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Here is the last thing I ever did with this :P



Alright, im gonna finish this one I swear. Ive decided to get about 2 minutes "done" before I posted this here, so there was actually some content to critique :P.

Anyways, first off a few notes.

1. I know I dont have "too" much of the source tune in there right now.. im gonna have to add some more in there later.

2. Some of the transitions really suck... sorry <_<. Fix those later :P

3. No, there is nothing wrong with the song around the middle :P.

Anyways, yea let me know what you think so far

ALTTP: Dark World Overworld Theme

Also.. one day I have to give it a name :P

Edit: Oh yea, theres another dark world song in there. The one where you turn into a bunny :P

UPDATE!!!: Alright so ive added some more stuff (i.e. its longer now). I changed that lofi ish pad to something else. I changed up the glitchy part (though it still might need some more work). Note: Mastering happens at the end so right now its all about the music and interpretation of the source.

So let me know what you think :D

ALTTP: Dark Work Overworld Theme V2 (lol the file sais V5)


So, I have been really busy and havent worked on this untill today. Few minor changes

- Removed the bass from the first couple bars.

- Added some piano stuff in that string section (before the dark mountain).

- Fixed a few note things here and there, slight augmentations to some stuff.

- Changed the notes for the bass in the later part

- Almost finished my musical ideas.

Thing that still need to be done:

- MASTERING AHHH!!!!!... yea I havent done a shread of that. Just trying to work out my musical ideas.

- Other stuff, like working on transitions.

So anyways, do you think there are too many idea switches here? Or does this seem fine.

Let me know EVERYTHING you think :D

DJ SBX - DW Remix V3 (lol file says v6)


First thing I noticed: too much reverb on the... clap-snap-ish percussion things, whatever they're called. Snare could use a little more volume, the snare-like sound you're using a hihat could use less.

A few slightly lo-fi stuff, doesn't mesh well with the higher quality of the rest of the track, see if you can swap them for something else.

The slicing is cool, but you should make it sound more intentional. It sounds like the file got corrupted somehow. It kills the coolness of the effect.

Tempo change is a bit too soon... and quite a bit too far, imo, tho you could fix that by going back to "normal" tempo soon after the tempo boost. Dark Mountain section is a bit empty sounding too, it could use some more stuff, consider using low strings or choir chords (not too low).

There's certainly enough source, tho you should work on making it more your own, like with the dark mountain theme towards the end. We've heard this source a few times,and regardless of how cool it is, it's getting old. Before the slicing, you've got lots of room for variations on the theme. Not because you'd get rejected, but because it's a little boring to someone who's heard all the Darkworld remixes on ocr.

That being said, this does have a great sound. I want to hear this completed, and I think it has a good chance of getting on OCR. It does need work before it's there, but you know that. So, good luck working on it, great job so far. :D

Snare could use a little more volume, the snare-like sound you're using a hihat could use less.

Dark Mountain section is a bit empty sounding too, it could use some more stuff, consider using low strings or choir chords (not too low).

There's certainly enough source, tho you should work on making it more your own, like with the dark mountain theme towards the end.

I agree with all of that, plus,

near the beginning at :18 the low echoey kick needs some MOAR punch like the ones at :22 :25 etc.

The glitching/slicing at 1:56, when the melodys come in, it seems a little weird that the rest of the song is glitching and these new sections are unaffected. then at 2:26 they start to glitch as well, it just doesn't seem right.

so, this is really good, play around with the glitchy/slicey part and hit me up on AIM if ya see me:<


Alright so ive added some more stuff (i.e. its longer now). I changed that lofi ish pad to something else. I changed up the glitchy part (though it still might need some more work). Note: Mastering happens at the end so right now its all about the music and interpretation of the source.

So let me know what you think :D

ALTTP: Dark Work Overworld Theme V2 (lol the file sais V5)

still lots of stuff to fix :(.. but its getting there :D


Just want to say, I'm liking this a lot.

Although, I think the synth you used for the beginning of the first version (you posted) was better at the beginning than the one you use now, I think. Interestingly enough, it sounds like the same synth you're now using at 2:40.


