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Got unexpectedly called into work today, so I didn't get much done. Still managed to get in a minimal amount of cross work and other shoulder strength. Also did a bit fo flexibility with my girls.

I've started working towards an azarian (backward roll to cross). I think I'm still a ways off from getting it, though.

Got unexpectedly called into work today, so I didn't get much done. Still managed to get in a minimal amount of cross work and other shoulder strength. Also did a bit fo flexibility with my girls.

I've started working towards an azarian (backward roll to cross). I think I'm still a ways off from getting it, though.

I gotta say, anything involving a cross is pure awesome.

Honestly, the more I hear and see about especially ring stuff the more I wanna get into it. Since I do lunchtime WODs, by the time I get to the gym, warm up, and do the WOD I have barely enough time to do anything (just some practice with frogstands and handstand holds against a wall for the time being). I can't be doing any strength-related stuff prior to Aikido in the evening (tight muscles don't mix well with pins, joint manipulations, and pressure point stuff...not to mention hindering flow), so I may have to move to early morning WODs (3 days out of 4) and lunch-time screwing around with emphasis on gymnastic stuff (2-3 times a week). I have info currently on some good ways to train for handstand, planche, and front lever, which I guess is as good a starting point as any, but I'd really appreciate it if anyone could direct me to some resources for a beginner.

Additionally, I really need to get better form on pistols, snatch, clean and jerk/push jerk, and finally start doing double unders. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna need to reorg my schedule if I wanna accomplish these things.


Well, I guess it's kinda late to be entering this... but I've been working out a TON this summer. Maybe I'll jump in anyway.

Goals: Weigh approx. 175 lbs.

Run a mile in 7:45 or less

Get strong all around (no specific goals here)

Beat my marathon running mom in a 5k <-done

KEEP THIS UP THROUGH THE SCHOOL YEAR (guess I can't do this by august 2 lol)

I put 5k one in there because that was a surprise accomplishment for me--last sunday I ran a 5k with my mom and sister, and passed my mom out in the last half mile! I've never beaten my mom in a road race before. My finishing time was about 26:20

Anyway since I came home in May I've been going to the gym about 6 times a week (3 days, skip a day) and swimming every other day. I started the beginning of the summer at 188 lbs, running an average rate of a 9-10 minute mile, and lifting relatively low weights (biceps maxing out around 15 lbs each hand, back exersizes maxing out around 60 lbs, pecs maxing out around 40, and tricips being barely able to do anything [maybe that's how i got tendonitis?]). Right now:

weight: 179 ish

running: 8 minute mile (1 mile), 8:30 mile average for 5k

biceps: 25 lbs each

back: 100 lbs

chest: 60 lbs (being held back by my triceps and shoulders)

triceps: around 15-30 lbs, depending on the exercise

shoulders: 50 lbs

hamstrings and quads: 60 lbs

Hip abduction/adduction: 115 lbs

I'm pretty happy with how things are going. Never have had muscle before, and I've never felt like NOT a marshmallow! Hopefully I can keep it up next year!


Worked pretty hard today. Had a light workout in the morning, then beat the shit out of my entire upper-body in the afternoon. 30 bulgarian dips and 30 narrow-elbowed dips on rings, 50 inverted rowers with a narrow grip and 50 with a wide grip. A total of a minute and a half in stretch band-assisted cross, and several pullouts. I also started working on a straight body, straight arm press to handstand on rings.

I work all day tomorrow, with only a brief break, but I'm going to try to film a rings routine during that break.


I missed my update this week, so I may as well update now. The last couple of weeks have seen little working out since I was preparing to both move out at the end of August and go away for a couple of courses (where I am now). The good news is I'm currently left with little more to do than go to class, study, and work out. I have a track to run on literally right behind the residence building I'm in and free access to a gym one building over, so I expect to get back to the weights and the cardio pretty hardcore for the next month.


Whoa! Really late update. Work has been kind to me. Lots of movement and excercise.

On the home hand, I had a nice couple days of swimming and diving excercises when I went to visit my mom-and-sister-in-laws. This week, I think I'll start biking, as I inherited one from my sis-in-law when they moved. Wish me luck!


whew, had a nice workout today. Did another 5k on the treadmill, except that I accidentally hit stop in the middle of it so I couldn't get an accurate time reading. I think it was probably somewhere between 26-28 minutes. After that, I did some situps, and tons of back and shoulder stuff. Totally wiped after this one. I'm up to 110 lbs on rowing! :D


Might as well update on time for a change since I have nothing better to do just before I go to bed.

Being away from home these past few days has certainly helped. I'm a picky eater so most of the food I'll eat in the meal hall is healthy stuff except for pizza (which I'm not indulging in much). I've also run every day except one since coming here for courses and I'm back to lifting weights every other day. I've started running with one of the guys I came down with which is helping us both push eachother and stick with it. Overall, these next few weeks may be what get me back on the workout track.


