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This is made of win.

Dammit if they were to release this on iTunes or something I'd be all over it

When I get my grubby mitts on it I'll let ya know. :wink:

But I do hate how they tease with the music... I also have to agree that Hornet Man's stage music gives a lot of flexibility for remixing.

While MM2's Wily 1 has gotten a lot of popularity, I do say it's one of the best. Though thats not to say there are better ones out there. Ex would be MM3 Wily 1, Cossack Stage 2, Wily Stage 5 from MM5 (yea I like it), and MM7's Stage 1 is in my top 3 (though I like Stage 2 cause of the bass). I dunno why some don't like the new ones. Personally We are the Robots! (Stage 2) rocks in my opinion.

Where's Mega Man 3, stage 3?


Gux did an absolutely wonderful ReMix of the song


It was funny when I played Hornet Man's stage because Capcom's Mega Man site had a page with that song playing, and I loved it. When I heard that song playing after I picked Hornet Man's stage, I was like sweeeeet :D.

IMO, MM2, Wily Stage 1 blows every other Wily stage music outta the water. Cossack isn't even fit to lick WS1's boots! I personally don't understand how anyone could compare the latter with the former...

MM2's music overall is a classic. But I honestly can't recall the sheer feeling of melancholy and dourness the Cossack themes had. I'm just saying it deserves a worthy mention.

That's a real shame if that's the case...

As I recall Gecko you had a wip remix of Dr Cossack Stage 2, something along the lines of a eurodance version or something. I remember having it played on loop back in the day when I found it... (VGMix forums?)

It's still sitting on my hard drive to this day :lol:

Another shame it was never completed...


Dr. Cossack Stage 1


Dr. Cossack Stage 2

I always found the Mega Man depiction on the 3 and 4 box art to be a bit creepy. He looks like some angry, constipated circus midget out to kill the world because he dropped his burrito and didnt get to it before the five second rule had passed. At least that's how it always struck me...


To be fair, the west were just getting into the swing of "super-deformed" art styles and well... yeah... Remember it was an evolution in progress. Remember the covers for MM1 and 2..? At 3 they were getting closer to the Megaman we know as of today. Heck the cover for Megaman 6 Is the closest they were with the blue bomber today before his image was finalized... Of course MM9 cover is a joke image but still... Also even as a child it always bothered me how the perspective in the cover of MM4 was fucked up.

Pharoah man in the image makes Dr. Cossack's Castle look like a toy or a carved out pedistal that he happens to try take advantage to hit Megaman(Rock) And yet Rock's not even paying attention... What the fuck? :lol: :lol: :lol:



Also to put more salt on the wounds...

This is pretty fucking sweet



Haha, "No, I'm not a dentist." I like how all the bosses are gay for Mega Man.

BTW, what happened to the winning entries of the Metal Man vocal remix contest? They just kinda float off into nothingness?

Also I just tried the MM9 demo yesterday...

I couldn't beat it. ;_;


Endless stage mode is surprisingly fun. Get it!

Protoman plays like MM4 Mega (sliding + that version of the buster), except that he can only have two shots onscreen at once instead of three. Making up for that is that if you block shots with the shield, they reflect and kill things. Good stuff, but ultimately not as fun as endless mode.

Endless stage mode is surprisingly fun. Get it!

Protoman plays like MM4 Mega (sliding + that version of the buster), except that he can only have two shots onscreen at once instead of three. Making up for that is that if you block shots with the shield, they reflect and kill things. Good stuff, but ultimately not as fun as endless mode.

I was gonna type this. Now I don't have to. Thanks! If anything, I'd add more love fore Endless mode. I love this game type!


Glad to help! :razz: What's your high score?

Endless Attack is great. I just wish there was a way to check your own high schore, and maybe some variety in music (like after every boss, you get a different song).

If you go to the leaderboards, you can always check out your gamertag's highest and how it compares to just your friends. My current is just over 100 screens.

If you go to the leaderboards, you can always check out your gamertag's highest and how it compares to just your friends. My current is just over 100 screens.

Should've mentioned I have it on the Wii, so no gamertags or friends list. All we get in our rankings screen is the top ten scores.


Endless Attack is worth it, I agree. Some crazy bastard has over 850 rooms on the XBLA leaderboards. I played it semi-seriously and reached 50 rooms or so.

As for Protoman, I'm personally having a lot of fun. Deflecting enemies' own attacks to kill themselves is so satisfying. I just wish more enemies had the circle attacks that he can deflect. Also, having the slide and charge beam is how Megaman is meant to be played, IMO. I think Protoman is slightly more worth it than Endless Attack. The difficulty sometimes with platform ing with Protoman is insane. Though not too different from Megaman's situations, one blow to the head and Protoman is in dire straits.

Maybe Protoman is just that cool and/or I missed the Megaman 4 gameplay, but I'm actually having more fun with Proto than with Megaman. Even if things are scary difficult this time around.


Damn. There's one series of rooms I can't beat in Endless mode, and I'm therefore stuck at #6 on the leaderboards. I'm convinced that I've now seen every possible combination of rooms, unfortunately...it's rather limited. I was hoping they would be unique until 300 or so.

Anyway, does anyone have any advice about the spike room with all those damn grabbers from Galaxy Man's level? I realize that not getting grabbed is the goal, but the one platform with three of them is just ridiculous.

Endless Attack is worth it, I agree. Some crazy bastard has over 850 rooms on the XBLA leaderboards.

You think that's high, the high score on the Wii version is 3067. Though granted, they've had it a couple days longer than Xbox owners. I remember the first day, most high scores were in the 300s, with first place being a little over 1000.

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