The rhythmic bass in the beginning feels a bit out of place, and it's pretty boring anyway. I'd look for a deeper, darker, more fitting bass, and make it play something more interesting. There's also a lot of room for a second meloody to play when the lead pauses.

The choppy middle sounds more intentional now. Speed change is still a bit too sudden, and it gets way too fast. It's like you don't take the Dark Mountain section seriously, it's just a fun thing you threw in to mix it up. Slower, subtle, serious, and it'd be awesome.

3:35 Bass seems to disagree with itself, weird key. Needs work.

Good fixes, still fixes to do. Doing great, man.


This is a chunk of awesomess!

3:35 Bass seems to disagree with itself, weird key. Needs work.

I agree.. Maybe change the bass synth (though it does sound awesome). The lowest note that is heard is too low, therefore it gets all wierd and mumbled... (not the best terminology:<)

But I like this song! Looking forward to an update:-P.


Haha thanks for the comments guys :D

As for the low bass around the end.. it sounds right to me :S.. its supposed to be somewhat dissonant, I thought it fit.. but I'll look at some other options and see what I like.

As for the beginning bass stuff, I think I do need to use a different synth there, other ppl have told me its somewhat out of place, and I can see that now.

As for the dark mountain theme.. it was kind just something I threw in to mix it up a little. I personally REALLY like when it goes from my variation of the mountain theme to that chordy trance stuff with the piano. I like the speed up :(... If anybody could give me maybe some suggestions.. cause I kinda like that part how it is, but if somebody can give me an idea that I like, I will try to encorporate that :D.

Again, thanks for the comments, I will probably have some time to work on it on thursday.

  • 2 weeks later...

So, I have been really busy and havent worked on this untill today. Few minor changes

- Removed the bass from the first couple bars.

- Added some piano stuff in that string section (before the dark mountain).

- Fixed a few note things here and there, slight augmentations to some stuff.

- Changed the notes for the bass in the later part

- Almost finished my musical ideas.

Thing that still need to be done:

- MASTERING AHHH!!!!!... yea I havent done a shread of that. Just trying to work out my musical ideas.

- Other stuff, like working on transitions.

So anyways, do you think there are too many idea switches here? Or does this seem fine.

Let me know EVERYTHING you think :D

DJ SBX - DW Remix V6

OH! also, you think there is enough source in there? I arranged the source in a bunch of different ways, is it obvious that the source is being arranged, and not just some random original tangent I went in to?

  • 2 weeks later...

right around 0:45 that bass synth that continues through the piece is a little off. just doesn't sound right to me. also there's a couple of places that sound like you were influenced by other games. like towards the beginning I can hear where you might throw in some Tal Tal Heights and later at 4:30, I instantly thought of Secret of Mana opening theme...just what my brain hears. i like the different sounds that you put the source through but i might have to be on the side that says you need more source or a shorter song. by the end it was a little tired and overdone. but each individual part (like the fast part) sounded great. so maybe it's just me. who knows. anyway, i look forward to the finished product. good luck!!


I like it. I'm not generally a big fan of heavily techno stuff, but it isn't terrible.

I'm not a big fan of the part in the middle. Pretty much from where it does the static, low quality thing to when it gets fully sped back up. I mean, it's ok...but jeah, not my favorite part.

When it starts slowing down again, though, I <3<3 it.


Man, this song is deceptively long. I totally thought that it was on the outro.

My favorite parts were when it was mostly piano playing with a little techno fuzz in the background.

Hope I helped. Do more if I can.

  • 1 month later...

This is sounding pretty good! I can't really compare it to earlier versions since this is the first one I've listened to, but it sounds like you're going the right direction with this.


I'm listening to the most recent remix for the first time, I'll note my comments as I go through it. (Haven't listened to the previous versions.)

The first thing I noticed right off the bat was the lack of any real bass at the beginning. This would have been OK if it got picked up later, but the bass that came in was to me an octave too high.

I absolutely LOVE the glitchy section. Also, to me, the speedup is really cool sounding, and just the right tempo too. Its fresh, really it is, and its not the style that I expected at all for this piece, which is neat. Thats one giant step closer to this being a true remix, which is already was to begin with, and I've sort of forgotten where I was going with this...

