djpretzel Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Cuddly PyramidHead Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 Steve Pordon delivers yet again with a SH2 remix that is simultaneously grim and beautiful. Great guitar playing and an atomosphere that works perfectly with the piece. Commendable work by Mr. Pordon on creating a mix that truly surpasses my admittedly high expectations for both his work and any remix of Yamaoka's music. It's addictive like crack, people. I should be sleeping right now, instead I've got this song on repeat for the third time. Like Guitars? Download it. Like the Silent Hill series? Download it. Hell, just download it, regardless of your preferences. Highly Recommended for just about anybody. Quote
danny B Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 A pretty good work. Some of the guitar parts sound really thin, and the kick drum sample is, to be blunt, disgusting. It's got way too much mid and high frequency in it, and it almost sounds like someone is kicking a pillow. The snare sample isn't any better, it's really tinny and lacks any punch whatsoever. This might be the intended effect, to give a spacey, lo-fi feel, but it mostly sounds like bad sample choice and lack of attention to EQ'ing. Reverbing the snare, even slightly, would have helped tremendously. Gating the kick sample and boosting the ~60-100Hz range while dropping some 250-300Hz range would have given that bass drum some balls. I was actually quite impressed with the hi-hat work, as it wasn't too intrusive or whacked out, but fit very well with the rest of the song. Ride cymbal sample was great too. The drum doubletime at :53 starts to get things going, but it quickly reduces again to the original beat, and the poor sample quality absolutely destroys any enjoyment of the percussion for me. The fast beat comes in again later, and while lasting through the guitar solo does an admirable job of keeping the energy and tension up. However, the guitars at that point seem to all occupy the same frequency range, and it sounds...well.....convuluted. The instrument that solos around 2:57 (i'm guessing baritone guitar, but it's probably just a regular guitar tuned low) doesn't seem to mesh with the overall effect at that point, and the drum backing is too plain to keep it interesting. The special fx, most notably in the beginning and end are done very well. I'm not saying the mix is bad. Arrangement is done well, guitar fx and panning are quite well, and it seems as though a lot of attention was paid to atmosphere. Overall the mix is generally very clear and easy on the ears except for a few spots. It doesn't particularly strike me as spooky or grim, as it's too full of a sound to imply isolation, and too thin a sound to imply bombardment. Get me? Simply put, had the guitars been EQ'd/balanced differently and the drum samples been acceptable, this would have easily been on my playlist. But damn, man, that kick sample is killing me...... -SM Quote
Scotty B. Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 I just listened to this remix and the original right after it. To be honest, I can't see the connection. I mean, the original had this palpable sense of loss. I'm a fan of kit and guitar, but this just didn't do it for me. Not saying that the mix is bad by any means, because it's quite good. It just feels out of place with the mood of the game, in my opinion. I just can't make the connection. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 You can definately tell this is legion, especially when it comes to the solo. Anyway, Ive always been a fan of his stuff, especially after the demons crest work he did. It may be a tad bland, but its good to have some guitar based remixes on here again. I wouldnt mind hearing legion do promise, in the same style as this though... Quote
KarenEiko Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 I have listened to the original song before, and there's a big change here. Personnaly, I loved it. The original's already kind of creepy on its own, and this one follows it with a more rock n roll typish. Very nice I have to say. Quote
Lithium Fusion Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 hey!! Miss Cleo pwn0rz yuor soul!!!1 as for the mix... uh... lettme listen first Quote
Legion303 Posted March 13, 2003 Posted March 13, 2003 Reverbing the snare, even slightly, would have helped tremendously. Gating the kick sample and boosting the ~60-100Hz range while dropping some 250-300Hz range would have given that bass drum some balls. That's interesting, because I *did* reverb the snare track (always do), and I dropped everything higher than 250 Hz from the bass drum track. It was too bassy at first, so I lowered bass frequencies and boosted midrange across the mixdown in the remaster, which may be what you're hearing in the kick drum. I'll keep the gating comment in mind, though...I've never tried that with kick drum. Might be fun. -steve Quote
