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I suggest gathering paper from the books and wooden rods to construct a crude version of the Kitty Hawk and explore those regions.

If you manage to make an aircraft carrier with nothing but paper and wooden rods -- even a crude version -- I shall be very impressed.

(Protip: Kitty Hawk is a town in North Carolina, which happens to be the namesake of a United States Navy aircraft carrier. The heavier-than-air aircraft built by the Wright brothers in said location is something else entirely. I don't believe that it even has a name...)

If you manage to make an aircraft carrier with nothing but paper and wooden rods -- even a crude version -- I shall be very impressed.

(Protip: Kitty Hawk is a town in North Carolina, which happens to be the namesake of a United States Navy aircraft carrier. The heavier-than-air aircraft built by the Wright brothers in said location is something else entirely. I don't believe that it even has a name...)

You know, honestly, I was a little unsure about that too. I googled Kitty Hawk, just to make sure, and the closest thing I could find was that aircraft carrier. I suppose, though, if you could construct such a huge ship, it'll probably take up multiple screens and therefore would serve as a sort of ladder to reach that high area...

If you manage to make an aircraft carrier with nothing but paper and wooden rods -- even a crude version -- I shall be very impressed.

(Protip: Kitty Hawk is a town in North Carolina, which happens to be the namesake of a United States Navy aircraft carrier. The heavier-than-air aircraft built by the Wright brothers in said location is something else entirely. I don't believe that it even has a name...)

Oh crap, I thought their aircraft was called thwe Kitty Hawk. Considered googling it before I posted but that would require opening a new tab and all.

Did anyone else find this game to be a tad too short?

I thought it was an OK length. If it was too short, it was because it was so enjoyable that I didn't want it to end, I guess.

If anything, I wish the castle itself had more Metroidian elements: areas that you couldn't explore until you unlocked a new skill. The main goal-item-skill-things were Paries, Volaticus, and the three Cerberus glyphs.. hardly challenging.

The castle, therefore, could have been a little bigger. Not necessarily the size of Symphony's.. but bigger.

I thought it was an OK length. If it was too short, it was because it was so enjoyable that I didn't want it to end, I guess.

If anything, I wish the castle itself had more Metroidian elements: areas that you couldn't explore until you unlocked a new skill. The main goal-item-skill-things were Paries, Volaticus, and the three Cerberus glyphs.. hardly challenging.

The castle, therefore, could have been a little bigger. Not necessarily the size of Symphony's.. but bigger.

Well considering there were how many areas you had to go through before you even reached the Castle, I thought it was a good length. In fact, the Castle was larger than I thought it would be, though I enjoyed how big they did make it.

I guess I'm just stuck in the years of SOTN with the good ol' upside down castle.

Ah the glory days...

Pffft....people were spoiled by Symphony. The glory days were prior like Bloodlines and Rondo.


Symphony had its flaws (such as NO gameplay balance whatsoever), but there's one thing it did that I haven't seen any of its imitators do nearly as well: secrets. The GBA and DS games might have a secret room here and there with an item in it; SotN had entire optional secret REGIONS of the castle, often with their own extra boss.

Symphony had its flaws (such as NO gameplay balance whatsoever), but there's one thing it did that I haven't seen any of its imitators do nearly as well: secrets. The GBA and DS games might have a secret room here and there with an item in it; SotN had entire optional secret REGIONS of the castle, often with their own extra boss.

Really? I've beaten it twice with 100% and I don't remember that the stuff behind secret areas were too intense...

What I DIDN'T like about the secrets of Symphony (sounds like a great game title) was that to figure out half of them, you needed a real creative imagination or to get real lucky in doing something that coincidentally hit a secret to figure a lot of them out.

The one secret I remember most vividly was that one switch that your demon familiar had to hit ... that was just really weird.

In that way, I do appreciate that, for the most part, the GBA/DS games aren't heavily secret-dependent, or that there are ways of figuring out those secrets à la Castlevania 2 (though in more correct, less Japanese-Shakespeare English).. especially in Order with the cats.

And Sindra, I agree. The pre-castle areas were fairly expansive and added quite a lot to the game. But once you got into the castle, it was just a matter of getting yourself around and finding three (well, 5) glyphs. I'll be honest, I was surprised when the castle appeared in game, sort of, because the beginning part was pretty difficult at times. But the Castle... it was only hard till I found Nitesco.

Oh well. I've pretty much nothing left do to in that game, other than take Albus through all of the game at Lvl. 1 (plus max health/mp/heart upgrades... there's no way in hell I can make it when 3 hits kill you everywhere you go lol). And it's not that interesting to me, either, anymore.. (the music, however, is growing on me and my keyboard can attest to that lol)

And wifi? What a joke those races are. I'd rather see some serious Shanoa/Albus PvP (though I'd bet it would be laggy...).

Was anyone else all 'wtf' when Dracula actually started walking? I never thought I'd see that ever happen.

When I first saw it, I was like "...wtf...?", kinda stunned. Then I realized the aweful possibilities and the booty-kicking I was in for, screamed, dropped the DS, and ran into the bathroom with a my favorite blankie.

...Ok, not really, but yeah, that took me completely by surprise.

  • 4 months later...

I've been playing this recently.

It's like Castlevania's gone back to being Castlevania, particularly in the art department. I mean, just look at this:




I really like the music too I should remix it one of these days.

Also I've notice that the game is very liberal with sound effects.


Should be some sort of meme but it is not popular enough. I was going through the sound test and I think this is one of the few times where the english voices top the japanese ones.

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