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SGX Wins OurStage $5,000 April Grand Prize!!! Thank You OCR!

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He didn't. Audix is #1!

Sorry, incorrect wording. (He shouldn't have a problem holding his #1 spot after everything's said and done.) I just finished listening to the other songs in that genre and "Visions" is by far the best IMO. Hudz's "Progressive" maybe the only exception as you mentioned earlier.

Er, I thought Shnabubula was his regular account? And why would he be banned in the first place?

his user account (at least, the one linked to his Shnabubula mixer profile) is Sam Ascher-Weiss. there's no way that alt (Shnabubula, as a forum profile) could only have five posts after his tenure as a judge. and yes, the SAW profile is banned as well.

it's kinda sad, if all this is true. sam went out of his way to personally thank me for signing up for dragon army when it was still a site with a purpose. a little while later, i got permabanned from OCR till i changed the password - although it wasn't the same one as it was on there, but whatever. prot still hacked my vgmix account.

Don't fret, soc! Sometimes if your song doesn't get rated a lot early on, it is seems to be cycled less often. I've noticed that before.

True. Sometimes it dosen't even get cycled at all, especially if you entered into a competition really late.

Get a fresh start off for May the one's who enter the competition first usually start off somewhere around the 1-20 standings.

You should enter the competition early for May while everyone else is busy voting. That's what we've done anyway.

We'll I'm finish casting votes in Techno I'm heading over to Electronic."Coactive" Vs. "Throwdown" is bound to show-up that way.

Which should I pick? It's an easy choice for me, but I won't say. :)


Thanks for the votes so far everyone! We're all doing well for the time being, and if this keeps up, we'll make it into the semifinals no problem.

One request... please report the song "SAX & SUNRISE" as a Copyright Violation ("Flag This" button). It's a remix/mashup of two songs, which you're not allowed to do. If it asks for links to the copyrighted material, give them:



One request... please report the song "SAX & SUNRISE" as a Copyright Violation ("Flag This" button). It's a remix/mashup of two songs, which you're not allowed to do. If it asks for links to the copyrighted material, give them:

Oooo....someone's busted. :)


Ooh more OurStage stuff. I had a lot of fun voting last month, so you can definitely count me in this time. I join everyones' fan clubs... but right now I need to go to bed. I'll vote tomorrow.

(Also if anyone wants to take a short break from all the judging, you should check out the video section. They've got some pretty great stuff there, especially in Comedy and Short Films.)

DJP... you said that Jared Hudson is in on Prot's little hacker gang? What leads you to believe this? I don't know him all that well, but he always seemed like a pretty great guy. I'm having trouble enough wrapping my head around the idea of Shnabubula pulling that kind of crap.

Ooh more OurStage stuff. I had a lot of fun voting last month, so you can definitely count me in this time. I join everyones' fan clubs... but right now I need to go to bed. I'll vote tomorrow.

(Also if anyone wants to take a short break from all the judging, you should check out the video section. They've got some pretty great stuff there, especially in Comedy and Short Films.)

DJP... you said that Jared Hudson is in on Prot's little hacker gang? What leads you to believe this? I don't know him all that well, but he always seemed like a pretty great guy. I'm having trouble enough wrapping my head around the idea of Shnabubula pulling that kind of crap.

anyone who hangs out with prot is eventually drawn in. him and jh are pretty close, afaik.


Thanks to urrybody who's been voting for me already. I've been sitting 1st in electronic for a couple days which is pretty spiffy! I'm quite sure I'll be in the semi's then, and that's when I could really use the votes to make sure I get into the final!

I don't think I'm going to make any incentives to vote for me in the semi's, but if I do win THE WHOLE THANG at the end, I'm going to do something crazy like make all the downloadable items in my store free for a week and super discount my physical items. I mean, with a haul like $5k, I don't really need to profit on my album sales for a while! Might as well get it heard as much as possible! So, for yourself and all the poor folk who like SGX, VOTE FOR COACTIVE :)!! Free jams for everyone!!



Thanks for all the votes guys! Still sitting strong at number one in techno. :-P Just finished voting in Techno, Electronic, and on a whim, DJ/Beats. I'll get to New Age/World tomorrow-ish. :)

Also, don't miss my promotion; those who "fan" me (see first post) and vote in all subsequent rounds that I'm in are entered for a free CD of mine once it finishes production. Just leave a message here or on my ourstage boards. So far it's only about five people from OCR, are you going to let them keep their 20% chance of winning? :P


Actually, last month I won in Techno/Club... I didn't even make it into the quarterfinals with the same song (Breathing You In) this month. This is the first time I've made it into the Electronic quarterfinals. But yeah, I can definitely believe people are intentionally downvoting and countervoting.

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