Okay! 'Nother update so's not to be late this time. Excercise has been all right. I've got a nice three day weekend and lots of downtime next week 'cause we're done stripping. So, lots more walks in the afternoon and more one-armed pushups for me. Also, I've been better about less soda and more water. The normal pants I wear are losing their tightness, and I'm quite happy with that.


had an awesome workout the other day, realized my triceps needed a lot more attention than they were getting. I'm finding with pec/tricep stuff, as well as leg lifting, i've been way too easy on myself. so i'll step that up a notch.

I have a NEW GOAL: fit into this "I feel pretty" shirt that Jonathan "salty" Hall got me a few years back without looking like a total fatty:


ex girlfriend BAWWWWWWWWW


As of last night I've doubled the distance I'm running since arriving here on Thursday. Granted I only started at 2km, and part of the reason I'd cut them off there was the wonderful cramp in my side I was getting the first two day, but I'm still proud of the accomplishment. I will be continuing to up my distance until about 8km, then probably just focus on getting a better pace going. After about 8km I get too bored to go any farther usually.


I'm not too sure why I'm updating today. But I have been doing my thang on a regular basis. However, I have worked in butterflies and reverse sit ups into my repertoire. I guess that's a good thing to balance out my muscles. Running distance has more or less remained the same. Though, I think that eating Taco Bell definitely causes me to run slower. After watching a lot of triathlons and marathons this weekend, I probably should train for a half marathon. That's about 12.5 miles or so, right? I definitely can go 7 if I push it, but yeah... that's no good if it's a little over half of the distance. I should probably focus on long distance running on my aerobic days.

I am not going into the gym today because I am sick. I am probably going to take today off, stay hydrated and stretch (since you can never stretch enough). After waking up in a light sweat during a random nap on the train, I think it's a bit safer to get better than work out for the time being.


yaay i bumped up all of my back/shoulder stuff up like 10 lbs! Also ran another 5k on the treadmill, did it in about 26:35 or so. However my legs hurt like hell afterward, hopefully i'm not doing anything bad to them. The pain is on the inside of my shin, like, right where the bottom of the calf attatches to the bone. it was ow x.o


I don't know if I have a goal except to maybe lose some weight... but I've started taking up jogging. I'm pretty bad at it; I used to be more in shape in high school, when I did martial arts. At my "peak" my best time for a mile was 7:40, and I was able to actually jog for an entire mile without stopping. I can't do that anymore, though, so I'll probably have to work back up to it. I'm going out every morning and jogging until I get too tired (4, 5 minutes tops right now) then I walk for awhile, go back to jogging, etc. I'm usually out for 20-25 minutes.


Did a decent amount of flexibility and maltese work today, but for the most part took it easy. I did much heavier cross strength yesterday than I've been doing, so my shoulders were pretty much fried today.

Tomorrow will be a mega hardcore day. In the morning I'll be doing rings strength, trampoline, and perhaps some tumbling and vaulting. In the afternoon, I'm gonna try to do full competetive routines on all three of my events (I don't have a specific routine yet on floor, so I'll just try to do my five biggest tumbling passes in under 70 seconds -- the maximum time allowed for a routine). And then I'll do some more rings strength.

I'm getting ever closer to getting my splits all the way down, but these last couple inches are proving to be a real battle.


I'm glad to see people are still participating in this. Unfortunately, personal dramarama kind of struck this past month, and I let that get in the way of my exercise routine.

I went running yesterday, and didn't do very well (since it'd been a couple weeks since the last time I went out). I'm gonna keep it up though and work my way back up to where I was. Also, I've gained back about five pounds that I lost over the past month, so I need to reverse that.

So now that the "summer session" that I came up with last May is about over, should we make a new thread? I think the competition board isn't a bad place for this, even if we don't keep strict tabs like I tried to do at the beginning, so I'd make it here. Maybe we should start a new thread without a time attached and just use that from now on, or perhaps I could just request a mod to change the title of this one. Thoughts?


So today wasn't as hardcore as I had planned, but oh well. There's always friday.

Got a pretty decent workout today. Threw some tripple backs on trampoline (first time I've done so without a mat being thrown in on warm-up), did a little bit of rings strength, and did leg strength the likes of which I have not done in far too long.


So now that the "summer session" that I came up with last May is about over, should we make a new thread? I think the competition board isn't a bad place for this, even if we don't keep strict tabs like I tried to do at the beginning, so I'd make it here. Maybe we should start a new thread without a time attached and just use that from now on, or perhaps I could just request a mod to change the title of this one. Thoughts?

I've no idea or thoughts really on what to do about this, but I do agree that we should continue. My body is now thinner I think than it's been in over ten years. I owe you Steben, for helping to motivate me into getting a little more fit.

So for me, keeping this thread or a thread like it alive is most agreeable. Count me in to keep truckin'.

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