danny B Posted March 13, 2003 Posted March 13, 2003 Yea, I thought maybe I heard a little bit of reverb, but I was tyring to get the point across that it wasn't enough. Yea, I personally prefer a kick drum with boosted 60Hz and heavy reduction around 180 Hz. I sometimes boost around 4KHz to get the actual articulation boosted a bit. Just a preference though. Yea, don't gate it too harshly, just enough to eliminate anything but the balls of the sample. That's my advice, whatever that counts for. -SM Quote
wethamster Posted March 13, 2003 Posted March 13, 2003 hmmmm intresting remix i like how its made even though i have absolutly no knowledge of what you people talk about but im sure i can learn by reading some of the posts here intresting non the less well im gonna listen to this one a few more times before deciding if its one of those absolut must have remixes or its one of those ill listen to it when i feel like it Quote
wethamster Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 yaa i figured that out im sorry about that i idnt expect my drawing to be so big but that l chage im going to use i difrent one for when i get it uploaded sunday about the remix insted of taking the musik that they did to make this remix i think this is one o the ending musiks or somthing my memory is a little fuzzy about t´silent hill 2 but how about remixing the main theme music thatd be the best tune from silent hill 2 to remix if you ask me Quote
Gwilym Posted March 16, 2003 Posted March 16, 2003 quite nice. doesn't quite capture the SH mood for me, but no remixes i've heard have done, so i didn't really expect it to. the idea of using the guitar for the song is an interesting one, and in some ways it has worked quite well...but not well enough if you ask me. the lead sounds downright bizarre throughout the song, and not in a way i like. can't quite put my finger on what it is; maybe i just plain dont like that instrument choice. sounds goofy. the bass on its own sounds pretty cool, but it's always slightly out of time with everything else. it's probably on purpose, but i don't like it much. the percussion...i dont like. the samples are a bit crap to start off with, and the way they're controlled just doesnt suit the song. it's a sort of hip-hop/dnb/rnb combination which just sounds odd. and near as i can tell, there is absolutely NO volume control on any of the hits. meaning every hit sounds identical. on the whole it doesn't quite come together as something i'll listen to, but it's a mix that shows creativity, and i respect that. i just think it woulda sounded way better if it came out about a year from now, when you've honed your skills, and learned new ones. :] p.s. the sounds at the start and end were really neat, even though i know you just sneaked into my house and stole them from the prison remix i started (seriously, the sounds are VERY similar. eerie) Quote
goat Posted March 17, 2003 Posted March 17, 2003 I haven't heard the original. There are many similarities between this song and "sober" by tool, such as the same-note dual-hit bass guitar across the chord progression at :28 (the progression at that point happens to match "sober" as well): the eventual 16th-note rhythm guitar build up (at 1:54) has accents similar to the tool song. The mood this song conveyed was somehow evil and mellow at the same time, and because it achieves this mood I hereby label the song kick @ss. Great job! Quote
Hopeless_Bastard Posted June 9, 2003 Posted June 9, 2003 Wow !!! pretty neat remix !! I remember i almost felt into depression when i was at that part of the game when this music started and i must say the original feeling is still here, amazing job anyhow i agree with Gwilym, some of the sweeping guitar parts sounds odd. Quote
Eccles Posted September 18, 2003 Posted September 18, 2003 The intro screeching is...apalling, to be frank. The guitar sounds like a MIDI. Guitars, sorry. They both sound like MIDIs on a field trip (fyi-adding mad filt0rz does not make a MIDI voice any better) Interestingly enough, the only bit that sounded real (and therefore tolerable) was the point when the guitar goes off on its own little thing...shame really, it could have been a good remix if it all sounded like that. It sounds too much like a revoiced MIDI to me. I dont like it...not in the least. Quote
