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I'm a fan of the remixes on here, I was just wondering what program you all use because I have magix music maker which......could be better to say the least. xxx

Music maker! 8-O I remember the first version of that program, I was 15 at the time, before Fruityloops or Reason, which are the two programs that most people use around here.



Sometimes I get the feeling people who're not in-the-know of music making think remixing is completely different from every other way of making music. It's not.

I don't mean to take a stab at you here, newkeithmoon, it's just that people keep asking me what I use to "remix tunes", rather than what I use to make music. I just find the wording peculiar.

i just want to know what synth program you guys use, i have a nice audio editor, just not a good synthisizer... in fact i can't seem to find any n.n;

I could take the easy way out and just say you need to get Synth 1 for all your synthesizing needs, but I have a sneaking suspicion you actually mean Sequencer or DAW, not synthesizer. It wouldn't hurt to learn the correct terminology. Of course, if you're actually referring to a VSTi Software synthesizer (with oscillators, filters etc. etc.) feel free to ignore my bullshitting.



we should totally collab

I'd like to see your xrns files :3

I've been using Renoise exclusively for about a year now! Though my two OC remixes are made with FruityLoops since they're older tunes. FL Studio is okay but I really prefer the workflow of a tracker.

I could take the easy way out and just say you need to get Synth 1 for all your synthesizing needs, but I have a sneaking suspicion you actually mean Sequencer or DAW, not synthesizer. It wouldn't hurt to learn the correct terminology. Of course, if you're actually referring to a VSTi Software synthesizer (with oscillators, filters etc. etc.) feel free to ignore my bullshitting.

No, don't ignore. Get Synth1. That much was right. :)

Also, get Reaper for a DAW if you want free. Otherwise get FL Studio if you want good but still cheap. Otherwise get Cubase or Pro Tools or something like that if you want even better but not still cheap. Cakewalk, etc. are in there somewhere, too.


I use Synth1 all the time aswell, I just wish they would add a tiny bit more FM support, maybe 1 more oscillator and possibly an adsr mod envelope. Oh, and maybe the choice to have the LFO's affect Osc1, Osc2, or both. But I suppose that would defeat the purpose of having a simple synth. Crystal is good too, for more complicated synths, but I prefer Synth1. Both are good, both are free, take your pick (or use both).

Sometimes I get the feeling people who're not in-the-know of music making think remixing is completely different from every other way of making music. It's not.

I don't mean to take a stab at you here, newkeithmoon, it's just that people keep asking me what I use to "remix tunes", rather than what I use to make music. I just find the wording peculiar.

Well this is a site where people remix. Not everyone here generally "makes music" since not everyone here is a composer. As such, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what you remix with as opposed to what you compose with. If someone happens to do original stuff as well they can say so.

Not everyone here generally "makes music" since not everyone here is a composer.

How is remixing in the way it happens on OCR not making music?

As such, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what you remix with as opposed to what you compose with.

But there's no difference between the applications that are being used.

Okay, maybe that needs to be written on a baseball bat which will henceforth be called "cluestick" :D.

Well this is a site where people remix. Not everyone here generally "makes music" since not everyone here is a composer. As such, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what you remix with as opposed to what you compose with.

Everything we do at OCR involves us having to recompose a song. Simply remixing (as in, getting the original raw audio and making a new mix out of it) is NOT allowed here. And on top of that, there's no such thing as dedicated "remixing" software, all music software is primarily for composition.

Cluestick sounds like a fantastic idea :D Though in cases like this it will only shove his head further up his own ass.


You're misunderstanding my point, which is not that remixing doesn't involve some composing. Note that people here "remix" songs, not "compose a remix of" a song. If you grant that, the only thing we can say for sure about any given person who submits here is that they remix.

I don't think you should assume people think there is a "remix" program when they ask what you use to remix. Just that a program exists which you do, in fact, use to remix.


Instead of "compose", the term" arrange" is perhaps better.

Anyway, there's still no difference in the applications used.

Also, the "which program" question has been asked so many times that it's painfully obvious that nobody ever reads the sticky topics, or they're not phrased in a newbie-understandable way.

I suggest one on top titled WHICH PROGRAMS TO REMIX WITH (with the caps included) explaining the question. It's already hard enough to get people to just try stuff, not to mention the idea that if they spend more money on the package it'll automagically sound better.

I mean, there's this thread, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one so it's probably a good idea.

we should totally collab

I'd like to see your xrns files :3

With work and the newly started band, I don't really have that much time for remixing/composing in Renoise these days. I'm starting up a new project using HardSID 4 U though. If you get one of those we can talk about it. ;)

Generally my xrns-files aren't that impressive from a technical view. I tend to keep things very simple and clean. I find that the easiest way to get a good sounding result.

Well this is a site where people remix. Not everyone here generally "makes music" since not everyone here is a composer. As such, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what you remix with as opposed to what you compose with. If someone happens to do original stuff as well they can say so.

I like your philosophical approach, and as such you do have at least fractions of a point. Sadly, your reasoning falls flat due to the technical negligence, as pointed out by Yoozer. Whether you're composing or remixing (and I use "remixing" as a term for re-arranging, covering or interpreting an already recorded musical piece by another composer) the technical aspects remain the same.

I take it you're not in the group I referred to as "in-the-know", and thusly you proved my point that people not in-the-know seem to think remixing is completely different from any other kind of music making. You also failed to see that I never used the word "compose" in my first post.

Anyway, there's still no difference in the applications used.

I never said there was. I just don't think it's such a travesty to ask what someone remixes with vs what they make music with.

Makke, I may not be "in the know" in the sense that I have gotten anything posted here, but I have been looking into this for a long time. I know there is no "remix" genre or "remix" button or anything of the sort and that, in fact, these are the same programs used to make fully original music.

With work and the newly started band, I don't really have that much time for remixing/composing in Renoise these days. I'm starting up a new project using HardSID 4 U though. If you get one of those we can talk about it. ;).

I wish I could get a HardSID... :(

I keep my xrns files simple too :3 I only ever use like 5 or 6 tracks.

I never said there was.

Point taken. But the confusion for the newcomer remains; for their own good, they need to get rid of those ideas (that either remixing is a genre or remixing requires a certain piece of software or even that other software will make someone sound more professional) as soon as possible as they get in. The fact that this site has great sounding music with what most self-proclaimed "professionals" would consider a toy (FL, Reason) proves this point.

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