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I will get it for the Wii because the Wiimote sideways is basically the best NES style controller.

I'll be getting it for the Wii for that reason...I don't really care so much about gamerscore/achievements, and I think part of what's so interesting in it being 8-bit is there should be no difference visually from one system to another (I'd also assume there'd be no console-specific differences).

I'm really hoping this game comes out soon...maybe there'll be a release date announcement at E3. I'm also really hoping the rest of the series (or at least 1-7, and X-X3) will be available via digital distribution in the not too distant future, just because I want the easy access to the games.


The shop system in Mega Man 8/Mega Man and Bass was pretty sweet. I'd like to see it come back.

Of course, I don't know if it belongs in the 8-bit setting or not.

Shopping is fun!

Ack, I remember that tedious gameplay element! Yes, let's focus gameplay on collecting nuts! As if 8 weapons that you barely ever use isn't enough... sorry, nothing against you personally, it's just not my thing ;)

Anyway... there's pretty much no way I'm not getting this game. As long as they don't channel stupidity from the Megaman Anniversary Collection and make menus, saving systems, and controls that are horribly designed and buggy. yeesh....

Ack, I remember that tedious gameplay element! Yes, let's focus gameplay on collecting nuts! As if 8 weapons that you barely ever use isn't enough... sorry, nothing against you personally, it's just not my thing ;)

Except a few upgrades are actually really useful.

The "arrow" charge-shot was the single most useful weapon in the game EYE EM OH, besides the energy savers/distributors.

Most everything else was fluff, I will give you that.



Well, I think you're thinking of the MM7 version.

The MM8 version had a limited number of bolts hidden about the stages and weren't too terribly difficult to pick up quickly (once you actually found them).


Oh yeah, I was thinking of 7 :oops:

I can't remember if 8 had a good shop system or not, but I didn't like that game nearly as much as the classics... especially in terms of art and sound design - even the kids' drawings in the credits were better than the in-game boss designs!!

Back on topic: yay 9!!


No, I was planning on buying it before the news broke, but I've been looking forward to some kind of MM9 for a while so the cross platform thing got me pretty excited.


All right. I'm not sure if these have been posted or not, but here's the link to some high res scans of the Nintendo Power article (scroll downwards after clicking)


Well, there's a few things mentioned in the article that I'd like to comment on. First, Inafune has been putting his hands on the game. He mentioned that it's in the vein of the earlier Mega Man games (1 and 2 mostly). He also makes some comments about the 8-bit style and how we would like to "push the upper limits" of the 8 bit style.

I'm thinking that there's going to be some modern technology thrown in here. I'm expecting some modern physics and graphical effects (I started thinking this from the picture with Mega Man revolving around a platform and another when he uses his weight to move platforms and jump to other ones. Apparently we're also going to get "modern" things like online leaderboards and downloadable content. If the game has good sales, Inafune will even make more sequels. Well, just to be safe, I might get a friend a copy as well.

Capcom has sent the message that for the time being this is a WiiWare-only game. While I'm happy that Capcom is giving due respect to Mega Man's origins and Nintendo, I don't think this is the best choice. Sure, I'm really PO'd about Wii not getting Street Fighter 4 (for the time being), but the little guy deserves to be available on all consoles. I think everyone should be playing the new Mega Man, and there are also a lot of offline Wii users who won't be able to download the game. But, the really hard old school fans are going to buy a Wii just to get this game. Well, I have a Wii and I can't wait to download it. Yes, I want it very, very badly.

Looks like it's Wii Exclusive.

And people say Nintendo isn't supported by 3rd parties...This is some of the best support they could ever receive!

No 360 achievements? Oh well.

Wow... Only released on the Wii?

That's pretty sad for Capcom.

I guess the silly thing about it is this would be a game that would be entirely equal on all three systems, yet it's only slated for one (though personally it doesn't make a difference to me because it's coming to the system I'm gonna get it for anyway). You know how Capcom has been though. "Viewtiful Joe, Gamecube Exclusive," "Resident Evil 4, Gamecube Exclusive..." I don't think these are the only cases where they turn a system-exclusive into a multi-platformer, and wouldn't be too suprised if this became another instance.



Mark my words. Mega Man 9 isn't going to remain Wii exclusive forever. It would be an unfathomably stupid move on Capcom's part to do so. Plenty of people would shell out the green for the game, but if people weren't planning on buying a Wii in the first place, they're NOT going to buy it just for MM9. Not even I could give the BoTD to someone that dumb.


Well here's the thing: combine things like install-base, demographics, and publishing fees, and it probably makes more sense for Capcom to not bother with XBLA and PSN.

Despite the fact that this is a retro game and despite the fact that a lot of Mega Man fans are adults now, the main demographic for Mega Man games is still the younger crowd. Most younger gamers have Wii. Install-base overall for Wii is greater than 360 and PS3. And in the end, it costs more to publish on all three platforms than it does on one.

I guess Capcom figures that the potential revenue of 360 and PS3 versions won't justify the publishing cost.

This is all conjecture, btw.

Well here's the thing: combine things like install-base, demographics, and publishing fees, and it probably makes more sense for Capcom to not bother with XBLA and PSN.

Despite the fact that this is a retro game and despite the fact that a lot of Mega Man fans are adults now, the main demographic for Mega Man games is still the younger crowd. Most younger gamers have Wii. Install-base overall for Wii is greater than 360 and PS3. And in the end, it costs more to publish on all three platforms than it does on one.

I guess Capcom figures that the potential revenue of 360 and PS3 versions won't justify the publishing cost.

This is all conjecture, btw.

I'd agree that at the very least that's good logic to start with MM9 on WiiWare. I'm of the opinion, though, that when it comes to a higher-profile release like this through digital distribution where the overhead is lower they'd still benefit from multi-platform support (barring any technical limitations between platforms).


You know, Capcom did comment that Street Fighter 4 could technically be ported to Wii. Why don't they do that as well as put Mega Man on all 3? That would be great.

Well here's the thing: combine things like install-base, demographics, and publishing fees, and it probably makes more sense for Capcom to not bother with XBLA and PSN.

Despite the fact that this is a retro game and despite the fact that a lot of Mega Man fans are adults now, the main demographic for Mega Man games is still the younger crowd. Most younger gamers have Wii. Install-base overall for Wii is greater than 360 and PS3. And in the end, it costs more to publish on all three platforms than it does on one.

I guess Capcom figures that the potential revenue of 360 and PS3 versions won't justify the publishing cost.

This is all conjecture, btw.

Truth, but how many kids nowadays have ever actually played a classic Mega Man game? Hell, how many kids nowadays have ever played an 8-Bit game? I'm pretty sure that many would turn a blind eye to Mega Man. Of course I don't know the actual buying trends for WiiWare, so I could be wrong, but I'm willing to wager that most people spending the cash on the old-school Virtual Arcade goodness are the older crowds.

Truth, but how many kids nowadays have ever actually played a classic Mega Man game? Hell, how many kids nowadays have ever played an 8-Bit game? I'm pretty sure that many would turn a blind eye to Mega Man. Of course I don't know the actual buying trends for WiiWare, so I could be wrong, but I'm willing to wager that most people spending the cash on the old-school Virtual Arcade goodness are the older crowds.

By the same token, with the advent of virtual console, kids are getting exposed to old school games again. Don't forget about Mega Man Anniversary Collection either.

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