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Why not just play the original FFT and Disgaea?

Portability, hands down. Makes it so you can play these time-heavy games when you're out and about. It's why I have both for the PSP. Now, if only they'd put Disgaea 2 on the PSP, I'd be all set.


Fixed, but... yeah.

Right. God of War 1.5. That's what I meant. I have no idea why I typed "2". :oops:

Why not just play the original FFT and Disgaea?

I did. Now I want to play them on a tiny screen. :shock:

... actually, it's probably best I don't have access to Disgaea on the go. That game has a way of consuming my day. Disgaea 3 is already going to destroy my productivity in a few months.

Isn't time-heavy the opposite of what you want when you're out and about? Or do you have an hour-long commute or something?

Time-heavy in the sense that they are long games that take lots of time to complete. By making them portable, they become easier to digest in many small chunks, which means you can complete the games without having to sit around at home for hours on end even if you only play a couple minutes at a time.

Sorry, still wrong. It takes place before the original GoW, so I called it GoW .5.

God of War 0 perhaps?

Time-heavy in the sense that they are long games that take lots of time to complete. By making them portable, they become easier to digest in many small chunks, which means you can complete the games without having to sit around at home for hours on end even if you only play a couple minutes at a time.

Er, I'm not seeing how "hours on end" goes with "couple minutes at a time." If you wanna play a console game in 15-minute chunks, then play it in 15-minute chunks. Personally though, I've had FFT and Advance Wars and Disgaea battles go for 45 minutes or more, not exactly an "on the go" time interval.

If you have a lot of idle outside time though, that's cool. It's just personally the only time I find myself wanting to occupy myself is when I get to the movies early, but even then I usually have friends to talk and socialize with.


Um... making a game like FFT or, really, any time-intensive game portable means allowing you to do the whole "quicksave" thing and shut it off at just about any moment, to be picked up at the exact same point later. That is how "hours on end" goes with "couple minutes at a time." It's not that one would purposefully want to play a game in 15-minute chunks just for the hell of it; it's that one wants to play the game whenever possible, while away from home (and, ostensibly, the console). Say you're a computer programmer; you could play the game turn-by-turn at your desk, in all the little spaces you have while your code is compiling or the test driver is running, a la...


Just replace the sword fight on chairs with demolishing the enemy team flawlessly.

It's fine if you don't see the appeal, but for some people portability means the difference between playing a game and not.

Yeah, there was a time when I considered getting a PSP just for this remake. It kinda died when I realized I wouldn't be interested in many other games besides Crisis Core, though.

Thats what i did and i'm perfectly happy with my decision! haha.

Um... making a game like FFT or, really, any time-intensive game portable means allowing you to do the whole "quicksave" thing and shut it off at just about any moment, to be picked up at the exact same point later. That is how "hours on end" goes with "couple minutes at a time."

That's not really a matter of portability then, that's just a matter of adding quicksave functionality (which honestly should've been in the original games in the first place).

It's not that one would purposefully want to play a game in 15-minute chunks just for the hell of it; it's that one wants to play the game whenever possible, while away from home (and, ostensibly, the console). Say you're a computer programmer; you could play the game turn-by-turn at your desk, in all the little spaces you have while your code is compiling or the test driver is running, a la...


Just replace the sword fight on chairs with demolishing the enemy team flawlessly.

It's fine if you don't see the appeal, but for some people portability means the difference between playing a game and not.

I'd think a few places are likely to fire you for playing your PSP on the job whether you're compiling or not.

I do actually see the appeal of portability, especially now that I know about the quicksave thing. What I don't get is the "tiny screen" obsession a lot of people have that sephfire alluded to. I've never made any significant progress in FFT or Disgaea, so yeah I'd want to play the PSP versions since they have a couple extras, but you better believe I'm going to hook them up to my TV. And yet I've seen people stick Chrono Cross into their PS3 and play it on their PSP while there's a 42" HDTV sitting 5 feet away from them. It's amazing really.

I'd think a few places are likely to fire you for playing your PSP on the job whether you're compiling or not.

It was just an example, not to be taken so literally. But I (for example) play "big" RPGs like FFVI Advance and The World Ends With You on my breaks at work, simply because I have nothing better to do besides listen to music, and when I'm home I rarely get around to them because I have lots better to do. So portability is something of a factor, quicksave or not.

I do not understand the fascination with small screens, but I honestly don't understand the fascination with excessively large (more than 26" or so) screens either. It just seems to me that once you go beyond that point, you might as well invest in true immersion and set up an HD projector.


Tidus vs Sephiroth, that pussy's in for an ass whooping.


I was just thinking that this morning. I was remembering the wall TV's from Farenheit 451 and thinking, holy shit this is what america is heading towards.

And yet I've seen people stick Chrono Cross into their PS3 and play it on their PSP while there's a 42" HDTV sitting 5 feet away from them. It's amazing really.

Read that sentence again and tell me that's what you meant to say.

And yet I've seen people stick Chrono Cross into their PS3 and play it on their PSP while there's a 42" HDTV sitting 5 feet away from them. It's amazing really.

Guilty as charged. To the letter, actually.

It's convenient if you have a roommate who wants to watch TV, and you want to play Chrono Cross, and your roommate is an utter tool who thinks Cross was a terrible sequel to Chrono Trigger.



I enjoy the FFT remake much more than the original. The re-translation is amazing.

New translation = godlike


This is why I play the original FFT on my PSP :P

Tidus vs Sephiroth, that pussy's in for an ass whooping.

Heh, which one?


Spell animations and special effects run at like 0.3x normal speed.

It's only barely within the range of bearability.

I did play the game all the way through, but I prefer the original battles.


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