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Hey guys! I wanted to let you know of a brand new addition to my personal website: a discussion board! This forum will serve as a more interactive way to stay in touch about various happenings (or not-so-happenings) such as my album release next month, and I'm very excited about it. Believe it or not, I probably want to know just as much (if not more) about you as you do me. Questions, requests, fun topics of discussion... all are welcome, so please come introduce yourself! Even if I already know you from OCR, it would be great for some of my other listeners to read up about you as well.

Now, I know some people might think it a little unnecessary for an artist of my status to have their own discussion board. Believe me, I didn't start one because of some deluded sense of grandeur. ^_~ I just think it's the best way to really encourage ongoing communication with listeners. It may take a while to get a lot of activity going on, but you can certainly help by stopping by!

Also, it's mah birfday... so you know you wanna grant me my one birfday wish and make a post! >_> ... <_<


Sounds like a cool idea, actually. Lots of monolithic monuments to their own untouchable greatness, the ReMixers can be at times. Can't count how many of them I wish I knew better. I'll be sure to drop by eventually and say sumthin'.


Hehe, you're not crazy. I tried two different site designs I didn't much like before I finally settled on this one, and I love it. This has been the look since October actually; the only change I made recently was the addition of this forum. :>

(And don't worry, no more changes! I plan on sticking with this for quite some time...)


Always browsed, never commented. Probably a bad thing since every opinion counts, right? But usually my opinion gets stated before I finish typing :( Either way good add!

And theres nothing wrong with change, part of human nature.

Also Happy Belated B-day!

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