawl. You suck at both apparently. Your melee was just so shitty. Justin Wong wouldn't have any trouble beating you. Wanting to get better is one thing, but speaking as if you have skill without showing any sort of means of backing it up is just insulting to those of us who truly have proven our abilities. Please post videos of your friends. i want to see just how bad *or good* they really are. What you have posted proves nothing. I can say my friend Jesse Ellis down the street is a pretty damn good Mario, but it means nothing at all because it is just words. Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Missing the point. Authority? Well, I don't speak as if ashamed or afraid because I am not. I won't go and say that I'm good at writing (OMG ARUGANT), but I do know how to, and so I tend to speak confidently. Get over it, man, you cannot tear me down or define me. I don't know what you're facing, but just calm down. You cannot get into my head by insulting me. My video is uploaded, but not fully processed. I'll go to Reggie's house across town and play him, and I'll invite Brian as well. Please, be nice. It gets so bad that sometimes I think those that don't know you will actually take your horrible advice as true tips because they don't know any better. If you make statements like this, you need hardcore proof. I just got done telling Zombie to keep balance in his lifestyle, and you're telling me that I was telling him something wrong? He just got done thanking everyone. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 15, 2008 Author Posted October 15, 2008 Tear you down? Dude, you are missing the point entirely. I want you to humble your ass and get over yourself. Whatever, stay in that bubble of yours while the rest of us with actual proven ability go and progress. Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 If you beat me, congrats; if not, whatever. Tear you down?Dude, you are missing the point entirely. I want you to humble your ass and get over yourself. Whatever, stay in that bubble of yours while the rest of us with actual proven ability go and progress. OK, you need to stop speaking that way. The only way a person can be convincing is to be respectful. I never had a problem with you, Arek, and I am not going to simplify my posts because you interpret me as haughty. I am not swearing that I am good, so stop saying that I am. Also, you said that I gave bad advice but gave no example. This all seems like a setup. Anyway, I need to get some rest. Tomorrow, I'll play some more Melee and get those files from the school database and make more videos. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 15, 2008 Author Posted October 15, 2008 Gt, Jam Stunna, Atma, and I all agreed that your advice on Peach that you gave earlier is something a novice who picked up the game that day could write. You gave no tips that were advanced and you made yourself sound full of it. Right there is example enough that you know nothing besides basic skills. I can go on but I would rather stop posting and allow my two better companions give examples as to why they agree that you are nothing but a half wit. Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 My upload just failed. Gt, Jam Stunna, Atma, and I all agreed that your advice on Peach that you gave earlier is something a novice who picked up the game that day could write.You gave no tips that were advanced and you made yourself sound full of it. That was not haughty, especially since I was trying to be helpful. I am better with visual communication, so I should convey in another way. Right there is example enough that you know nothing besides basic skills.I know more than that, but I admit, I am not sure how to articulate with the utmost detail on how to use Peach, an already-buggy character.Hasty conclusion there, friend. I'm not bothered by you suggestions, but that's not good enough. I even asked GT what the problem was and he claimed that there was none, except that the advice wasn't good enough. Ok, big deal. I can go on but I would rather stop posting and allow my two better companions give examples as to why they agree that you are nothing but a half wit.Poisoning the well is one of the worst ways to prove a point, friend.You know I'm being kind, right? Quote: I can't begin to describe everything that's wrong in this video. A lot: Looped sequence: Ness jumps a lot, barely able to smash Link. Link throws wide-range attacks, then gets jump-kicked and thrown a lot. Cheap shots. Badly-timed meteor smashes. I got cornered, lol I accidentally did Ness' PK Cross instead of his other PK powers. Jammed-ass control stick (doesn't matter now that I bought a new GCN controller) Trying to use PK Thunder meteor-smash style off of the cliff. This was done to see the CPU's rate of response to predictable attacks. Link could've smacked my ass out of the stage when I was suffering on the right side of the stage's end. It takes humility to own up to one's own mistakes. I could try and judge you, but that would be wrong. Quote
halc Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 c'mon now children this is just a video game i will kick your ass with my buggy peach Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 15, 2008 Author Posted October 15, 2008 im done seriously? seriously? wow Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 c'mon now children this is just a video gamei will kick your ass with my buggy peach Thank you for taking us in a different direction; I thought I'd be here all morning. Shoot, let me try and play a quick round against the CPU now. Criticize to your heart's content; I like advice, as long as it's helpful. Quote
halc Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Thank you for taking us in a different direction; I thought I'd be here all morning. Shoot, let me try and play a quick round against the CPU now. Criticize to your heart's content; I like advice, as long as it's helpful. I know I'm just jumping into the middle of this conversation (I have no idea when this argument started), but seriously it is not that difficult to be *really* good at smash bros. I would like to admit that I'm pretty damn good at it but I'm not gonna go out of my way to record a video of me playing the game, upload it to youtube, and then embed it into this post just to prove that I am. Although it's not my place to say that I could kick anyone's ass at this game. oh, and I'm not taking sides here but Arek your posts rock Quote
