Triad Orion Posted June 9, 2008 Posted June 9, 2008 Has everyone seen Team Roomba's griefing videos? Second one's the best. This is the kind of shit that's funny to watch, but amazingly bad to have happen to you. I feel bad for the griefed, but goddamn was some of that really funny, if utterly assholish and dickish.
The Mutericator Posted June 9, 2008 Posted June 9, 2008 Yeah I'm not saying I'm good or anything. I'm just saying that I play Pyro a lot.And kill assists are pretty much the essence of the Pyro. xD Yeah, I saw a letter from Valve back in January that said they were considering giving points for lighting people up whether or not they died of it. Pyro's my most-played class with about 20 hours, so I'm pretty pumped for the updates. He's also my worst class in terms of raw points, with a mere 9. But, as mentioned, most of my help goes to my team, not my stats.
Triad Orion Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 He's also my worst class in terms of raw points, with a mere 9. But, as mentioned, most of my help goes to my team, not my stats. Right. Pure points aren't necessarily reflective of your worth to the team, and the life expectancy of a Pyro is among the worst in the game; third behind the Spy and the Scout, in my experience. The Pyro's worth comes from the confusion and distraction they bring about, and the dangerous flankers they are in the right hands. Raw score for all classes means little if your contribution helps the team win. And it's why I like playing with you guys here at OCR. It's fun, and everyone seems to get that, which I like a lot.
The Mutericator Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 Right. Pure points aren't necessarily reflective of your worth to the team, and the life expectancy of a Pyro is among the worst in the game; third behind the Spy and the Scout, in my experience. The Pyro's worth comes from the confusion and distraction they bring about, and the dangerous flankers they are in the right hands.Raw score for all classes means little if your contribution helps the team win. And it's why I like playing with you guys here at OCR. It's fun, and everyone seems to get that, which I like a lot. Precisely. And while having a good score usually means you're doing a lot to help the team (at the least, healing a lot or killing a lot), having a low score doesn't mean you aren't helping. Also while we're on the subject, Spy is my least-played class (4 hours or so) and also my second-best class with 17 points, thanks to one really good run on 2fort where I managed to get behind the entire enemy force as they came across the bridge. Sapped their stuff and backstabbed pretty much the whole team and lived to do more damage, but I'll never be able to do it again.
Bahamut Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 Wow, Darke tore shit up today with the high score - even with my insane run on the last defense, he still pulled out on top.
DarkeSword Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 I surprised even myself. Most of the time I was sitting here saying "ain't no way this shotgun's gonna hit. oh shit..."
The Mutericator Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 I had fun playing medic today. You rocked, but it probably would have been better if you stayed back and built up an uber instead of keeping on the frontlines the whole time. Also I couldn't go Pyro because Optik was rocking it so hard. So I got practice with my 'nades instead.
supremespleen Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 You rocked, but it probably would have been better if you stayed back and built up an uber instead of keeping on the frontlines the whole time.Also I couldn't go Pyro because Optik was rocking it so hard. So I got practice with my 'nades instead. Yeah. I've only put in about three hours or so, so I am working on learning the ropes.
The Mutericator Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 With a Medic, the best thing you have to offer the team is an ubercharge. So often when you know you're outmatched you should backpedal away, pull out the needlegun, and hope backup gets there before you get owned.
supremespleen Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 I'm up for some TF2, if anyone wants. My steam ID is supremespleen.
Barnsalot Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 I got knocked-off the server by a thunderstorm last night. I hope my character timed-out.
zircon Posted June 11, 2008 Author Posted June 11, 2008 I'll be playing tonight. I'd like to do Goldrush, and then maybe Gravelpit or Granary.
Beatdrop Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 Hmmm... I might have to download TF2. I've got it on 360, but I think I'd rather play it on Steam.
Syka Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 Wish I could play with you guys some more, but I'm at my brother's house right now and his computer isn't fast enough. And I don't get my new laptop for another week and a half. PS: Less Dustbowl, more anything else.
EdgeCrusher Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 PS. Moar maps. Getting tired of Dustbowl. I think my urge not to play that much is due to that. Dustbowl/2fort/gravelpit is just killing me for some reason.
Moseph Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 I may drop in tonight. I think I'm now familiar enough with the game that I won't completely embarrass myself. (SteamID is mozzif.)
Bahamut Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 Alright, tomorrow I'll download an FTP and change the map rotation n stuff. What rotation would you guys prefer?
zircon Posted June 12, 2008 Author Posted June 12, 2008 My vote is Goldrush, Gravelpit, Dustbowl, Warpath.
Triad Orion Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 I'm partial to Dustbowl-Goldrush-Dustbowl-Goldrush-Gravel Pit. I think that'd work pretty nicely.
Rambo Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 This is the kind of shit that's funny to watch, but amazingly bad to have happen to you. I feel bad for the griefed, but goddamn was some of that really funny, if utterly assholish and dickish. I wasn't terribly impressed, until I saw the trivia part. It was so damn funny that the guys being griefed must have been staged. Hilarity. If the trivia quiz happened to me, I actually wouldn't mind. Most of the other stuff is a pain in the ass though. It wouldn't bother me terribly, but I can understand for the more serious gamers.
Dhsu Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 Hahaha... "Now that wasn't so hard was it?" "I love you."
zircon Posted June 12, 2008 Author Posted June 12, 2008 EPIC spywork. Earlier I had my greatest spy moment yet... knifed an engy and sapped his toys immediately afterwards w/o dying to the upgraded sentry.
Bahamut Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 That's hilarious, they didn't try hard enough to spy check. That pyro was such fail in the beginning.
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