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OCR @ Otakon 2008 (Baltimore, MD) - Thanks for coming!

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Kizyr, what county/state are you coming from anyway? We might be able to carpool.

Arlington, VA.

To be real specific, I'll be coming up from the Crystal City area, through Rosslyn and along the GW Parkway. I can pretty much pick anyone up along the way. KF

Arlington, VA.

That was all I needed to know, I'm in southern MD so nevermind... If anyone between Calvert County and Baltimore needs a ride, PM me soon (today) so we can work something out.


Aw, I was added to the first post. I feel better now.

As an aside, if anyone is a fan of the Lunar series, check the errata sheet in case we managed to get our Lunar panel in. (It won't overlap the OCR panel if it's there.) We sort of missed the deadline for panels and got waitlisted. But on the chance that we're in, it should be pretty good--it's gone really well the last two years we had it.

Hope to see some of y'all there!

See you losers at the con. Buy my art in the art show!

Do you sign it as Sindra or anything else identifiable? KF


Okay since everyone's asking:

1) If you're coming by Light Rail get off at the Timonium stop and call me. I can pick you up or you could walk, it's about 3/4 mile although it's not really pedestrian friendly.

2) If you're coming by car, make your way to I-83 and get off on Timonium Road East. It's exit 16 or 18 or 21 or something like that, the first one north of the Beltway (695). Go through three lights and then make the first right after the citgo station. My address is below.

3) Friday's starts around 8pm and runs until whenever it breaks up. Light Rail stops around midnight on Fridays so if you need that to get back, you should probably get to the station by 11. I'm not entirely sure on the train times since I haven't used them in years, so check the schedules.

4) Sunday's starts at 11am and will run all afternoon. I can't be ferrying people back and forth during the event but I should have a friend who can help with that, basically between 12-3 I'll probably send someone else to the station. Noob will be signing autographs at 1:15 and there will be a photo session afterwards.

5) Bring $5 for each event if not drinking, $7 if you are.

6) Come hungry. I'm doing the shopping this evening and will be buying a lot of food. Please don't bring food, I'll have plenty.

Phone: 410-561-8336x5 (home) - Call this if it's during the day Friday or Saturday. Please hang up and call my cell if there's no answer within 5 rings.

410-905-0165 (cell) - If no answer at home, or during either event. If I don't already have it (and if you have to ask, I probably don't) PM me your numbers so I know who's calling me.


35 Edgemoor Road

Timonium, MD 21093

there probably won't be cake at this point


I'm here at Otakon, well, presently in the hotel room at the Hilton. Let me tell you, this is quite awesome. We are no more than 3 blocks from the BCC. Other than the slight rain shower (read: half hour long pour), things went well.

The pre-registration was awesome, in and out in under an hour, and the line was wrapped around the building just about rounding a third corner. Not bad. I can't wait for tomorrow, there's a showing of the Live Action Death Note at 6:00pm in the HD Theater. So I'm looking forward to that. It's just going to be awesome, and then I can't wait for saturday for the OCR Panel.

See you guys there. Oh, I was also wondering if there'd be any meet up besides Xerol's BBQ. If not, no biggie. Just wanted to know.

Will anybody be bringing a video camera to the panel? Usually Kroze or Jiggles McPuff tapes it, but I haven't heard from them.

(Andy and I will be arriving sometime tomorrow afternoon. See you guys soon!)

I'm pretty sure Kroze mentioned to me that he was going to be taping when I met him at Connecticon (which OCR should attend and do a panel there sometime). It was a long weekend though, so don't quote me on that.


I'm so psyched for tomorrow! :< I hope to arrive before Friday registration closes at 10.

I'm also sad to report that I'll probably be abandoning my cosplay aspirations--for now. I'll be bringing all the materials just in case, but by myself I just don't have the time and/or energy to pull it off right right now...

I will have a smaller-scale surprise for Saturday though...

I'm so psyched for tomorrow! :< I hope to arrive before Friday registration closes at 10.

