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Brevik accused them of not reacting quickly, which I thought was a bullshit thing to say when I can almost guarantee everyone on the D3 team has been working 80 hour weeks since release (and probably before).

Working 80 hour weeks, or being at work for 80 hours a week? :<


User Kost at MMORPG.com sums up my feelings on the matter nicely:

Brevik's comments were in no way disrespectful and absolutely did not warrant the childish backlash he received from Jay and Jill. If you read between the lines it's quite obvious he is actually holding back in an effort to remain respectful and professional.

To which, the lead designer for one of the most well known and cherished franchises they own, responds with what amounts to little more than juvenile name-calling on the playground during recess. That response is then followed up by support from a second Blizzard employee who takes it a step further and makes a comment aimed at Incgamers, who really were no more than the messenger here.

All because someone they should, frankly, be grateful to chose to express that he might have done things differently were he still with the company. Unbelievable.


Yeah I read Brevik's Interview and all he said was give his honest opinion about the game, and you know what, most of what he said rings true with everyone who has played D3. he wasn't disrespectful at all, all he said was that if he was in charge of this game as he was of d1 and d2, he would've made things a different way. As the father of this franchise I think he has the right to voice his opinion about it more than anyone else.

Anyhoo, I haven't been able to play the game yet as I've been busy D: hopefully I'll be able to log in tonight at least

Yeah I read Brevik's Interview and all he said was give his honest opinion about the game, and you know what, most of what he said rings true with everyone who has played D3. he wasn't disrespectful at all, all he said was that if he was in charge of this game as he was of d1 and d2, he would've made things a different way. As the father of this franchise I think he has the right to voice his opinion about it more than anyone else.

Anyhoo, I haven't been able to play the game yet as I've been busy D: hopefully I'll be able to log in tonight at least

Yeah, I gotta say, it's well-worth it. I rolled several 2 handers with 1000+ damage and ilvl 61-62 1handers with 700-800 damage, which was unthinkable or impossible in pre-1.0.4. Not to mention the 2handers had actually good affixes. The changes allowed me to swap in a new skill on my Monk (Seven-Sided Strike) and I might do more changes later as my gear shifts around. The Paragon system also makes things a lot more addicting (I hit paragon level 1, woo!) while the AH is now much nicer to use. Blizz did an excellent job with this patch.

Lastly the drop changes were pretty apparent as I was getting more blues/yellows off trash for sure.


While this patch is very impressive, in my opinion it does not fix the core problem with the game -- gold is the endgame.

I will never have a good enough droprate that finding as much gold as fast as possible is not the optimal solution. Until that happens, I won't be as passionate about D3 as I am other games in the genre (including D2 and Torchlight).

That aside though, the patch is quite good and I'm sure I'll be back to D3 periodically, in between games of League...

While this patch is very impressive, in my opinion it does not fix the core problem with the game -- gold is the endgame.

I will never have a good enough droprate that finding as much gold as fast as possible is not the optimal solution. Until that happens, I won't be as passionate about D3 as I am other games in the genre (including D2 and Torchlight).

That aside though, the patch is quite good and I'm sure I'll be back to D3 periodically, in between games of League...

Yeah, this is yet again another problem that stems from the main problem in this game: the AH. But we'll see how it works after a few paragon levels + NV stacks, maybe it will feel like an item farm again. The gold farm = end game is actually my main problem with this game (which doesn't seem to have an easy fix in sight), but I'm still willing to give it a chance after this patch.


Actually, I legitimately think the droprate is good enough that you can find some amazing items for yourself. Gold might still be the best way to get some very specific kinds of items, but I found like 3-4 weapons in a single Act 3 run that would have been... I don't know, 1 in every 50 Act 3 runs pre-1.0.4. I found a socketed 830 damage 1h with crit damage, int, vit, as well as multiple 750+ dmg 1handers and 900-1000+ dmg bows/2handers. It's nuts!

Posted (edited)

Got my first paragon level, it was fun. I switched my barb spec to a ww/run like the wind spec then I did a complete act 1 run and also part of act 2. Got no good drops at all, not even for putting up in the AH or upgrading my gear but the incentive of the paragon level made me keep playing.

I tried the fury spenders now that they buffed them but as I said, the buffs just aren't enough to justify using them. I've yet to try my wizard and check the buffs to meteor and other stuff.

My friends list was still empty for the most part but I did notice some people logging in briefly. I'll keep playing for some time, see if I can finally get some good drops etc.

EDIT: Also, was it just me or are mythic potions dropping like mad now? I got like 50 pots in this run o_0

Edited by Sir_NutS
Got my first paragon level, it was fun. I switched my barb spec to a ww/run like the wind spec then I did a complete act 1 run and also part of act 2. Got no good drops at all, not even for putting up in the AH or upgrading my gear but the incentive of the paragon level made me keep playing.

