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Ugg...I can't even go over to the Castlevania Dungeon anymore, for free of being overloaded with mass amounts of stupid whining.

I honestly can't wait until Judgement bombs, because when it does...you can bet your sweet arse I will be doing a review of it with a style ala Yahtzee.


ok im gonna have to disagree with you on that

there is a decent possibility that itll do well i think

sure to the hardcore cv fan its balls but to many people who enjoy the series but dont get too into it it may seem like a cool idea

also it has the castlevania name on it which will bring attention to it amoung the hundreds of awful wii games

and thats the thing too its a wii game

it can still be really bad and be better than 90% of other wii games because they are REALLY bad so to wii owners it may very well seem like a good buy

also i enjoy when games get a ridiculous amount of hate before they are out i look forward to trying them and hopefully liking them


So they made this a fighting game because they said whipping the wiimote like a whip for an hour+ of gameplay would be to tiring.

They could have just you know... not used the wiimote waggle?


Blech, I think I'm gonna hurl! That art style sickens me! Anime Super Saturation Funtimes!!!

And Alucard looks like a grey-haired chick. Not only that, but the fighting looks like Soul Calibur:Anime Edition, and they even ripped off SC's tagline!

How disgustingly disappointing! Sindra, if you're the type of person who revels in a good gloat, now's your chance!


I just saw some footage, and man is this dissapointing. The camera is awfull, and the people playing it, had NO idea what they were doing.

Though all in all, the graphics looked pretty good.

Sindra, if you're the type of person who revels in a good gloat, now's your chance!

Oh, you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to reviewing the game once it comes out, and totally thrashing it ala: Yahtzee. I've actually started writing down witty notes to use, just based on what gameplay I saw.

Here's said gameplay (with some Ecclesia too) that I wrote about.


I'm still flabbergasted that, even after seeing just how much of a rip-off of Soul Calibur the gameplay is and what crappy angles and character designs there are, people at the Castlevania forums are still all excited for it and are actually saying they'd rather get Judgement than Ecclesia. Lesser of two evils here people....get your priorities straight.


Apparently there's only going to be like 14 characters, according to iga.

That's crap. If it's not going to be a deep fighting game there should at least be a ton of characters to offset that.

Also iga is such a douche. He calls it a "3D action versus game" or something like that. What, he thinks he's inventing a genre?

I want to just slap him upside the head, knocking his pretentious hat to the floor.

I'll still probably pick it Judgement from the bargain bin.



It's really sad to actually read about how this game came together. Konami not giving the producer a budget, Wii third-party games not selling enough, the producer stalking the Konami booth donned in Castlevania attire...it's sad to see the producer, who is clearly passionate about his franchise, forced to do something like this. I did find his thoughts on Mega Man 9 quite interesting, however. I'm pretty sure that he'll follow suite with a 2D retro Castlevania title.

This reminds me of how Mr. Inafune can't do a third Mega Man Legends because of Capcom not giving him the budget.



Seriously, that would get me to go buy it and play it any day - just so I can take out Dracula with Sypha using a wiimote and nunchuck, lol. *does stupid motion to shoot fire*


It's really sad to actually read about how this game came together. Konami not giving the producer a budget, Wii third-party games not selling enough, the producer stalking the Konami booth donned in Castlevania attire...it's sad to see the producer, who is clearly passionate about his franchise, forced to do something like this. I did find his thoughts on Mega Man 9 quite interesting, however. I'm pretty sure that he'll follow suite with a 2D retro Castlevania title.

Hmm...that's an interesting read, but I feel the need to take it with a grain of salt.


Upon musing over this for a couple of hours, there's a few thoughts I've come to. Brace for ranting.

This Castlevania game is a perfect example of wasted potential. Here, we have IGA wanting to make a 3-D castlevania game--and with the Wii, it could provide an amazing ability to immerse the player. A series with a sense of gothic mystique and dark elegance, a loyal fan-base, and a vast history of which to pull any number of idea's--and we get a fighting game using the same rehashed control set-up that so many company's are doing with the Wii.

Is the motion remote even used for this? At all? Is it entirely possible to skip that part of the controller entirely and just use the control stick? A fighting game on the Wii has to be exceptional, to use every available function and technology inherent in the system. Such a game would have an amazing level of depth, where even the merest flick of the wrist can pull off an entirely different move altogether.

But no. We get a game that the director is apparently not very enthused about, as a second or even third idea to the concept he had in his head simply because he was not given a good budget. The sales of this game (or rather, lack thereof) may even put the nail in the coffin to any possible future Castlevania game for the Wii.

The surface hasn't even been SCRATCHED for such systems as the Wii and the DS, with a unique player-to-system interface that encourages new idea's and game construction, and inventiveness on behalf of both the player and the developer. Even for the PS3, with its tilt-axis controllers and powerful CPU, could make some truly amazing pieces of game and art.

TL;DR, It's really frustrating to have inventive system interfaces that hardly gets used to their full potential.


So Iga didn't want to go with a Castlevania Wii game, but the Execs at Konami basically forced him to?

That would give him a bit more credit in my eyes. Not much, but a little.

  • 2 months later...

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