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They're back up now. Seems that for each game in your collection, you can click on it to show other members of the site and their status with that specific game. They also added a thumbs up/down rating system, but I don't see any other updates for it aside from those and graphical ones (like the main page banner).

April 06, 2008

* Restructured database.

* Added region info for games.

* Added rating system for games.

* Added pages for individual game statistics.

* Edit icon now links to your game update page instead of game titles.

* Condensed pagination on member list.

* Updated site logo.

* Added Intellivision to system list.

* More to come!



One problem with the individual game statistics is that some may type the same title differently, like this:

-The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time


-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

This will make it hard to be very precise with the statistics.

It's neat and all... but who are these guy(s)? The site seems unbelievably cryptic in terms of staff/contact/ownership info...

I think they're aliens that want to find the best gamer on the planet so he/she could defeat their foes in battle :)

One problem with the individual game statistics is that some may type the same title differently, like this:

-The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time


-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

This will make it hard to be very precise with the statistics.

I copy and paste the titles from wikipedia because I assume that wikipedia has the correct spelling of the titles...and I'm too lazy to type :)


Quick question:Is there a way to make a OCR group? It would be a lot easier to just be a part of a group then to individualy find and add everyone.If not, Somebody should suggest it to the staff.

One problem with the individual game statistics is that some may type the same title differently, like this:

-The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time


-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

This will make it hard to be very precise with the statistics.

Like FrustrationRaptor, I check either Wiki or GameFAQs for the proper name of a game. For game collections, though, I'm doing something different (since there are multiple games on each collection). The format is [game collection name] - [game name].

So it'd look like "Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy V". Granted, this does mess up the statistics a lot, but saying a game is "beat", when you've played 1/20 of them on the disc (Sega Genesis Collection...) is kinda redundant... not to mention, you don't play the Collection, you play the games it contains.

I also have to agree with djp. Nowhere on their site does it list any sort of administrator information, or no emails/links to contact information. However, the only information we can glean is that Backloggery is run by one person, from the way the Changelog reads.

Ultimately though, he/she is anonymous in every way.

I guess my point is... please don't use the same password at backloggery as you do here.

Actually, I'd recommend using a completely unique password there. Anonymously run sites like that give me a bad vibe, esp. since the Dragon Army incident.

I agree with this. Especially since I've looked the site over and I can't find anything that relates to changing your password on the site. So be careful when you do register. :\

I think they're aliens that want to find the best gamer on the planet so he/she could defeat their foes in battle :)

I copy and paste the titles from wikipedia because I assume that wikipedia has the correct spelling of the titles...and I'm too lazy to type :)

Yes, I do the same thing, but not because I'm lazy, but because I want the official title.


Hey Sobou, How do you change the colors of the Backloggery sig thing?

Quick notice: I'm adding everyone from this site to my friends list so don't be suprised if you get a comment from me :) BTW I go by FR if you didn't know.

Hey Sobou, How do you change the colors of the Backloggery sig thing?

Quick notice: I'm adding everyone from this site to my friends list so don't be suprised if you get a comment from me :) BTW I go by FR if you didn't know.

Do you mean the background behind my Protoman banner? If you're talking about that, under Options, go to Header/Footer Background.

Do you mean the background behind my Protoman banner? If you're talking about that, under Options, go to Header/Footer Background.

No, I mean your backloggery sig is blue with a yellow font color, how did you change it's color?


I made all three of my texts (Header/Footer, Body and Sidebar) the same color.

But for the top one, change your Header/Footer Text color.


I just added everybody in this thread to my friends list(well the people that had their backloggery sig or from people that were on somebody else's friends list that was in this thread). They should expand the friends list capacity, 25 people is not enough.


The Backloggery Color Scheme Contest!

It's time to give the Backloggery a fresh coat of paint! We're looking for a new color scheme for the site. Want to help? Here's what to do:

  1. Change the colors on Your Backloggery page to what you think the new color scheme should be. (Found under My Backloggery -> Options)
  2. While logged in, go to the Contact Us page and submit the message "Enter me in the contest!".
  3. On April 20th, a winner will be chosen.

The winner and one friend get to be the next Members of the Week!

Let's see if anybody from OCR wins.


Not bad, Didaji, not bad.

I entered the color scheme contest they have going currently, and I also sent in a few suggestions to the anonymous owner of the site. I asked/suggestion about:

-Groups/Grouping: Instead of just having 25 friends you can be part of a group that has it's own members, it's own "Group" statistics and can be browsed through. This would make the twenty-five friends more personal than just "He's mah buddy from OCR lolsup".

-Game Name Standardizing: Like Animae said, statistics are too hard to properly account for when people are spelling it The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past, LoZ: LTTP, ect. I asked that having name standardization would not only make formats look better but account for site-wide accurate statistics. So when you look for "Legend of Zelda", you're only going to find multiple games, not Ocarina of Time formated seventeen different ways.

-Game Name Box Enlargement: Asked if it could be extended a little further since "Mega Man Anniversary Collection - Mega Man: The Power Fighters" wouldn't fit. :\

I also asked about, if he/she did do the GNS, that "Collection" styled games could be formatted so you can have each individual game on your list as a separate game. Just because you beat Sonic 3 on the Sonic Mega Collection doesn't mean you did anything to Sonic 2, and you don't have enough space in the Notes to accurately reflect that.

We need more people to join this. Spread the word and suggest stuff (like what I've posted, for example :<), to make the site better.

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