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The database is for holding information. Any kind of online gaming is welcomed.

If you want MMOs and stuff, I could add a WoW entry or whatever I guess, I'll just put a "server" textbox and you could put class etc in the note field

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'd have put my info in the database awhile ago, but I forgot my login info for the database :| - my internet is unstable right now anyway because Comcast sucks though, so I haven't been able to play games online for a little while.

I can reset your password if you like. Though I can't read it from the db (they are encrypted so there's no way I can get at them - this is for everyone's security) I can do administrative things like reset the password, or delete the user while keeping the codes so you can reregister with the same name and a new pw, and keep ownership of your entries. PM me about it.


The IRC Chat has been a lot more active since Brawl's American release a couple hours ago.

When you're ready, we should organize some matches there. We have the codes, we have the chat.

I wonder whether cross-region multiplayer is possible? I have the Japanese verion.


Sorry in advance if this is a bad question, but is there a way to add new games to this list?

I normally play Urban Terror and GGPO online and I was wondering if we could get that set up on the Database as well.


All database administration is done through me.

If you want a game added, and it's not the standard Nintendo fields (OCR Name, Friend Code, Player Name, Note), let me know what fields are applicable.

For example, Xbox Live obviously doesn't need friend codes but does need Gamertags instead of Player Names and they also should be linked to gamercard.xbox.com.

Also I need a small image or logo that identifies the game or online service in searches, like xbl.png or brawl.png or wii.png. If it's a game I've played or otherwise well-known enough to have a logo everyone already knows about, I can easily make one on my own.


Well, for Urban Terror, all you really need is your tag. Perhaps you can leave an open area for which servers you use most often, too. The best I can do for a little logo is this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_Terror. The logo on that page would probably do nicely.

For GGPO all you need is a username as well. That logo is here (Upper left corner of the screen.)

Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to give up GGPO for a while because it's quite addicting and I've found myself playing for hours on end compulsively.

Urban Terror I will still use occasionally, though. And I'd love to get together with some people and play that every now and then.


It just occurred to me that we could probably use some Starcraft representation in the database. I don't know about anyone else here, but I've been playing Starcraft fairly often again for the last few months.

It just occurred to me that we could probably use some Starcraft representation in the database. I don't know about anyone else here, but I've been playing Starcraft fairly often again for the last few months.

OK, I need some more information.

For the logo, should it be starcraft.jpeg or (these need to be resized) starcrafticon1.jpeg or starcrafticon2.jpeg or starcrafticon3.jpeg?

How about the fields? OCR Name, Battle.net name, note?

OK, I need some more information.

For the logo, should it be starcraft.jpeg or (these need to be resized) starcrafticon1.jpeg or starcrafticon2.jpeg or starcrafticon3.jpeg?

How about the fields? OCR Name, Battle.net name, note?

OCR name, Battle.net name and note are probably fine for the fields. People will have to give which region they're in (ie: U.S. East, U.S. West, etc.) but that can easily be stated in the note field. They could also state additional user names and regions in the note field if they play in more than one.


Finally got a Wii today, so I'm game for some Brawls. Added myself to the database, will be adding everyone soon.

Lucario's fun. CPU's are alot harder. Fun fun fun.

EDIT: Thought I was posting in the Brawl thread. ^_^' Too many windows open.

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