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zircon & sgx place #3 and #6 in OurStage June - Thanks for the help guys!

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Sounds like a case of the butthurts, PhiJayy. After the countless number of votes I've put into Ourstage, I would definitely have to say that Zircon, SGX, and Pixietricks are WAY above the rest of the music on there. I'm sorry if that means yours as well, but they really are that good. Ourstage is basically a popularity contest anyway, so the fact that they have followers on OCRemix and get a bunch of votes from that really isn't a big deal. How else do you think that all the shitty music gets into the finals/semi-finals? Fans. Thats how music is, my friend, you're only successful if people like you. But talent helps; hence my naming of the above musicians ;-).

That being said, I don't disagree that its not real fun for the people without many fans to enter into, which is why I haven't put anything up. That, and my debilitating inner-fear of rejection ;-)

Audix, tell me if you weren't an OCR artist and you went up against one competing for the #1 spot. Would you have won? Or would you have been like Lori Cunningham and Jewbei? Your music for the most part is pretty awesome, but could you win with your talents alone?

I think I could get darn close, and would certainly have a good chance of it. Listen to say, "Visions" or "Rising Impact" and compare it to the other tracks in that same genre that month. I'm biased of course, but I feel that they "deserved" to win their channels. Heck, I even told OCR not to vote for "Stylized Chase" compared to "Rising Impact" in the finals and it still finished 14th out of 47th overall. I think you're underestimating the quality of the music that OCR puts out. If you were in this spot, we'd be voting for you too.

Guess what we're not winning and we know why. Other artists know why too. This isn't just about my brother and I.

Because you're not making it into the quarters? If you're thinking that we're asking our fans to go through hundreds and hundreds of battles in the prelims to make sure we make it into the quarters, that's just crazy. You say that you've come across your track after about 100 battles; that's 100 battles more than I've ever done in the prelims and I've certainly never asked anyone to help me with that.

Sounds like a case of the butthurts, PhiJayy. After the countless number of votes I've put into Ourstage, I would definitely have to say that Zircon, SGX, and Pixietricks are WAY above the rest of the music on there. I'm sorry if that means yours as well, but they really are that good.

Hey now. :<

But yes, more votes people.


Perhaps you shouldn't be selling it, in that case.

Well, I also like money, of course. I have free downloads of about half my original material available on my site. If I win a large chunk of money from Ourstage, then I feel like I've earned enough via music for the time being and like to give it away. Is there something wrong with that?

This ourstage crap is making this site more friggin political than when they introduced the original judges' panel years ago...

I can't be arsed to post on these forums anymore but I saw this and thought, yeah, I've never seen so much cock been sucked before. This site used to be really fun, now it's like some election ground here.


There's no need for any drama. I've been making an OurStage thread once every month for any and all OCR artists who are participating, like clockwork. People in the community can choose to support these artists by spending a bit of time judging on the site. Besides helping out musicians who need the help, anyone that judges gets to hear a lot of great new music on OurStage itself - I personally have discovered a number of excellent artists through it that I wouldn't have otherwise. Not a bad deal.

If you don't like the idea of supporting people like Audix, sgx, myself, Jill, etc. then you don't have to vote or have any involvement. Simple as that. For me, whenever people from the OCR community need help, I do my best to give it to them. Whether it's technical questions about mixing, WIP critiques, legal or business advice, questions about the judging/sub process, or anything else, I don't mind spending a small amount of my time helping people in the community. Voting on OurStage is really no different.

... For me, whenever people from the OCR community need help, I do my best to give it to them. Whether it's technical questions about mixing, WIP critiques, legal or business advice, questions about the judging/sub process, or anything else, I don't mind spending a small amount of my time helping people in the community. Voting on OurStage is really no different.
Submit to ReMix:ThaSauce, and support the greater arrangement community today!

dually noted


Just so my quote wasn't taken out of context, I was commenting on the drama, and not against anyone in particular.

I think that the problem is that OCR and OurStage are so different in premise, and that the fact that people put their stuff up for free on OCR when OurStage has some decent cash prizes available makes it definitely a target for cynicism. I think that if this was a contest with no cash prizes attached to it (and was more for the popularity of OCR members for OCR's sake per se) it would be much better received and universally supported.

The second you start introducing popularity and $$ into a site community which is based on free sharing of everything, there's bound to be some issues.

I think Ourstage is a great idea and that the talented people from here definitely should enter. It's just that the premises between that site and this are so different that it's causing a lot of drama. And drama = poopie.


It is quite interesting indeed...Ourstage is basically the antithesis to djp's "music isn't a contest" philosophy, and we're now seeing how and why that can cause problems. I do admire the idea behind the voting system though, since it forces people to listen to music they normally wouldn't be exposed to.

I didn't mean to sound as up-in-arms as it seems like i did. I just think complaining about people getting votes from a community you're in just because you didn't make the cut-off seems kinda lame.

Hy Bound you've got us all wrong, we're not all about ourselves. Just to clarify. We didn't even make the quarterfinals this month. People have just been wondering why OCR artist has won in every genre there competing in. Granted SGX, Big Z, and Jill are talented, but so is alot of peeps on Ourstage.


-_- You should be very careful about misrepresenting other people, PhiJayy.

Seriously, though, you've made your point. Fans and friends here aren't going to stop voting because of your protests. So unless your intention is to be as much of a party pooper as possible (and I should hope it's not), why not give it a rest? Talking in circles will get nobody anywhere.

I'm looking forward to tonight. I think the best part about this whole contest is how it creates such funny conversation in IRC during the last few hours. XD

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