Neo Samus Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 I dare you Atma. Just to see there reactions! HAHA!! On a serious note, how far are you in Subspace? if you need to put in white, that's fine. Quote
atmuh Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 I dare you Atma. Just to see there reactions! HAHA!!On a serious note, how far are you in Subspace? if you need to put in white, that's fine. we have all beaten it I SHALL PUT INFO IN WHITE BELOW THIS (about lengths only) it took me 9 hours to complete, which REALLY impressed me. the only annoying thing was the last level took AN HOUR AND A HALF, which i thought was kinda ridiculous WHAT GENIUS DECIDED TO MAKE THE LAST STAGE SO INCREDIBLY LONG Quote
Neo Samus Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 Response in white for atma an hour and a half for the last stage? Seriously? How? Quote
atmuh Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 answer you thought beating 8 bosses at the end of a mega man game was bad? how about having to beat FORTY BOSSES and not only that having to FIND them all in a huge dungeon its insane Quote
Jaybell Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 Tell me there's no voice acting in the game. I don't want the cutscenes to play out like a twelve-year-old's fanfic. zombie goasts leave this place Quote
atmuh Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 there are TONS of cutscenes without a single spoken word OR TEXT OR ANY KIND OF STORY TELLING i wish there was SOMETHING Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 14, 2008 Author Posted February 14, 2008 there is no voice acting except for ZSS and snake also dont ask atma questions about SSE cause he sucked at it ask GT and I we beat it 100% also i warned atma about the last level but he was like no its cool im having fun but then 20 minutes later he was like DOES THIS EVER END and i was like dude i warned you and he was like Quote
Neo Samus Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 I've seen a couple of the levels on youtube. I know the "no voices" is kinda lame. But at the same time it makes it unique. response to atma....againHOLY SHIT!! 40?? You are right, that is insane! Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 14, 2008 Author Posted February 14, 2008 40 lol theres more than 40 i just told him 40 because thats a round about number from what i remember but i cant say WHAT I REMEMBER CAUSE THATS SPOILERS OH SHIT SPOILERS : Dark version of EVERY SELECTABLE CHARACTER + every boss from sse + tabu Quote
atmuh Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 there is no voice acting except for ZSS and snakealso dont ask atma questions about SSE cause he sucked at it ask GT and I we beat it 100% also i warned atma about the last level but he was like no its cool im having fun but then 20 minutes later he was like DOES THIS EVER END and i was like dude i warned you and he was like ya that was fun begin (11:00:34 PM) ff3atmaweapon: how much of sse did you play? (11:03:05 PM) Arek: beat it all (11:03:15 PM) ff3atmaweapon: oh (11:03:20 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I am at the end (11:03:23 PM) Arek: HAVE FUN (11:03:23 PM) ff3atmaweapon: DON'T SPOIL NOTHIN (11:03:25 PM) Arek: hahahah (11:03:29 PM) Arek: the end (11:03:30 PM) Arek: 1 1/2 HOUR (11:03:32 PM) Arek: DUNGEUN (11:03:34 PM) Arek: HAVE (11:03:34 PM) Arek: FUN (11:03:37 PM) ff3atmaweapon: haha I figured (11:03:43 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I've been in this thing for a while (11:03:43 PM) Arek: you quit (11:03:45 PM) Arek: YOU START OVER (11:03:48 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I figure it's the end (11:03:49 PM) ff3atmaweapon: oh (11:03:50 PM) ff3atmaweapon: well (11:03:53 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I WILL NOT QUIT (11:07:18 PM) ff3atmaweapon: wait (11:07:23 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I got to a dead end (11:07:31 PM) ff3atmaweapon: does that mean I have to go on ALL directions? (11:07:39 PM) Arek: there are no dead ends (11:07:40 PM) Arek: you must go (11:07:42 PM) Arek: through (11:07:43 PM) Arek: it (11:07:44 PM) Arek: all (11:07:45 PM) Arek: face (11:07:46 PM) Arek: all (11:07:47 PM) Arek: 40 (11:07:48 PM) ff3atmaweapon: ohok (11:07:49 PM) Arek: bosses (11:07:56 PM) Arek: HAVE FUN (11:08:01 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I hit a wall (11:08:02 PM) ff3atmaweapon: so (11:08:05 PM) Arek: press start (11:08:06 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I have to go back (11:08:07 PM) Arek: check the map (11:08:08 PM) Arek: you fgt (11:08:13 PM) ff3atmaweapon: yes (11:08:17 PM) ff3atmaweapon: according to the map (11:08:21 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I have hit a wall (11:32:33 PM) ff3atmaweapon: DOES THIS EVER END (11:32:42 PM) Arek: ENJOY\ (11:32:49 PM) ff3atmaweapon: ahaha (11:41:53 PM) ff3atmaweapon: srsly (11:41:55 PM) ff3atmaweapon: holy crap (11:42:09 PM) Arek: / (11:42:10 PM) Arek: ? (11:42:14 PM) ff3atmaweapon: ENDLESS (11:42:30 PM) Arek: yup (11:56:04 PM) ff3atmaweapon: holy crap (11:56:08 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I just got to the last room (11:56:12 PM) ff3atmaweapon: I have SO MUCH MORE (12:01:33 AM) Arek: bahahahahaha (12:02:54 AM) ff3atmaweapon: and (12:03:01 AM) ff3atmaweapon: apparently I can now see icons (12:03:03 AM) ff3atmaweapon: for bosses (12:03:06 AM) Arek: you have to beat them (12:03:07 AM) Arek: all of them (12:03:08 AM) ff3atmaweapon: WHY ARE THERE SO MANY (12:08:24 AM) ff3atmaweapon: 14 more (12:11:21 AM) Arek: rofl (12:12:53 AM) ff3atmaweapon: 12 (12:14:04 AM) ff3atmaweapon: you can't use these green dudes as alt costumes can you (12:14:09 AM) ff3atmaweapon: because thatd be NUTS (12:14:19 AM) Arek: no (12:14:24 AM) ff3atmaweapon: gayt (12:14:25 AM) ff3atmaweapon: gay (12:14:29 AM) ff3atmaweapon: WHY NOT NINTENDO (12:24:24 AM) ff3atmaweapon: 7 (12:55:11 AM) ff3atmaweapon: DONE so i guess more like 2 hours+ end Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 14, 2008 Author Posted February 14, 2008 SSE will be a lot fucking easier when we find out what EACH STICKER DOES. I went through the whole thing without using one because I had no idea what buffs they gave. Quote
Neo Samus Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 LOL at your comments to arek during your journey. Quote
Global-Trance Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 Yea SSE's last level wasn't necessary. It's like they crammed in all of All-Star Mode into a Zelda-like Dungeon and adding ALL the NPC Bosses as well. It just wasn't necessary. I loved SSE... but seriously they didn't need the last level to be SO LONG. Quote
atmuh Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 Alright so I'm pretty close to the 100 hour mark and I think it's about time I give my overall impressions of everything in this game, so here it is (I'm sure almost none of you will read this but I wanna type it anyway). This is also to piss off Taucer further HEY TAUCER IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW I HAVE BRAWL! :] Graphics Nothing much to say here. It's as good as I can see a Wii game looking. There are TONS of cutscenes and each and every one of them looks GREAT. I'm not sure if you people are aware that this is the FIRST Wii game to be on a Dual Layer DVD, but it is, and as a result all the CG is extremely high quality. There are almost no graphical glitches, or at least none that I've run into, which means that if there are any you have to REALLY look for them. 10/10 (sure it's no 360 game, but this is the Wii we're talking about, and I can't see a Wii game looking any better) Music OK, I know. You've all downloaded the OST. You all know it's excellent. There really isn't any more to say. I just feel bad for all of you because one of the most fun things about playing through it was having NO IDEA what music was in it and getting REALLY excited when I unlocked certain songs. And before you people start saying X song doesn't fit a fighting game wait until you play it. EVERYTHING fits. The only complaint (ok not really a complaint) is that I almost think there is TOO MUCH really good music in this game. What the heck does that mean? Well when a stage loads there I ALWAYS seem to want it to play another song, even if I really like the one it selects. Being able to turn stuff on and off in music is a plus, though, definitely. 10/10 Gameplay This is coming from a Melee tourneyfag just so you all know. We all know the gameplay is really what it all comes down to. It's been said many times, this is NOT MELEE. It's slow, which at first pissed me off, but after playing it for a while it's not too difficult to get used to. The removal of directional dodges in midair confused the crap out of me for a really long time, but finally you realize that you can air dodge, attack, then air dodge again, which is kinda nice. The wide array of characters offers MANY different play styles, and they are all (at least thusfar) balanced very well. There doesn't seem to be a single overpowered character (maybe Pit or Wolf, but I don't think so). Here in the gameplay, though, lies one of my complaints. Random tripping has to be the stupidest idea I've ever heard ever. I don't get what genius said "Hey let's make characters trip every once in a while for no reason" and everyone else said "YEAH THAT'S A GREAT IDEA." There isn't enough of it to make it a HUGE deal, but it is a slight nuisance. Basically all in all I say there is nothing wrong with the gameplay. 10/10 If you don't like it, shut up and play Melee and stop complaining. The Subspace Emissary Yeah I know this is strange; there has never been a game mode in a Smash Brothers game this noteworthy. It's a great deal of fun, and playing co op is a blast. It can get a little repetitive at times, but all in all its very well done. The cut scenes tell the story as best as possible without any voice or text. It's also DIFFICULT. Don't expect to blow through this in one sitting and don't expect to never die. I played through on hard (not very hard) and I got TONS of game overs. 