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There was a poll that said Monk and Barbarian were the 2 most picked classes. As a result, I decided to go Witch Doctor. Then I watched a trailer and Witch Doctor looked waaaaay too hard, so I decided to go Demon Hunter.

What did you think of the Demon Hunter? I was just reading over the classes and was thinking of starting out as one.

What did you think of the Demon Hunter? I was just reading over the classes and was thinking of starting out as one.

I thought Demon Hunter looked like a class I wouldn't usually play. I am all about the Barbarians, but I really enjoyed Monk during the Beta. So those are my 2 obvious choices. I am a man who enjoys brute strength (lol gender roles) Alas, I have instead chosen to challenge myself, and hopefully this will lead to a more fulfilling initial game experience. I'd love to take my Demon Hunter to level 60.

I also want to try finding rare and amazing items (for other classes, of course) and put them up for sale -- for real money -- on the auction house. I have no intention of buying anything. But if there's someone out there who will give me money for an in-game item... then great.

As for the class itself, it seems to shoot things and throw grenades. Like I said, for this kind of game, I'm really more of a warrior. Skyrim revolutionized my view on RPGs by allowing me to quickly shot fire and stab at the same time, etc. So I am hoping for the same kind of new gaming revelation that will open me up to new styles of play. :|


still not sure if I'm going to buy this or not... beta wasn't anything too exciting... but I will probably end up watching youtube videos of people playing the later acts, and it will probably be interesting, and then I will probably buy it. That's my prediction :/

Also, I don't know what's so difficult about the witch doctor? I mean, beta could have been toned down - I was playing witch doctor in beta and what I noticed right away is that your mana never runs out really, and it regenerates so fast... in Diablo 2 you had to rely on potions and you had to be careful about spamming your spells too much, at least in the early stages of the game.

It just seemed so easy a 5 year old could point and click and kill anything - didn't even matter about what gear you had or anything. So, I understand it was just beta - I will wait and see the responses from players after the game has been out for a couple weeks. I love the Diablo franchise and I'm really trying hard to like D3 but it just hasn't been going so well...

Posted (edited)

Two words: Inferno Difficulty.

I never considered Diablo on normal difficulty hard. There is nothing inherently more skill-based about spamming your hotkeys for potions to burst heal than having fast regeneration in general, cause how did Mana regen in D2 work in the first place? For the first 30 levels it was kind of an issue so you just bought potions to make up for it. The 'difficulty' didn't come from the fact that you would run out of mana, but because you'd constantly have to make trips back to town to restock on potions. That's not difficult or challenging, that's annoying. Then once you got some gear up, mana became a complete non-issue because you would either outregen your spellcasting or get enough mana leech to compensate for it. Most min/max builds didn't even invest any points in the energy stat because the regen you would get from gear and pots was more than enough to make up for it.

In fact, I'd argue that due to the health potion cooldown D3 has, as well as the cast time on TPs, there are way fewer possibilities to cheese your way out of dying.

Did you consider playing Diablo 2 on Normal up to Blood Raven hard? Cause that's pretty much the equivalent of what we've seen in the beta right now.

Edited by Tensei

if the game got hard before bloodraven you'd never actually learn how to play the game you'd just die a shitton

it's still teaching you about what you'll be facing for the next 6 years of playing the game

Two words: Inferno Difficulty.

I never considered Diablo on normal difficulty hard. There is nothing inherently more skill-based about spamming your hotkeys for potions to burst heal than having fast regeneration in general, cause how did Mana regen in D2 work in the first place? For the first 30 levels it was kind of an issue so you just bought potions to make up for it. The 'difficulty' didn't come from the fact that you would run out of mana, but because you'd constantly have to make trips back to town to restock on potions. That's not difficult or challenging, that's annoying. Then once you got some gear up, mana became a complete non-issue because you would either outregen your spellcasting or get enough mana leech to compensate for it. Most min/max builds didn't even invest any points in the energy stat because the regen you would get from gear and pots was more than enough to make up for it.

In fact, I'd argue that due to the health potion cooldown D3 has, as well as the cast time on TPs, there are way fewer possibilities to cheese your way out of dying.

Did you consider playing Diablo 2 on Normal up to Blood Raven hard? Cause that's pretty much the equivalent of what we've seen in the beta right now.

D2 potions did heal over time, making it hard to cheese your way out of death... except for rejuv potions. Those were really the only problem. But more often than not, even in Hell, your problems would more be getting stunlocked or brutalized by a single explosive mob or something.

Hey guys, I bought the digital version and I will be playing at launch. Is there a list of OCR people who will be playing Diablo 3 so i can add them when I start playing? would be fun play together with some of the people I know from here.

I don't think there is an official list anywhere. I'll probably start playing it a bit this week, but I'm not sure how often I'll be on. Don't forget you have a song to make too this week Mr. NutS ;-)

I don't think there is an official list anywhere. I'll probably start playing it a bit this week, but I'm not sure how often I'll be on. Don't forget you have a song to make too this week Mr. NutS ;-)

Of course! I'm gonna do most of it tomorrow because I know diablo 3 will keep me very busy :P

It would be nice to have a list of diablo 3 players, sort of like how you can find League of Legends players in the LoL thread. In the meantime, my battletag is SirNuts#1178. If you're playing SuperiorX, give me yours and I'll add you when the servers go up :)


I might be playing a few days later when I have my paycheck and some extra money in the bank, but I will try to get it on release. I may be playing with some IRL friends first, though.


I'm downloading the installer now in preparation. I've never actually played a single Blizzard game with the exceptions of The Lost Vikings and Justice League Task Force, so I'm going in blind! Will probably roll a Demon Hunter since I've always preferred ranged fighters in my games.

I'm downloading the installer now in preparation. I've never actually played a single Blizzard game with the exceptions of The Lost Vikings and Justice League Task Force, so I'm going in blind! Will probably roll a Demon Hunter since I've always preferred ranged fighters in my games.

Lost vikings was good, but JLTF was trash, probably the worst blizzard game. I think you'll be pretty surprised with D3 if your expectations are that low :)


As someone who grew up as a casual player of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat but was primarily into platformers and RPGs, even I could see that JLTF was junk. But the

was maddeningly catchy for being so simple (probably cause of dat bass)

Nuts, why don't you create a thread titled something like "OCR D3 Name thread" and just have everyone PM you or something, and then you can go in and edit the first post and make a list of all the name - would be darn convenient for everyone who will be playing. Just a thought :)

Nuts, why don't you create a thread titled something like "OCR D3 Name thread" and just have everyone PM you or something, and then you can go in and edit the first post and make a list of all the name - would be darn convenient for everyone who will be playing. Just a thought :)

Tried it and it just got combined with this thread. :-o

Nuts, why don't you create a thread titled something like "OCR D3 Name thread" and just have everyone PM you or something, and then you can go in and edit the first post and make a list of all the name - would be darn convenient for everyone who will be playing. Just a thought :)

Would be useful if Bren (The OP of this thread) was around to modify the first post with the contact info from us. Oh well, in the meantime I'll keep an eye on this thread and see if anyone shares their battletags.

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