Legion303 Posted September 26, 2003 Posted September 26, 2003 The intro screeching is...apalling, to be frank.The guitar sounds like a MIDI. Guitars, sorry. They both sound like MIDIs on a field trip (fyi-adding mad filt0rz does not make a MIDI voice any better) Do you mean to tell me you really can't tell the difference between a MIDI guitar and a real one? Astounding. -steve Quote
goat Posted March 2, 2004 Posted March 2, 2004 Steve, just to confuse you even more: Unlike Eccles, I happen to like the mechanical-ness of the lead instrument (if it was too expressive or dynamic it would detract from the coolness factor in the context of this composition). Also unlike Eccles, I thought the only weak point was the meandering solo around 2:22 (if this is what he was talking about). Just because something can be distinguished as "real" doesn't mean it should be applauded.... So if you superimpose our opinions, there's either nothing or everything to like about this song. Good Luck! Quote
Kadosho Posted June 18, 2004 Posted June 18, 2004 A compelling tune on its own, different from the original tune. Nah, doesnt matter. Its great on its own. Just letting the fingers fly in the solo.. juicy. Quote
Homunculus Posted October 3, 2004 Posted October 3, 2004 :vomit: I apologize for being so blunt, but... This was quite awful, to be honest. This beautiful piece of music really shouldn't be treated this way.. The drums sounded horrible, and the bass was out of sync with the other instruments. The part with the solo was almost OK, but even that sounded more like a song from a driving game. That is never a good thing, and since we're talking about Yamaoka's music here, it's a crime. Not recommended. Quote
daylightsilence Posted July 11, 2005 Posted July 11, 2005 ok here is the catch, i truly dont understand why people like bashing this mix, i think it is very well done. i will always defend this melody and i dont get all the talk about the instrumentation sounding "fake", they sound real to me and flow together well, now i did notice that in the part that starts at 0:27 that you sort of skip the last few notes from that melody from the original, but thats alright, after all this is you piece and you make the calls. it flows well, i enjoyed it, i like how it ends how it starts. good instruments, now i have a guitar and a piano version of this melody both excellent. keep up the good work and bring us another one like it. Quote
Jackxox Posted July 15, 2005 Posted July 15, 2005 Hey just heard the remix for the Silent hill track, and i have to say....don't wanna reject everyone elses p o v cos it seems to have been gettin some fairly decent reviews, but its absolutley AWFUL yeh sure im up for a bit revival, but taking opne of the most beatiful and atmospheric songs that Yamaoka has written, scratch that anyone has written (im talkin bout lauras theme - the first little riff and betrayal which comes in later) and addin a tinny guitar sound with such a high freq and frankly the most inappropriate drum beat he could have chosen does not scream success. Im not gonn go into a long list opf reasons why this remix sucks. but anyone who understands and rerspects good music must see. " I Know ill try make it sound aatmospheric and realli emphasise the isolationism in silent hill but not playing putting any music in the first minute of the song, then i can cap it all of by takin an already brilliant guitar riff and andjust puttin the freq up? NO NO NO youv got it all wrong ! tghe only good bit about this remix is the riff that is taken from the original... look people dont take this the wrong way because i have a lot of respect for the guy sokme of his other works Genius but even he must recognise this as one of his poorer works and i know mim bein vulgar and rude its wat i do - but please let me post this cos i just have give a diff view of the remix EDIT: Just like to point out people was talklin bout the wrong track (as in the white claudia static or somethink) yes i look like a fool ! i like the way at the end of the true remix steve pardon realises hes made a mix which in no way captures the mood of silent hill and just sticks that white noise at the end............its like hang on ! we know its bad dont poretend you care bout the atmosphere Quote
bloodydust Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 i don't know what this fool above me is talking about. part of it is, i can't READ it. at any rate, i thought the mix was great when it first showed up and i still think it's great now. i found it in my remix folder a little while ago and decided to pass the song around. Quote
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