8/10 for the repetitiveness Wifi I am going to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt and hope that the lag is gone upon US release. IF THAT IS THE CASE then here is my take on wifi. As I'm sure you could guess, I'm pissed about it. The random matchmaking is completely worthless. You pick your character and a stage and there is a 25% chance of it picking your stage and a 25% chance of it picking your item configuration. The AI is good enough in this that it is more fun to play against 3 AI characters and have full control than to play against 3 random nameless people in a TIMED match with the potential of lag and have no control. Spectator mode is actually not so bad. I would never sit and watch matches instead of playing but there have been times when I've been doing stuff on my computer and have left spectator on just for the heck of it. Friend codes are retarded. We all know that, but we are at the mercy of Nintendo and have to use them. In friend code matches, the host sets up a game and chooses the options, as well as adds AI if they want. More than one person can play on one wii (so decent 2v2 matches are possible). There is a 25% chance of it picking your stage selection and items, and custom stages cannot be used online, even if all players have it. So it's all very limited but still offers the basic Smash Brothers multiplayer experience online. Lack of VoIP is definitely annoying. 7/10 Some Little Things Here are just some really quick notes. The stage builder is an excellent tool, although it's definitely limited. Being able to take snapshots in pause is great. The coin launcher is actually fun if you need something to do. Having co op in EVERYTHING (except classic) is a huge bonus. Replay saves are also a nice add in, as long as your match is short. Overall I give this a perfect 10 though. Sure some parts are slightly flawed but the absolute excellence of the rest of the game makes up for it. Remember everyone, I go into games LOOKING for things to find wrong with it nowadays. I hated Mario Galaxy, for example. I haven't reached 100 hours of gameplay on anything in a really long time, let alone within 2 weeks. So if a hateful emo faggot jerk like me loves this game, you are a complete idiot if you don't like it. Nintendo has made me feel like a fanboy again and it feels great. So everyone that I've called a fanboy faggot, I'm one of you retards now. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 15, 2008 Author Posted February 15, 2008 to those who wont read atmas review because well its atma: i give the game a 10 out of 10 the only thing that is hurting is the wifi, but that is okay cause well its nintendo so they never get that shit right anyways the main thing that blew me away wasnt the music but the stages. SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. Go play a "classic" melee stage like corneria then go play a brawl stage and you will be blown the hell away too great game man great game Quote
atmuh Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 I AM SO GOING Quote
Aninymouse Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 fuck fuck fuck... never any cool nintendo events in D.C. where it would at least be reasonable to go... stupid South. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 15, 2008 Author Posted February 15, 2008 AM SO GOING holy fuck GT DONT GO PLZ Quote
Baleshadow Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 Holy shit, there's a tournament in Worcester. I live fucking 15 minutes away from it. DESTINY. Quote
atmuh Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 holy fuckGT DONT GO PLZ you is gonna get STOMPED Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 15, 2008 Author Posted February 15, 2008 since its before the game officially comes out im gonna guess its stock characters only so instead of getting stomped im probably gonna get raped in another way GT WE MUST GO TOGETHER! Quote
Scufo Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 Not sure why they said Boston in the beginning when it's actually Worcester. But that's still pretty close to where I am! I just might go. Quote
Global-Trance Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 Long tournaments bore the hell out of me. Even biweeklies in the Bay and biweeklies at Ken's house down south get on my nerves sometimes because the tournaments are like 12 hours long. I'll see how I feel about it when it gets closer. Quote
Broken Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 to those who wont read atmas review because well its atma:i give the game a 10 out of 10 the only thing that is hurting is the wifi, but that is okay cause well its nintendo so they never get that shit right anyways the main thing that blew me away wasnt the music but the stages. SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. Go play a "classic" melee stage like corneria then go play a brawl stage and you will be blown the hell away too great game man great game Haha, I remember when Arek was hating on the game's music. back in the old thread. Good times. And two days away from playing Brawl :] Quote
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