I tried the fury spenders now that they buffed them but as I said, the buffs just aren't enough to justify using them. I've yet to try my wizard and check the buffs to meteor and other stuff.

My friends list was still empty for the most part but I did notice some people logging in briefly. I'll keep playing for some time, see if I can finally get some good drops etc.

EDIT: Also, was it just me or are mythic potions dropping like mad now? I got like 50 pots in this run o_0

Oh man, I'm almost tempted to play again. Even if the story makes me cringe - guess I can just skip all the story sequences.

Is group play any better, or is it just the drop-rate that's better?

Oh man, I'm almost tempted to play again. Even if the story makes me cringe - guess I can just skip all the story sequences.

Is group play any better, or is it just the drop-rate that's better?

I haven't tried group play yet but I think it's better because the mobs only scale 75% per player instead of 115%, which was crazy. So it will actually be easier now with each player you have.

The new drop rates and item scaling are great. 800+ dps ilvl 62 weapons are quite common.

I haven't tried group play yet but I think it's better because the mobs only scale 75% per player instead of 115%, which was crazy. So it will actually be easier now with each player you have.

The new drop rates and item scaling are great. 800+ dps ilvl 62 weapons are quite common.

ooo goodie. Guess I'll install it again later today :<


Well, today it finally happened. I got an awesome legendary drop.

I haven't beaten diablo 3 inferno, nor I care too much about it. That would be nice of course, but the reason i play games like this is the joy of the item hunt. Today finally diablo felt rewarding at last. The paragon levels, Inferno being hard but not quite as frustrating as before, and the decent item hunt. I think we're getting to something good now. We're not quite yet there, but we're on the right path.

Thanks to Zircon for carrying me through most of that run and watching me nerd out about pixels on the screen.


So patch 1.0.4 is out? I quit this game a while ago because there was just no item hunt, only boring gold farming. If the drop rates are decent where I don't have to spend days worth of my time to find a single nice item I can use, and if them legendaries are actually good now, I might pick this up again!

Then again... GW2 comes out tomorrow night so, first off, I must make my way over to the other thread right now :) But still, legendaries actually being legendary and not having lame random stats where 99% of them are worthless, I am very happy about some of these new changes in D3.... hope more good news will keep coming... also pvp, where i can enter a game and hostile a player would also be nice


well I can't believe it but, I got another legendary drop today, and guess what? it's ALSO great:


Well I guess they did fix the incredibly crappy legendary drops. Also, I'm now farming act 2 with my barb, dual wield barb nonetheless. What I'm the most happy about is that I've got some rare drops that were actually an upgrade for my barb and have allowed me to progress. You know, like how a diablo game should work.

I still have bought some items from the AH, but at least it's not entirely a gold grind now. There's hope of finding a good item if you farm for hours, it's getting better.


Haven't found any legendaries yet but I've found some pretty outstanding 800+ dps weapons, and some good helmets too. I think this is a big improvement for the game. However, I'm also excited that Jay Wilson noted the remaining problems/areas of improvement, and said that we can expect more stuff with future patches - for example, more difficulty (or ways to tailor difficulty), addressing the auction house vs. finding your own items, more content/randomly-generated stuff, build diversity, etc.

Posted (edited)
Haven't found any legendaries yet but I've found some pretty outstanding 800+ dps weapons, and some good helmets too. I think this is a big improvement for the game. However, I'm also excited that Jay Wilson noted the remaining problems/areas of improvement, and said that we can expect more stuff with future patches - for example, more difficulty (or ways to tailor difficulty), addressing the auction house vs. finding your own items, more content/randomly-generated stuff, build diversity, etc.

Yeah at least they are aware of how the AH affects so much about the game in very negative ways. Right now I would like to see the underused abilities get buffed a little more, as I said the initial buffs just weren't enough. Right now I'm running a WW barb which isn't what I want to build my barb like... but at least I don't have to use a stupid shield and I can DW and be fine. If the other abilities get buffed a little more I might be able to finally build my barb the way I want, it's very close now.

If they do that I think I will be farming D3 for quite a while. The paragon levels + less reliance on the AH is a good start.

Also, they could start with the blacksmith, it's still pretty worthless.

Edited by Sir_NutS

Holy crap. Tonight I did an A1 run with Syllix when this baby dropped for me:



It was a perfect roll for my barb. That has the exact right stats for an offhand (lifesteal, crit dmg, socket, ias) and in huge amounts! and very good dps to boot!

I was about to start saving up for a decent offhand to upgrade my 600 dps one, I needed to save at least 6 or 7 M to find a decent upgrade and it wouldn't have been nearly as great as this one.

So yes, one can definitely farm our own gear now. I have been playing every day now and if feels good to farm for gear and for the paragon levels!

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