Silent Mike Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Shit guys. Wavedashing in brawl. With hacks. Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 I can't begin to describe everything that's wrong in this video.This is how you play Link: I got bored after a while, but they're pretty good. The winner would probably beat me in a Link vs Link fight. That's funny. i will kick your ass with my buggy peach We'll see about that. Arek, please do not talk to me anymore. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 15, 2008 Author Posted October 15, 2008 "pretty" good? "probably" beat you? hahahahaha okay, now i know you can't be serious in any of your posts here on out salluz is to be not taken seriously at all since he knows nothing Quote
Global-Trance Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Oh. My. God. If anyone here can beat PC Chris, I will eat my hat.* *Meaning I won't be eating any hats anytime soon. Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Oh. My. God.If anyone here can beat PC Chris, I will eat my hat.* *Meaning I won't be eating any hats anytime soon. [steps back] Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 pc chris is pretty goodhe might even be able to beat me you guys i mean maybe. i don't have a lot of tournament experience but i beat my friend who plays halo and halo is a lot like smash because they are both video games so i'll probably win ...Good luck... [steps back even further] By the way, I have been in several tournaments and co-hosted some. Not that it gives me any credit or merit; just replying to your sarcasm. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 15, 2008 Author Posted October 15, 2008 jesus get out of this thread for good please Quote
Global-Trance Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 How did you miss the point of his post!? YOU MAKE ME WANT TO EAT MY HAT FOR ALL REASONS RAGE RELATED. Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 How did you miss the point of his post!?YOU MAKE ME WANT TO EAT MY HAT FOR ALL REASONS RAGE RELATED. What could I possibly be doing wrong at this current moment? It makes no sense to be so enraged when I am doing absolutely nothing to provoke you. No, I was not bragging. dP was saying (in jest) that I never had any tournament experience, but I said that I actually have. How could that possibly make you mad? You don't have to regard me if you can't stand me. Talking to me? I'm being polite here, dude. Besides, I can't see Arek's posts (if you weren't talking to me, please ignore this). All I remember was a bunch of stuff about arrogance, and... do I need a video or audio file to give off the right vibe? Calm down. Once again, if you are not talking to me, ignore this. Quote
Bahamut Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 From what I can tell, you (Salluz) have been claiming you're good, and then others ask you to put up or shut up, and then you run away from the challenge. You've brought all of this animosity to yourself. Also, please stop abusing the report post button. Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 for some reason, didn't seem to think that you'd get 100% of your ass pounded by pc chris, one of the best smashersI never, ever said that I could beat him. That's why I stepped back.From what I can tell, you (Salluz) have been claiming you're good, and then others ask you to put up or shut up, and then you run away from the challenge.You've brought all of this animosity to yourself. Also, please stop abusing the report post button. Oh, okay. I am not running from the challenge; I DO NOT HAVE A WII. I "shutted up" as you would call it. I do not know why GT and Arek are throwing fits. I am not even talking mess! Well, that was a while ago when I was like "OMG I AM GUD". Yeah, I was just trying to get some competition when I planned to buy a Wii, but it didn't happen. I started reporting posts because I will no longer take abuse from other members. I'm sorry, I won't abuse the report button. Everyone else: Look, people, I am NOT trying to argue my case on whether I am good or not. That subject is closed and will be resolved when the time comes. Even if I lose, that doesn't mean anything but that. It's a damn game, so stop crying. Quote
Red Shadow Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 hey this has been a fun couple of pages im gonna go smoke i want more funny material when i get back Quote
Sengin Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 So I hosted a brawl tournament on Saturday as part of the Gaming Club's LAN party. I didn't choose brawl, the officers did... Anyway, so in the rules I told people to bring a copy of melee and a memory card so we could have free play before and after the actual tournament. I knew that Adam (LoZR is his tag) was coming, as he is friends, and went to the same school, as a friend of mine. So I put in melee. And was playing it when he arrived. Now, for those of you who don't know, he is easily #1 in NC in melee. Absolutely amazing at this game. I'm no pushover myself as I have lots of experience both with friends and tournaments, but damn. He is so good. I saw him 3 or 4 stock a fox with PICHU a YEAR AGO. And he's gotten better. He has so much experience with this game that he knows what will work in a given situation, massive (i.e. fast) response time, and flawless execution (or at least I didn't see any errors). And I love fighting him, even though I know I am going to lose. I am at my best when playing someone better than me, as when I play someone worse, I "level adjust" without thinking and mess up a lot and don't think clearly for some reason. My highlight of the day was taking a stock from him before he could take mine (it was FFA and we were the last 2, 2 stocks each, but I was at 148% he was at 0%). I was falco, I believe he was falcon. The next LAN will likely be melee (I'm fighting tooth and nail for it), and I can't wait to play him again. Quote
Salluz Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 He is so good. I saw him 3 or 4 stock a fox with PICHU a YEAR AGO. Ok, maybe Kirby or Pikachu, but PICHU? Ooooh... hey this has been a fun couple of pagesim gonna go smoke i want more funny material when i get back Sure, no problem; it's my day off OMG I'M BEING ARROGANT! I AM TALKING ABOUT MYSELF! Happy news for GT and Arek: I am not claiming that I am better than you. I will post nothing but videos from now on (unless I am responding to something like what Sengin said, or a vid reply), but when I get a Wii, I will challenge you online. No hard feelings? Remember, it's just a game. No more yelling at me and calling me names. Quote
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