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PRC120: How about some Magitek mayhem? (Final Fantasy 6)

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The People's Remix Competition 120


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! We faced a REAL surprise last contest, when voters and remixers turned up in their mass quantities, thus providing the most active turnout the competition has had for the past 15 months! Amidst the quantity also came a first win for PRC rookie Showroom Dummy, providing a Kraftwerk-esque interpretation covering a source tune from Tales of Symphonia.

We're still with RPGs this competition, albeit we are shifting our focus from Namco to Square this time. This game doesn't even NEED an introduction, given that it's among one of the most popular known titles around the remixing community; even Liontamer hates its theme song to death. Last one to Narshe is a rotten moogle!


For the next competition, I'm choosing one of my favorite songs ever, from my favorite RPG ever, which is also one of my favorite games ever, which is also my favorite videogame soundtrack ever, and ever and ever and ever! XD

It's Final Fantasy VI (3 in America)

But don't panic yet! I know the rules of PRC, and this song hasn't been remixed, or at least not on OCR or any other place that I know of, and I really really love it.

The song is a bit complicated but I am sure a lot of people love the soundtrack as much as I do and will want to give it a try. :D

Final Fantasy VI - The Magic House


Come on everyone, we're looking at one of the most recognisable RPGs of all time. Surely we can mimic the success of the previous contest, right? Anyway...


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by NEXT SATURDAY, May 17th at 4:59 am Eastern US Time.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  7. The winner of the previous contest can't take part but their vote will be doubled.

Doulifee's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifee, and we'll help you out.


Hm. Despite just having played FF6 and being of the opinion that it has the best soundtrack of them all, I think I'll sit this one out. Good song; just can't think of what I could do with it that would count as more than an arrangement.

Except an acoustic guitar quintet... but my samples and playing skill can't pull that off.


You got bored before you even first witnessed Kefka, THE greatest Final Fantasy villain of all time?* News to me. o_O()

(*Screw you Sephiroth, you can't even become a successful god and keep that status for more than 2 weeks -_-)



Wow! I had to Wikipedia that one! But you're are absolutely right sir! Kefka WAS a Nihilist. That's what made that game so often. How many games lead you up to a big climatic battle to save the world and you LOSE! Awesome!


I've tried to submit my remix and it says "ID3 tags could not be updated. Did you upload an MP3?" Now I did create it using Sonar 7 and that LAME encoder of theirs. Should I try not encoding the id tags? In the mean time, here's my entry via myspace:



My thoughts behind this piece:

The source material seems like a lone melody with very little harmonic elements, so I elongated and syncopated the rhythm and then spent the rest of my time fleshing out a complimenting latin groove to back the melody. In the end, one of the melodic segments I chose to keep it close to it's original format to make it more recognizable. The entire melodic line is a transposed, elongated, syncopated magic house.

Overall, I was trying to go for an 80's latin jazz sound with the spanish words looping in the background and the deep reverb toms. Something like David Bleimier meets Carlos Santana. I used a flanger on both the voice samples and tweaked the fine a little to give them a more 80's quality (not being exactly on pitch at exactly the right time) and yes all voices in this piece is me.

PS: the underlying chorus is saying "venido a la casa de la magia" which is spanish for "come to the magic house."

After thought, can we try to submit our mixes to be listed on OCR proper if they're that good?

I think you can submit your track anywhere you please. I've submitted my song from the last competition to Remix:ThaSauce and I Rexy didn't say anything about it. But then again i don't know if she noticed that.


Oh, ok! I didn't know remix: thaSauce took submissions as well. Maybe I should explore the site a little more fully, instead of lurking...(a hard habit to break)


Ok, I managed to get my song onto thaSauce. I used FL Studio to produce the mp3 and did NOT encode the id tags. Does anyone have a clue why that happened for my future referece? I prefer Sonar to create my mp3s (i think it produces better quality and has more tweaks you can do), so I wouldn't like this to be an ongoing issue.

Ok, I managed to get my song onto thaSauce. I used FL Studio to produce the mp3 and did NOT encode the id tags. Does anyone have a clue why that happened for my future referece? I prefer Sonar to create my mp3s (i think it produces better quality and has more tweaks you can do), so I wouldn't like this to be an ongoing issue.

Well, I prefer to encode to Wav from Reason or FL and then use an external encoder such as CDex to make the mp3 file. This one in particular allows me to encode it in VBR which is a pretty neat way to keep my files small without losing too much quality overall. Also encoding to wav allows me to load the file to different external programs to analyze it, and maybe do some post-mastering... which I rarely ever do because I'm cheap like that, but when I want my songs to be as perfect as possible this is the best route to take.

I think you can submit your track anywhere you please. I've submitted my song from the last competition to Remix:ThaSauce and I Rexy didn't say anything about it. But then again i don't know if she noticed that.

It's no problem. Some OC-Remixes are remixes which where created for PRC and edited later (with the comments from voters) for submission.

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