Anyway, my biggest suggestion is to drop the bass down an octave, and possibly change the synth on it. You've got a groovy baseline going, it just feels more like its in the mid range.

On that note, the "glitchy" section sounds good without bass. I would even say that you could leave the bass where it is on that and the sped up section for effect, and then bring in a lower bass when it goes back to a-tempo. Thats just my thought though, you may have other plans.

Mastering will definitely help this piece out a lot,but from a musical standpoint I really like where you're going with it. Not too hot on the fading ending though, but thats a personal thing, it doesn't take away from the rest of the piece at all.

(going for a second listen now, to get specifics down)

When I listened to it, I kind of wanted the bass to come in with the piano. However, where you have it works well.

I notice that you have the Piano panned in the center while you have the main melody/countermelody (first occurance) jumping around a bit. When mastering the piano for that section, you may want to offset it a bit in both ears, to make it sound more like the piano is "behind" the listener, rather than directly in front. I think this will make the piano sound more enjoyable, and help it to not get confused with the bass in terms of clarity. I don't know how to achieve the effect of which I speak naturally, but thats what I would like to hear most from that part.

During the fast section, I feel that the percussion elements are the tiniest bit too soft.

At 3:35ish, the bass in fine, don't worry about the octave there. However, when the synth comes in right after that, I would support the bass some more from the bottom.

I'm also going to make this last note. During the "glitchy" section, you do a few repeats that make it sound as though my computer is freaking out under the strain that is Microsoft, causing the sound to not buffer in time. This is a bit similar to a skip on a CD, but its a sound that I'm used to hearing from my computer, since, alas, it is running Vista, and thus does not prioritize my MP3 player at all. I feel that this is an undesired effect. Most of the other glitchy sounds work fine, but I just think that the skipping effect is a little out of place, or possibly too much, and you might be able to find something else to do there. But I'm being picky here of course, the section as a whole works wonderfully.

I like this, I really do, and I look forward to seeing a completed version. Good work!


PS: Sorry for talking your ear off, especially about the bass. I do tend to just kind of splurge thoughts until I realize the length of my post and decide to hush. ^_^


This thread recently having been brought back up reminded me of something that's bothered me, but I, for some reason, never mentioned:

The piano glitching thing is AWESOME, but I think it ends to soon. I start to get into it, then it ends. I think it should continue until the piano ends.

Other than that, I haven't been able to think of a single problem in all the time I've been listening to the most updated version (since you posted it).


so my listening before thought it had other connotations in it. version 6 (which i'm thinking that you either just put up or i missed it) sounds a lot more put together. once you're done tinkering i think you'll have a solid piece. i do have to comment on that really heavy bass in the first half of the piece. it's a little over the top for my taste. you can have the same effect with something a little less irritating. and, change it up a little. it's WAY too repetitive. i agree with some of the other comments. love the piano and the glitchy-ness in certain areas. like the tempo changes in the middle. and, towards the end of the song, do i hear some tal tal? i think dropping some of that in there would be okay too.

kudos for so far! can't wait to hear the next installment!!

  • 9 months later...

Synth pads at the start are a bit piercing/shrill in the high end, might need a bit more lo-pass filtering on that. Bass that comes in at 0:33 is too loud and probably too high. Are you sure it shouldn't be an octave lower? Double it with a nice sub-bass sine wave to add some lower-end presence. Glitching at 1:42 is intentional I assume :P

1:55 would be awesome with some more sidechain compression to give it a nice, long, pulsing, throbbing...beat. Piano at 2:49 sounds off-key against the bass. I like the tempo changes in general, they work fairly well here. Production sounds decent overall but could benefit from a bit more bass presence.

Mix is pretty varied throughout, but make sure it doesn't sound too disjointed. The transitions work out well IMO. Decent mix overall.


I'm finding myself agreeing with tensie's crits :P

I think that the piano sounds a little mechanical when it plays the faster notes, work on velocity changes to make it sound more natural

I think some of the synth work is a little bland, but its not that bad I don't think.

The mixing is a little hot for my tastes, its piercing played too loud.

Not bad... its a good arrangement I think, nice work :P

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