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Most people who cry about Vista don't even have a legitimate reason to not like it, and it's getting old.

Says the guy using the MacBook.


I have Vista and *GASP* it's been good to me for about 7.5/10 times I used it. Yeah, there's been some promblem with downloading software and accessing the Program Files but Vista isn't that bad of an OS.


Most people who cry about Vista don't even have a legitimate reason to not like it, and it's getting old.

The amount of people saying this is getting old. In any case, Vista is bad and good at the same time. People should cope or stfu because it's not going anywhere.

Theyll have that new version of windows out soon anyway, right? From what I read vista was just the ME of this generation, kinda a throwaway step.

Kind of turned into that, yeah.

you can still get windows 95 with no difficulty i dont think xp will be a problem

Hell, I once found a bunch of Windows 95 CDs in a dumpster outside of an office building that was cleaning house.

(The dumpster was one of those large open ones out on the street, BTW)

Vista: DAW + all my VSTs = crash

XP: Same DAW, same VSTs = no crash

I don't use Vista, but my GF does. If it weren't for that crashing issue that has happened on several computers I've installed Vista on, I'd be using it now.

Vista hates all things audio...that's the only real problem I've found. Otherwise I've NEVER had a problem, and my hardware isn't even all that great...

It DID come with free 512MBs of RAM when I bought it, though...and that helped a LOT, lol.

And, to Dyne, the only reason I use my MacBook more frequently now is because it plays WoW at Max settings, and all my addons, with 40FPS, I like Adium better than Trillian, and my MacBook can handle my iTunes library where as NOTHING on my PC can handle my music library over there...


I see no reason to upgrade(?) to Vista, because XP was the first Microsoft OS that I'm actually happy with. I've had numerous problems with 98 and had to reformat almost twice a year because of it. I've never used 2000, I went straight form 98 to XP...it's been great since.

Theyll have that new version of windows out soon anyway, right? From what I read vista was just the ME of this generation, kinda a throwaway step.

WinME was so bad that Microsoft practically retconned it out of existence. Vista doesn't even come close to that, unless you have a shitty computer.


Most people who cry about Vista don't even have a legitimate reason to not like it, and it's getting old.

Maybe its the insane amount of system resources it hogs up. Maybe its the limited utilities that it comes packed with. Maybe its the bugs. Maybe its the compatibility issues.

While the last two problems are rare and uncommon, they still exist, they still suck big time, and Windows Vista is still a pretty bad operating system.


I remember reading on Dell's site (or maybe it was Wikipedia) that there is supposed to be a downgrade to XP professional for Vista users (though it may only be for certain version of Vista). Businesses like XP, and that makes the biggest difference for Microsoft.

WinME was so bad that Microsoft practically retconned it out of existence. Vista doesn't even come close to that, unless you have a shitty computer.

Im not referring to performance or memory usage. I'm just saying that Vista is being referred to as the ME of this generation due to the fact that Windows has a new OS in development right now and Vista is just the filler gap thrown in there to get more money off people.

Maybe its the insane amount of system resources it hogs up. Maybe its the limited utilities that it comes packed with. Maybe its the bugs. Maybe its the compatibility issues.

While the last two problems are rare and uncommon, they still exist, they still suck big time, and Windows Vista is still a pretty bad operating system.

Insane amount of system resources? :\ I think people forget sometimes that Vista isn't for old computers. It's for new ones. If you have the hardware to run Vista, it runs fine. I mean try installing XP on a machine built for 98SE; obviously its going to suck. :|

Honestly, I've been running Vista for about half-a-year now and the only issues I had were with copying files over a network. Those issues were resolved completely with SP1.

The only other problems I've had stem more from the fact that I'm running a 64-bit OS instead of a 32-bit OS, and that can't really be blamed on MS, but 3rd party software developers who won't get with the times.

Insane amount of system resources? :\ I think people forget sometimes that Vista isn't for old computers. It's for new ones. If you have the hardware to run Vista, it runs fine. I mean try installing XP on a machine built for 98SE; obviously its going to suck. :|

Honestly, I've been running Vista for about half-a-year now and the only issues I had were with copying files over a network. Those issues were resolved completely with SP1.

The only other problems I've had stem more from the fact that I'm running a 64-bit OS instead of a 32-bit OS, and that can't really be blamed on MS, but 3rd party software developers who won't get with the times.

QFT. I haven't seen all these "bugs" and "compatibility issues."

In fact, the only people I've heard of that have compatibility issues are people using pretty specialized hardware/software. The average user shouldn't have any trouble with compatibility.

It seems to me that the people griping about Vista most often are people who've either NEVER used it, or just used it for a short ammount of time. I've been on it since launch and I honestly see no reason to ever go back to XP.

I've actually had WAY LESS problems with Vista than I had with XP over the years.

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