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For the lazy...

Mortal Kombat fan site Mortal Kombat Online are claiming that this image (click for bigger version), supplied to them by "a source within Midway", is the first piece of official art from the next Mortal Kombat game. And yeah, as you can guess from the miserable, hulking guy on the right, it'll be a Mortal Kombat vs DC game. Out of love for the DC universe, I'm trying to both accept this is real and be excited about it, but...firstly, there hasn't been a decent Mortal Kombat game in over ten years, and second...hey guys, Capcom did this a little while ago. With Marvel. You may have heard of it. Little late to the comics crossover party, aren't we?

Hm... Noob Saibot beating the living shit out of say... Superman..? :lol: wtf are they thinking... I almost hope it becomes successful for great lulz.


This is almost as fucking lame as putting Star Wars characters in Soul Calibur. I mean, it will be cool to the layman, but I'm a big Mortal Kombat fan and it's a bit insulting if you ask me.

It's the equivalent of having your favorite band sell out. Oh well, when your favorite band puts out a CD you have to buy it right?

For the lazy...

Hm... Noob Saibot beating the living shit out of say... Superman..? :lol: wtf are they thinking... I almost hope it becomes successful for great lulz.

Than you should download M.U.G.E.N. for that lulz!


Honestly, I wished I had the skills to create my own characters in that game than just fuckin' use other folks characters. Hell, I wish MUGEN users would create their own characters.

Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Comics, huh? DC Comics have a bad history of comic book games, so I wanna see how this will turn out . . .


Given the tendency of most DC heroes to avoid killing, will fatalities still be in?

If so, will this be some awful 90's anti-hero reimagining?

EDIT: Oh, apparently no fatalities. That works. This game is still going to be terrible, but just because it will likely be a 3D fighter. A Mortal Kombat 3D fighter no less.


Hmm, I started the other thread on this, didn't think there was a MK vs. DC thread at the time. Oh well :)

Still weird to see these two mixed together, isn't it?


Take two great things that don't fit: chocolate ice cream and beef jerky. Mix them together. That's what I think, but you bet your tail I'll be picking up a copy.

This is almost as fucking lame as putting Star Wars characters in Soul Calibur. I mean, it will be cool to the layman, but I'm a big Mortal Kombat fan and it's a bit insulting if you ask me.

It's the equivalent of having your favorite band sell out. Oh well, when your favorite band puts out a CD you have to buy it right?

Oh come on. The lameness -------> Coolness.


I gotcha. It's something that I'm against yet it's so interesting that I have to check it out. I also think that the Mortal Kombat series has been a respectable one with few weak games, so I have trust in the team. They've lost dignity in my eyes, but they haven't lost my interest.


I thought Midway did some new and innovative things with their online MK games. Very playable and very fun at spurts. It's just that they don't know how to put a nice varnish on their games like in the MK1-3 days. And their production values are just weird/horrible so it makes all their games look worse than they actually may be. And they need to prune their roster like Street Fighter has (though almost all SF characters are awesome so it was almost unnecessary on that end).

I gotcha. It's something that I'm against yet it's so interesting that I have to check it out. I also think that the Mortal Kombat series has been a respectable one with few weak games, so I have trust in the team. They've lost dignity in my eyes, but they haven't lost my interest.

Holy shit, are you ever the key demographic

Say what you want, but Mortal Kombat 1 through 5 rocked. I enjoyed all of them (still own all of 'em too).

ditto except for the actual ownership part, only got 2 and trilogy, the rest I've played at friends. still enjoyed them nonetheless.


Trilogy and Ultimate Mortal Kombat used to be my favorites, until 5 came around. I think 5 would've been classic if the characters had more than 1 fatality a piece. Also, the coin system was pretty cool too.


Official info from the horse's mouth:


The other key element to the game is balancing the game mechanics to ensure the whole experience plays well. As if sweating the roster and story weren't enough, Boon and his ambitious team have opted to revamp the whole fighting system for MK's next gen debut. This has led to a "clean slate" approach that has the team re-examining every aspect of the combat system. While you'll see some hints as to what's going on with the fighting system in the teaser trailer, Boon himself offered us a clearer picture of what's going on. The multiple fighting styles and weapon systems from previous games are out, and a more-visceral, brutal approach to fighting is in. MK vs. DCU will introduce several new elements that the team is hoping will make battles more dynamic. The three major ones that are ready to be discussed are Klose Kombat, Freefall Kombat, and stage interaction. Klose Kombat is a mode you'll initiate which pulls in the camera in close and has its own separate mechanics. Basically, when you initiate the mode you'll be the aggressor and your opponent will be on defense. In this closer view you'll be able to attack your foe's upper body with different types of blows for a set period of time, the exact duration of which is still being ironed out. To keep things fair, your opponent will be able to perform a number of different defensive moves to dodge your attacks, provided they're fast.

Freefall Kombat is another change of pace, tied in part to stage interaction. The mode is another player initiated sequence which is kicked off by you flinging your foe off a stage. Unlike previous games you won't just follow them down or watch yourself drop. Instead the camera willl come in and you'll be able to fight on the way down. You'll have a slightly tweaked set of possible attacks in this mode, much like Klose Kombat. From what we've seen, it appears your big motivation in these sequences is to gain the advantage on the way down and land on your opponent, for an added damage bonus. Part of this mode is tied to the stages, which appear to feature a different basic design than the previous games. The fighting areas will be a bit wider, to support throwing your opponent through walls and, in some cases, much taller, to allow enough time for fighting during freefall. Since these new elements should definitely change the flow of battle, the team is spending a lot of time figuring out the right amount of time for them to last. In addition, the fighting moves of the MK cast are getting an upgrade to let them go toe-to-toe with established and powerful characters like Superman. A more potentially controversial change to the system is the game's fatalities. According to Boon, there will definitely be fatality-like finishing moves, but they may not be called fatalities. After all, it's doubtful that Superman or Batman would be ripping out anyone's spines or hearts. That said, the team is hellbent on pushing the limits to what they can do with the DC characters, so you can expect to see blood and some level of damage accumulate during a fight.

I am cautiously optimistic regarding this new approach to fighting mechanics. I think it could work well with capturing the hectic feel of comic book and movie fights instead of being rooted in the same old Street Fighter perspective.

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