I'm also sad to report that I'll probably be abandoning my cosplay aspirations--for now. I'll be bringing all the materials just in case, but by myself I just don't have the time and/or energy to pull it off right right now...

I will have a smaller-scale surprise for Saturday though...

Registration CLOSE? Ha ha ha! Last I saw, the line was still around the building just before noon.

Registration CLOSE? Ha ha ha! Last I saw, the line was still around the building just before noon.

Two hours and forty-five minutes.

I got in line about... 11:45 I think (normal reg). I finally got my badge at about 2:30.

I'd say more but I'm a bit exhausted right now. Looking forward to tomorrow! KF


that rick roll was epic... 15 people singing I think...

But yeah, the panel was awesome. Remember, when in doubt of whether your ReMix will pass the Judges panel, "Needs more cowbell," will always prevail.


I sang while I was walking the other way, just for the record. Couldn't resist.

And yes, the panel was a blast and went very well. Wish I could've hung around a bit more to talk to everyone. But you know how rabid those Phoenix Wright fans can get. :P

Great fun, a shame I couldn't make it to the BBQ today, but probably next year. Thanks for a great time!

EDIT: Also, are we gonna see the Otakon 2008 medley video on here? 'Cause that was pretty cool.


My first Otakon was awesome, and the OCReMix panel was easily the highpoint of my entire weekend. The medley video was very well produced (Nice Work, Jose!) and the Dire Dire Docks remix game was clever (any chance that the "OtaMix" will be posted on the forums?) The two friends that I dragged along to the panel had actually never heard of OCR, but they became quick converts thanks to the Legend of the Mystical Ninja and Okami remixes in the video.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I was the guy who had to sing "Hillbilly Rodeo" for the trivia contest. I degregated myself for the VotL cd/cd-rom set, which I already downloaded for free anyway. How's that for devotion? ;)

Registration CLOSE? Ha ha ha! Last I saw, the line was still around the building just before noon.
After killing myself to get there by 9:50 at night, I made it through both the registration and wristband lines in about 10 minutes. :razz:

Anyway, as someone whose only other convention was MAGFest, it was great fun and so many weird & unique experiences. Highlights include:

-Me crashing on DrumUltimA's loveseat--both nights...

-The panel--of course. The video intro and tutorial. Zircon's big... icons. :wink: And having Drum up there was the icing on the proverbial truthful cake.

-The Friday-night rave. Anime unts, dance circles of all types and the biggest game of duck-duck-goose I've ever seen.

-The Ghostbuster cosplayer Rick-Rolling a crowd in the dealers' room and still getting love for it

-The Phoenix Wright series cosplayers' mass photo-orgy after their mock-trial. Fan-on-fan love...

-Escariot and Dom's drum-and-keyboard dance medley this afternoon at Club Otaku.

-"OCR-Ball" at Xerol's BBQ (really guys, we need to make that a tradition) and just having time to shoot the breeze with all (or most) of you again.

In general, to quote the Shel Silverstein song, just Freakin' at the Freakers' Ball, you know what I'm saying? :< Thank you all for a great time!!


EDIT: Also, are we gonna see the Otakon 2008 medley video on here? 'Cause that was pretty cool.

Seriously, either DJP or Jose need to YouTube that.

My first Otakon was awesome, and the OCReMix panel was easily the highpoint of my entire weekend. The medley video was very well produced (Nice Work, Jose!) and the Dire Dire Docks remix game was clever (any chance that the "OtaMix" will be posted on the forums?) The two friends that I dragged along to the panel had actually never heard of OCR, but they became quick converts thanks to the Legend of the Mystical Ninja and Okami remixes in the video.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I was the guy who had to sing "Hillbilly Rodeo" for the trivia contest. I degregated myself for the VotL cd/cd-rom set, which I already downloaded for free anyway. How's that for devotion? ;)

Oh, that was you? Dude, you were awesome! I thought that was pretty much as close as one could get to imitating the song.

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